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To be fair, undivided Daemon Princes never made a ton of sense, background-wise. Gods elevate mortals, not the foggy concept of "Chaos" as a whole.


And yet we had multiple cannon undivided princes. Tell me, which power does Peturabo bend knee to? Which of the god's is Lorgar's favorite, above and beyond all the others? Which aspect of chaos does he hate and revile as its opposite?

Why's it a choice of the Primarch? They're puppets of the Gods just like everyone else, dancing for the Gods' amusement.


Maybe one of them doesn't hold dominance in Lorgar's soul. They're all fighting, whispering, tempting and threatening, but the daemon Primarchs are just too broken to be any one thing.


And as Lexington said, we don't actually know how they ascended. Maybe Perturabo made a secret deal with Khorne, he is very angry.

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So . . . to field a Death Guard army, with Plague Marine troops, I need to use a chaos lord or Typhus now? I can't just have a Nurgle marked DP or two?

How jejune.


That sucks oh well looks I will be taking both a lord and sorcerer instead of one of the new HQs, I wonder how typhus and his plague zombies are rulewise might finally use my old metal model of him which has been gathering dust for the last few years. (oh well if the new codex is not that great for Deathguard hopefully forgeworld release a deathguard book now that would be good)

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Considering that a nurgle marked daemon prince with wings, armor save, and a spell or two will probably run you 250+ pts in the new codex, it is unknown whether or not they will be worth it at all.

I have three of the bloody things, and I will be using them, come hell or high water (using daemon allies if need be). Might cut costs and not bother with power armor or sorcery. I am just unhappy that I have to ALSO include a lord, because apparently cult armies are all led by mortals. :D

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I have three of the bloody things, and I will be using them, come hell or high water (using daemon allies if need be). Might cut costs and not bother with power armor or sorcery. I am just unhappy that I have to ALSO include a lord, because apparently cult armies are all led by mortals. :D


Well of course. Didn't you get the memmo? :P


"Dear chaos lords everywhere,


We cults of chaos are no longer following those big daemonic guys that used to be one of us. We are now only following you.



cult marines"

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I have three of the bloody things, and I will be using them, come hell or high water (using daemon allies if need be). Might cut costs and not bother with power armor or sorcery. I am just unhappy that I have to ALSO include a lord, because apparently cult armies are all led by mortals. :lol:


Well of course. Didn't you get the memmo? :P


"Dear chaos lords everywhere,


We cults of chaos are no longer following those big daemonic guys that used to be one of us. We are now only following you.



cult marines"





Thanks for the laugh!

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In all honesty, fluff-wise it makes much more sence, the Princes also feel like their 2nd (?) codex that was actually good.

They are un-godly strong but need energy from the warp to hang around... like daemons, get it?


In the previous Codex, the costs and strengths did not represent at all what a Daemon Prince stood for, fluffwise, it was a better upgrade to get a Monster on the table, for cheap. Fielding 2 or even more was not uncommon (okay Chaos Lord, if you want to be a Prince, just sign here Mkay). What are we, Nids?


I feel this codex is much more a good represention of the fluff. Warbands are everywhere and only a good mortal from the Legions can unite them. A Daemon Prince shows up if the warp lets it be and is the ultimate version of what a Chaos Marine can become, you shouldn't see two on a regular basis.

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Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?

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Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?


The HQ section is actually rather crowded, with DP, sorcerer, techie, Apostle, lords and then specials.

I agree that a leutanant would have been nice inclusion though. But I dont think its there.


And only marked lords make a cult with the corresponding mark Troops unfortunatly. So if you are planning on, or are running, a cult army, you really must field one chaos lord or a special character (they as well unlock cults, while abbadon unlocks chosen).

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Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?


The HQ section is actually rather crowded, with DP, sorcerer, techie, Apostle, lords and then specials.

I agree that a leutanant would have been nice inclusion though. But I dont think its there.


And only marked lords make a cult with the corresponding mark Troops unfortunatly. So if you are planning on, or are running, a cult army, you really must field one chaos lord or a special character (they as well unlock cults, while abbadon unlocks chosen).


cool, for my WE i am totally fine with it. nice excuse to get lord zuphor from fw.

