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£30 codex

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Considering the price we're being charged for that book here in Canada and down in Australia, I'd gladly pay £30 if I had the possibility : the listed price, considering exchange rates, amounts to £45...


And ordering online is not necessarily an option (Canadian customs always charge me taxes on import books; thankfully, they do not when I order figs)

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I do feel for those who don't have the money to spend. I thought it was all insanely expensive ten years ago or so when I started getting in to the hobby and even then I had the money to spare. But these days I just don't think I would have started if I wasn't already hooked.
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pre orders are up... and damn are these things expensive.


I mean, us$50 for the codex? $20 for the single plastic power armored aspiring champion? $66 for a daemon engine that, stat wise, is basically an up-gunned dreadnought? I shudder to think how much these cost in Austrialian munny orbs.


I mean... ugh. just ugh. I'll get the codex. eventually. But much as I may like some of the new models, GW has finally actually priced me out of being able to justify new models from them. At least starter box cultists and chosen are still going for not-unreasonable amounts on ebay.

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I'm going to do what I always do. Wait for my obssessive-compulsive mentor to get the codex then borrow it for a day and decide whether or not I really want to pursue this army.


I hope I do. I want those Raptors so I can use the Warp Talon claws for lightning-claw Chosen.


...still furious about Finecast Havocs though. Where the hell am I supposed to find suitably Khornate autocannons on the cheap now? There's only so much converting I can do to those wretched IG ones...


Back on-topic though. Using the Blood Gorgons cover for the codex cover is -ing LAZY. I really hope that laziness doesn't carry over to the ruleset. I want proper, VICIOUS close-combat Raptors and KHORNE DAMMIT I WANT STORM SHIELDS AND THUNDER HAMMERS (AXES)





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I shudder to think how much these cost in Austrialian munny orbs.


C:CSM $83, Champion $24, Daemon engines $90, Warpsmith $39... and our dollar is stronger... ebay here we come ;)


Yeah, having to fork out $83 just for the ability to play our army really isn't a lot of fun for us Aussies :tu:

And $72 for 5 old havocs or $83 for three (terrible looking) oblits is ridiculous. eBay stores will indeed be getting a lot of business.

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Hey don't forget us poor new zealanders we have to pay $98 for the codex with mostly everything else roughly around that price as well, I will get it as I am addicted to chaos marines so no matter how hard I try to not get it I will get it but will bankrupt me, curse you GW
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Nothing beats the feel of a good book in your hands, but I will admit that the pricing is a bit steep. It's only about, what, 10 bucks more for the huge hardcover rulebook we all just bought. Seems a bit disproportionate but it's not gonna stop me. I'm looking forward to it, and have been for too long not to get one. But yeah I feel the pain in the wallet already...



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What's this icon on my desktop? BitTorrent? I wonder what it does...


I hear it can make grown men cry and readjustment commercial pricing policy. Also free stuff.

I'll buy the book myself but I would not get into this hobby thesedays too expensive. I remember $10 bits orders and $15 land raiders. Damn I'm old /cry.

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The fantasy ones are 45.50 US dollars. This one being 50 US dollars is not to big of a leap. Expect I remember before I quit this hobby nearing 7 years now. I used to pick up army books for tournament entry fees, when they would be like 30 US dollars. I am not to thrilled with the new price. Seems since I came back and bought a full Tomb King army over a 6 month period. The new army releases, all have things jump by a dollar or two. So I would not be surprised to say by the 3rd or 4th 40k 6th ed book, it will be 52.50 US dollars.
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After looking at the pre-orders this morning I think I've reached the point where I've been officially priced out. In most of the previous editions I'd buy each codex as they came out or went on sale. If they're all going to be that expensive, as much as I'd love the new full color/expanded fluff, I just can't justify it anymore. The models have at least doubled since I started and I thought it was expensive then. I'll probably just finish off my Word Bearer's and sell off all my extra cult armies, the new DA is the only model in the new release that I'm remotely excited about.
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