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Machines of destruction

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Just a spark of curiosity today wondering what my fellow brothers and sister in chaos favourite machine of death and destruction is.

I was mainly thinking of walkers but if you have a soft spot for a land raider or predator then by all means let us know but be sure to say why.


I have to say I have a huge soft spot for the decimator. Never used one in a game but aesthetically I think it looks amazing and really bad ass.


So what about you? Defiler? Brass scorpion? Or just a good old dred?

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The humble Dreadnought for me.


I like that it adds the horror of feeling buried alive to the basic concept of the Dread. It's also nice that their fellow brothers in arms are responsible for their condition and not the Chaos Gods. How many other CSM units can claim that?

Another reason are the FW models. A great range of designs for a single unit. Most look like walking symbols of their legions.


Oh, and the upcoming Helldrake looks sweet too.

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It's got to be the Chaos Dreadnought for me. I loved the fluff behind them, and the amazing conversions I've seen her on Bolter have cemented them in my mind as the superior models. Which is kind of silly, seeing as the majority of them use loyalist foundations...


But the thing that really made me treat them as my favourite was the addition of a Chaos Dreadnought to Dawn of War 2. Seeing it rampage into battle and hearing it roar, "DIE! AS I SHOULD HAVE DIED!" or, "It is dead! AND I STILL LIVE! AHAHAHAHAH!!" is just, effing, GLORIOUS.



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The land raider is a good choice. An intimidating slab of death. I love the art work in the 3rd edition codex...or was it the city of death rule book? Anyway it's of a chaos landraider accompanied by 3 csm gunning down fleeing guardsmen.


I'm still having to go for the decimator. I'd love to one day have two of these in a force. I know a lot of folk have love for the dual butcher cannon.


I'm looking forward to seeing the maul fiend and Forge fiend fluff. Although I really truly dislike the models if the fluff and rules are a good new edition then there's always the work bench.

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