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Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?


The HQ section is actually rather crowded, with DP, sorcerer, techie, Apostle, lords and then specials.

I agree that a leutanant would have been nice inclusion though. But I dont think its there.


And only marked lords make a cult with the corresponding mark Troops unfortunatly. So if you are planning on, or are running, a cult army, you really must field one chaos lord or a special character (they as well unlock cults, while abbadon unlocks chosen).



I don't really think we need a Lieutenant anymore with the options we now have. I mean if you want one for your lord, just take one of the apostles and use counts as or a sorceror if you want him to be a psyker. I was just saying that when I use my prince the "lord" will be lieutentant fluffwise.


Edited because I put reply in the quote boxes.... ;)

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Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?


The HQ section is actually rather crowded, with DP, sorcerer, techie, Apostle, lords and then specials.

I agree that a leutanant would have been nice inclusion though. But I dont think its there.


And only marked lords make a cult with the corresponding mark Troops unfortunatly. So if you are planning on, or are running, a cult army, you really must field one chaos lord or a special character (they as well unlock cults, while abbadon unlocks chosen).


Feth! You sneaky Tanith shadow loving scoundrel! Twisting my post in such a way that I find myself wishing thats what I had actually said, since I agree word for word, Tzeentch curse you! :(



I don't really think we need a Lieutenant anymore with the options we now have. I mean if you want one for your lord, just take one of the apostles and use counts as or a sorceror if you want him to be a psyker. I was just saying that when I use my prince the "lord" will be lieutentant fluffwise.


Edited because I put reply in the quote boxes.... ;)



Yes but at the same time those Princes are oftentimes the leaders of certain warbands. I guess the Lord could actually be his "lieutentant". At least that's how I'll be playing it.


They are but often come with a bucketload of daemons and other allies again the need for a mortal lord is not techically wrong.

As you mention it very well, it makes more sence if they order a lieutentant to gather an army for him so he can lead it.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but the Aspring Champ with a mark can still make the Legion Elites Troops right? If given the propper mark?

Or are the HQ options we have now only DP, Lord, Sorcerer and Technoboy?


The HQ section is actually rather crowded, with DP, sorcerer, techie, Apostle, lords and then specials.

I agree that a leutanant would have been nice inclusion though. But I dont think its there.


And only marked lords make a cult with the corresponding mark Troops unfortunatly. So if you are planning on, or are running, a cult army, you really must field one chaos lord or a special character (they as well unlock cults, while abbadon unlocks chosen).


Feth! You sneaky Tanith shadow loving scoundrel! Twisting my post in such a way that I find myself wishing thats what I had actually said, since I agree word for word, Tzeentch curse you! :)



I don't really think we need a Lieutenant anymore with the options we now have. I mean if you want one for your lord, just take one of the apostles and use counts as or a sorceror if you want him to be a psyker. I was just saying that when I use my prince the "lord" will be lieutentant fluffwise.


Edited because I put reply in the quote boxes.... ;)


Ah, lol! I thought you were writing something good while at the same time pulling my leg, lol!

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So wait, no more mixed cult armies?


All I've read so far is that a marked Lord makes cult troops of their mark Troops; the rumor mill, so far as I'm aware, has said nothing about not subsequently getting to take differently marked cult units as Elites.

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So wait, no more mixed cult armies?


I suspect only one of the cults can be troops, but maybe you can take two lords with 2 different marks and therefore run 2 cults as troops. Not sure about that. We`lll find out eventually !


Something like the Daemons' Heralds would have been neat for Chaos Marine Lieutenants. As in: take two per HQ slot, give them access to the Armoury and the ability to take Marks to make Elites into Troops, but not the super cool boon list and extra bells and whistles full-on Lords get, so if you wanted a "Happy Chaos Family 2.0" you could do it, but your HQ options would suffer accordingly.

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I would have liked to see lords come in two and three wound varieties, with smith, sorcerer, and apostle as optional upgrade packages.


Ah well, I can live with the current arrangement, but then again I'm not playing one of those factions that really feels like they should be led by an apostle, sorcerer, or smith, and as such is somewhat pinched by the lack of three wound varieties of such.

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