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Limited Edition Chaos Codex


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Damn... good move ,Games Workshop.


I have only hatred, but nevertheless, admiration for a worthy enemy's move.


1000 copies of the Limited Editions


Price of Limited Edition Codex: $83


Price of Normal Codex: $50


Difference: $33


Difference in costs of production: Marginal


No doubt, Games Workshop has found at least 1000 dumb-arses to buy those, so that comes out to:


$33,000 in expanded profit.

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Hahahahaha, :Troops:: you Games Workshop.


Lol, yes. Very unimpressive, I agree. I for one thought that the non-LT version with colours looks better. IMO when you almost must pay double price it should have something more than bloodsplatters on a grey background. After all, the colour background looks very, very good!

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Is anyone else starting to get annoyed with the constant jack up in prices? I like this hobby, but man the money is starting to get tight with it.



That's what us Aussies...and Kiwi friends have been saying for quite some time now. Besides I just went and shelled out $70 for the LE white scar novella (which I think word wise is smaller than a novel by 20k words) and it had better be awesome!


Edit $138.00 for Aussies....sold out! Wargaming will never be affordable again

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I'm kinda torn myself, although I eventually said no.

I absolutely love 40k and everything that goes with it, and I love collectors pieces for things I enjoy (Video games for example). But I'm just left shaking my head with this due to the price and lack of any real note worthy perks (Extra pages of artwork would've had me sold).

It's better quality which is very nice, but doesn't justify the price. But I think the big selling point is simply the fact 1000 were made.


My brother on the other hand has ordered it, which means I can at the very least see what I "missed" out on. :cuss . However he said if he wasn't impressed he had every intention of putting it up on ebay and most likely making a profit.

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Pay more money for the same book with a grey scale cover and a bookmark? Yeah. No. It didn't say the pages were higher quality or anything. I think I'll pass. The regular book's already so expensive that I won't be able to afford it on release, anyway.
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I picked up a limited edition one earlier. It is overpriced for what it is but if I decide it's not worth it I'm sure I'll easily shift it on


That's the exact attitude my bro has with it. The book sold very quickly considering what it actually is, meaning you will definitely get some profit as well if you decide to sell it.

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I honestly thought it was a joke when I read about it.

There's nothing special about it that I as a long-time Chaos player would want. :)

Then you were not a part of the consumer demographics for it. But apparently, a thousand other ones were...

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Now if the thing came with pop-out pictures, a deluxe model that was sold only with the collector's edition, say the Blood Gorgon from the front cover, and a cookie, it might suddenly be worth US$83. Of course, "might be" is about as a big of a word as "if".
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Now if the thing came with pop-out pictures, a deluxe model that was sold only with the collector's edition, say the Blood Gorgon from the front cover, and a cookie, it might suddenly be worth US$83. Of course, "might be" is about as a big of a word as "if".


Pop-out Chaos Codex? Inspired! Though the Slaaneshi portions of the codex might be problematic...

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Now if the thing came with pop-out pictures, a deluxe model that was sold only with the collector's edition, say the Blood Gorgon from the front cover, and a cookie, it might suddenly be worth US$83. Of course, "might be" is about as a big of a word as "if".


Pop-out Chaos Codex? Inspired! Though the Slaaneshi portions of the codex might be problematic...


If I didn't want one before, I certainly want one now! :)

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I honestly thought it was a joke when I read about it.

There's nothing special about it that I as a long-time Chaos player would want. :)

Then you were not a part of the consumer demographics for it. But apparently, a thousand other ones were...

There will always be people out there who likes shiny things. Tis' true that I do prefer substance and quality over that. :P
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I honestly thought it was a joke when I read about it.

There's nothing special about it that I as a long-time Chaos player would want. :)

Then you were not a part of the consumer demographics for it. But apparently, a thousand other ones were...

There will always be people out there who likes shiny things. Tis' true that I do prefer substance and quality over that. :P



*Is a Slaanesh Worshipper. His entire faith is built around the love of shiny things.*

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Nah, Vitamin C and Penicillin exist for a reason.



If penicillin worked on Nurgle's Rot, I don't think the Imperium would fear it so much. And now I've got a mental image of an IG Hellhound spraying Neosporin on advancing Plague Marines....

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I just got the image of the annoying shouty man (as my Nan used to call him) from the cillet bang adverts being an Ultramarine spraying it on Nurgle forces shouting "Bang! and the Heresy is gone!"

Think the Tzeentch bits be dangerous as well, especially with all the flames.....

And just imagine if such a pop up book got used by a primary school teacher for reading time :)

Really lie the idea of a limited edition model for the limited edition codex, certainly doing one for the battleforces which most people can't afford, finecast would be a shame, perhaps the limited edition codexs should come with new metels? :P Would buy it then.

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