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The fiend with three plasmas is 300 Edit: sorry, typo, 200 points. For the same cost, you could get a defiler, with a battle cannon & reaper instead of the plasma cannons, better melee abilities (iirc, more attacks, more strength), and an extra hull point, making it a good deal more durable. I think I might prefer to run that instead, though it would leave me looking elsewhere for anti-terminator firepower.


Also, Le Bouche, photo edic[/i] is pretty much exactly how I wanted the drake to look. I wonder how hard it would be to pull off, particularly since the arms seem built into the wings rather than separate pieces.

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Given how much our shooting capabilities will be improved, why (objectives aside) advance?

Just blow them all to hell! gallery_11038_675_1828.gif

Please elaborate! What do you think our best shooty units will be?

Well, a FF with 8 S8 Ap4 pinning shots would be a starter at least. Cheaper troops would mean we can take more of them, with their nice plasma goodness...

I'm personally thinking hard about if I should take extra cc weps on my marines or not. The way I'm currently using them they would need it, but maybe I should figure out a new useage for the bog-standard CSM troops...

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Ex, the only CSM I can think of who shouldn't get the extra CCWs are Havocs. For an Undivided Legion like ours, our CSM Troops pull double duty as base of fire and assault elements, so they realistically should be carrying both in order to maintain the versatility to accomplish both missions. We can make up for the extra points spent by padding the Troops selection out with cultists for use as meatshields or backfield objective holders (20x with autoguns, 2x heavy stubbers, and a shotgun is an appreciable amount of firepower, even at BS3).


Personally, I'm going back and adding bolters to the backpacks of my chainsword/pistol squad and holstered pistols and sheathed blades to my bolter-toting squad. Even if I'm forced to trim points on something for one reason or another, at least they'll be modelled properly for my occassional tournament play.

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I feel like slaaneshi troops might see an upswing in use due to the cost reduction and importance of initiative for challenges.

Yes definitly. And that's also true with our current codex.


That's even more true, if the rumors that Slaanesh icon gives FNP.

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I think we'll start to see a lot of chaos armies just playing for total annihilation rather than worrying at all about objectives.. at least with a few of what I would predict to be the "popular" army builds.


Predicted build 1: 5 fliers (2dp and 3 drakes) that just run in as fast as possible and wipe the map. I think troops would either be throw-aways or as awesome as possible to take up the remaining points, but this would not be an army for objectives. Just carnage.


Prediction 2: Warpsmith and engines. Again, this build would be mostly about just hammering the enemy from across the board with as many gun platforms as you can run. Assuming the warpsmith can also help out hellbrutes (restoring a hull point and removing crazed), they would be great here.


Prediction 3: Slaanesh armies. Assuming these are cost effective enough to be popular, it is extremely likely we'll see noise marines and sonic weapons just tearing things up like it's going out of style. Fielding elites as troops with a certain HQ could potentially mean half a dozen blastmasters on the board just pinning enemy units round after round.


I find it a little ironic because we were given several new mele units, and we are used to playing in mele a lot, but I really think that this codex will push our armies towards using ranged weapons. Not really because our troops are "better" at using ranged combat, but it'll synergize in a strange way. The best part of that (in my mind) is that mele was just nerfed a lot in the last ruleset, and if it actually comes down to a fistfight, our units can make a good stand. Also, our army will never end up like the Tau. Even if shooting does turn out to be a great way to go, we still have any number of mele squads to back up the big guns.

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It's looking like our fast attack choices are becoming a lot more viable, so I predict Need for Speed builds to be popular - raptors, bikes, mounted CSM squads, etc.


I know that's how my Night Lords will be run!

Amen! Hit'em fast, hit'em hard, and make them go running back to mommy to cry.

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It's looking like our fast attack choices are becoming a lot more viable, so I predict Need for Speed builds to be popular - raptors, bikes, mounted CSM squads, etc.


I know that's how my Night Lords will be run!

Amen! Hit'em fast, hit'em hard, and make them go running back to mommy to cry.



Just to find that mommy is already crucified and nailed to front door? See, I can do this Night Lord thing, too.

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I like the more overseen little tweaks I have seen this far, like the dirge caster and warpflame gargoyles, vehicles with soulblaze and vehicles who can stop overwatch. A landraider with terminators who can release its load and assult without the possibilty of being shot to bitz by those pesky enemies. Predators who have soulblaze on their a-cans and heavy bolters.


I haven´t seen the actual rulings on this weapons, but according to the vehicle armoury Dirge casters denies enemy units within 6" of the vehicle to fire overwatch.

Warpflame gargoyles gives all ranged weapons soulblaze.



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I like the more overseen little tweaks I have seen this far, like the dirge caster and warpflame gargoyles, vehicles with soulblaze and vehicles who can stop overwatch. A landraider with terminators who can release its load and assult without the possibilty of being shot to bitz by those pesky enemies. Predators who have soulblaze on their a-cans and heavy bolters.


I haven´t seen the actual rulings on this weapons, but according to the vehicle armoury Dirge casters denies enemy units within 6" of the vehicle to fire overwatch.

Warpflame gargoyles gives all ranged weapons soulblaze.




Unfortunately both of these are kind of bad. :D

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I like the more overseen little tweaks I have seen this far, like the dirge caster and warpflame gargoyles, vehicles with soulblaze and vehicles who can stop overwatch. A landraider with terminators who can release its load and assult without the possibilty of being shot to bitz by those pesky enemies. Predators who have soulblaze on their a-cans and heavy bolters.


I haven´t seen the actual rulings on this weapons, but according to the vehicle armoury Dirge casters denies enemy units within 6" of the vehicle to fire overwatch.

Warpflame gargoyles gives all ranged weapons soulblaze.




Unfortunately both of these are kind of bad. :D

Hardly, although it is dependant on points. At 10pts I'd certainly take a dirge caster, just to laugh when the Eldar and other Divinators start trying to do Overwatch shenanigans.

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They look functional, at least the daemonic ones, but I'm still somewhat skeptical of building a whole army around them due to the armor 12. There are just too many guns that are too effective at stripping hull points off of them, and they aren't exactly cheap. Well, the brute isn't that expensive, but neither does it have the daemonic save or regeneration rules.


If you go this route, I'd definitely recommend picking up some cheap CSM units in rhinos. Many players still prioritize transports over gun platforms, and a couple rhinos might distract some fire from the kinds of mid strength, high rate of fire guns that will likely prove most dangerous for our daemon engines.

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I'd probably say there's always a place for a Forgefiend with a couple of Ectoplasma cannons in it, just to give Paladins and Nobz something to think about. Some of the images so far have been of the Hades-Fiend with an Ecto-head, if usable that might turn out as a useful comprimise. Similarly a Flyer with a Flamestorm cannon is never a bad investment.


I'd probably agree with malisteen that you could go over-the-top with them, but I certainly plan to anyway. I like the models and I really like Walkers, always have done.

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