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Painting Blood Angels


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I just started 40k, mostly for the painting part and maybe later to play a little... I already painted 2 of the assault on black reach figs:


both undercoated Black, then base of Mephiston Red, and then:


1st one: simple all over wash of Carroburg Crimson. Pretty dark

2nd one: only applying the wash in the recesses, and then a very fine highlights on most "corner" with Evil Sunz Scarlet. Pretty nice, highlights working very well without "clashing" with Mephiston Red.


Now, I saw some guides and checked what GW advised and it seems most are applying sort of a near all Evil Sunz Scarlet and highlighting with Wild Rider.

I want to try but first I wanted to get some opinions about it: Wouldn't it make the fig very orange like? Or do you think mephiston red is enough for BA?


Just as a side note, the other part of my army will be flesh tearers and globally i'ld prefer a rather darkish look:)


thks for the advises


PS: no pic as I cannot take a good pic, yet (it's a pain to take a pic of a fig...:P)

PPS: Yes, I did paint bolter etcetc different color, my only trouble is with the red:p






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It depends how dark you want the model, older blood angels were mainly blood red so quite bright.

I've been working on one myself recently, and used mephiston red as the main coat, then highlighted with evil sunz scarlet and shaded with carrosburg crimson, which is the look you described, and fits in with the darker outlook.




these are more of the second type you described with evil sunz as the main coat, which are a lot brighter in real life.




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