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Anyone else notice the thunder hammer in the leaked weapons page?!? Wonder what that could mean....

Running theory is that it, along with the scourge, are dreadnought only options there as call outs to the old metal model.

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Regarding the heldrake, i may have a solution model wise.


The problem with the model is that bare for his head, the rets of the mini looks more like a bird of prey then a dragon.


So why not make him look more like a real dragon.


Those are bad paint-fu montage, but the general idea is there.






Personnaly, i think its way better, its a bit farther then the flying wing, or mutated and possesed Hellblade that Jes made, but i like it better this way.


With proper red and gold paint, and chains+ skulls and Khorne icons, it will be a Perfect Blood Dragon of Khorne!

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You know, I like this conversion idea, it would make him a Dragon indeed.


What I do have to mention is that the name defines it as a (Hell)drake.


Difference between a drake and a dragon (as per MtG/fantasy logic):


- Drake



- Dragon



Hope you see the difference here, it's in the seperate arms.

A Dragon actually has more defined arms, wings and legs as oppossed to the Drake who has hands growing out of his wings and legs.


Now this isn't MtG offcourse but it is a general difference between the draconic creatures fantasy style stories have used.

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Goes into full-neckbeard mode:

A winged dragon lacking in fore-arms is a wyvern. Don't believe everything put out by Wizards. They will have you believe that a cockatrice and a basilisk are different creatures. :lol:


Seriously, though, I think a rotten Nurgle Helldrake with some terrorgheist bits would be fantastic.

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Goes into full-neckbeard mode:

A winged dragon lacking in fore-arms is a wyvern. Don't believe everything put out by Wizards. They will have you believe that a cockatrice and a basilisk are different creatures. :P

True, but than again a Drake is a Wyvern / a Wyvern is a Drake in that aspect....


The only thing I wanted to say is that an armless dragon/ Helldrake is not technically a wrong looking Dragon :lol:

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I've done some thinking about it, and I might kit-bash a Valkyrie with a Storm Talon. Dark Gods of the Warp help me, I might do it tonight.


EDIT: speaking of the Heldrake, of course.

Please do it. Listen to the voices.

Then post pics.

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True, but than again a Drake is a Wyvern / a Wyvern is a Drake in that aspect....


The only thing I wanted to say is that an armless dragon/ Helldrake is not technically a wrong looking Dragon :)


Pretty sure GW uses the terms Dragon and Drake interchangeably in fantasy whereas they define the Wyvern (although a cousin) as something else altogether. I know its fantasy but its still the same company and they do apply alot of fantasy stuff to 40k.

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I've done some thinking about it, and I might kit-bash a Valkyrie with a Storm Talon. Dark Gods of the Warp help me, I might do it tonight.

EDIT: speaking of the Heldrake, of course.

Please do it. Listen to the voices.

Then post pics.

Did some mock-ups in Photoshop. Kit-bashing with a Valkyrie ends up with one of the same problems that the original model does, which is a large, uninteresting rear-end. Then I thought about the wings from a Storm Raven added to a Storm Talon to make it a Mega Storm Talon:


I think I like this. Which means I will have to bits order the Storm Raven wings, so it won't be completed tonight. But that's OK, because I have actual house chores I should be doing instead of hiding in my Dark Mechanicus Forge laboring over my mad designs. :lol:

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Having just finally picked up a copy of the wd, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this but the helldrake has 4 legs, two front facing, two barely visible at the back of the wings. I have to admit, seeing it in the wd, I'm more sold on the model, seeing in my mind how it would look in alpha legion colours, which is a shame as its a) too expensive and :) a bit crap (for its point cost) if its rules are accurate.
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Having just finally picked up a copy of the wd, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this but the helldrake has 4 legs, two front facing, two barely visible at the back of the wings. I have to admit, seeing it in the wd, I'm more sold on the model, seeing in my mind how it would look in alpha legion colours, which is a shame as its a) too expensive and :) a bit crap (for its point cost) if its rules are accurate.
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It's good to point it out hornywingythingy.

I also am a fan of the Heldrake, still think the Fiends are way to static, considering their size.

Not it all can be fixed with a bit of conversion work, the Hellbrutes here that are converted look fantastic to!

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Its currently distracting me at work (it doesn't take much) sitting in my desk drawer, on the back page of the wd, looking cool. Btw, as an aside, slightly off topic, the new wd is amazing! Much better quality photos and painting guides being back.....


Yeah, I'm not convinced, especially not by the forge fiend. Its quite telling that csm get trounced by white scars in the battle report, though matching Andrew Kendrick vs Adam troke was a tad harsh.....

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The new White Dwarf is actually pretty well done all around, but as soon as I saw the army that the chaos player fielded I figured he would lose. Putting all the marines in on giant 20 man squad seems like a bad idea to me. Also I like the idea of the fiend with 3 plasma cannons, but I will end with at least one getting hot every turn.
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The new White Dwarf is actually pretty well done all around, but as soon as I saw the army that the chaos player fielded I figured he would lose. Putting all the marines in on giant 20 man squad seems like a bad idea to me. Also I like the idea of the fiend with 3 plasma cannons, but I will end with at least one getting hot every turn.

Well, reading the Battle Report it seemed to me that a large part of the army composition was based on looking at specific aspects of the army; in this case one of them was hordes and a 20-man squad fits into that quite well.

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The new White Dwarf is actually pretty well done all around, but as soon as I saw the army that the chaos player fielded I figured he would lose. Putting all the marines in on giant 20 man squad seems like a bad idea to me. Also I like the idea of the fiend with 3 plasma cannons, but I will end with at least one getting hot every turn.


Consider the WD guys are forced to use the minis the studio painted; that limits the number of lists they can play.

Anyway it's clear he made some tactical mistakes. The equipement of the Chaos Lord it's a clear example.


For the records, if you suffer a "gets hot" you can still shoot with the two other weapons (unless I forgot about something). You will regain a hull point with a 5+ roll for It will not die and you can use a warpsmith to repair a hull point.

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The new White Dwarf is actually pretty well done all around, but as soon as I saw the army that the chaos player fielded I figured he would lose. Putting all the marines in on giant 20 man squad seems like a bad idea to me. Also I like the idea of the fiend with 3 plasma cannons, but I will end with at least one getting hot every turn.

Well, reading the Battle Report it seemed to me that a large part of the army composition was based on looking at specific aspects of the army; in this case one of them was hordes and a 20-man squad fits into that quite well.


But wasn`t it refreshing how well done the Battle report was in terms of how they explained what they actually did, and why they did it? Also, I find it immensly refreshing that the Chaos Player did not win by a massacre result. Earlier when WD show cased new armies they manipulated BRs (seemed like it anyway) untill the army with the recent releases won. No more it seems (thank the dark gods). The space marine army won partly in that BR because it was a real composed army, while the chaos player obliged to show readers some of the new units and rules, so took a list that was pretty much all over the place.


it was a good read. It felt like an actual magazine. If the next releases are going to equal it, it HAS become a real magazine at last. Honestly I have not read a WD worth the money since the 90s. This time it was worth the money, and it sincerly gives me some hope for the new WD.

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