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New chaos and you


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I'll also restart a part of my World Eaters Warband/Legion/Angry Mob.


I've wanted to get the FW WE bits for about a year orso now. It just looks really good.

The only problem I have with them right now is that they also are so detailed they look a bit wierd with the normal GW CSM stuff, nontheless I'll mix some bits in.


To get:

1x Terminator Lord Zuphor, will most likely will be heavily converted but is a great start.

1x World Eater Terminator conversion set, great elite unit.

2x Chain Axes, if I'll use them or not (rulewise) I just want to have them on all the Zerks.

1x World Eater conversion set, this is the problem stuff, the details are fantastic but also look akward with the normal GW CSM stuff, will have to think about using them.

3x World Eater Rhino doors


I've still got enough Rhino and Bezerker boxes so this will be a nice 2013/2014 army plan.



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I must admit, after several years of having shelved my (various) Chaos forces, I've gone a little ga ga over the new codex too:


- Heldrake

- Dark Vengeance

- Forgefiend

- Raptors/Warp Talons

- Aspiring Champion

- Assorted boxed sets and bits and pieces for conversion (my Severed Angels have a very specific theme and recurrent symbols, mutations etc throughout. Lots of Dark Eldar Scourge and Talos boxed sets!)


I'm so looking forward to putting together an army that affords me genuine options again, and whose character can be reflected to some degree in how it functions on the tabletop.

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Heh, same. Although I have yet to buy actual new stuff. I went and bught a landraider and 2 defilers though.

Sounds like a great start allready! Now only 6 more days :)


I seriously can`t wait. There is a reason I have posted these leaked pages. I have trawled the internet for more than a week now in search of anything concrete, haha.

So far we are missing info on the armoury and chaos lords, which is annoying.


But yeah, I think my current army is more than good enough against most lists even though I will not have a heldrake, forge fiends and such initially. I have a bloodthirster and a flying tzentch daemon as well as havocs, so should be possible to deal with fliers. Should do initially.

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I can't believe that there is people complaining about the new chaos stuff and it not out till the 6th, its can of funny really as most people bitch about the fact chaos need new stuff and now there getting it these still bitch going that its doesn't look good and has anyone read october's white dwarf and seen the concept art and how the models look so much like them it is amazing


Personal I like what I've seen and can wait to add the heldrake/ warp talons and raptors to my night lords


I know most people will complain about this but its the truth

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I can't believe that there is people complaining about the new chaos stuff and it not out till the 6th, its can of funny really as most people bitch about the fact chaos need new stuff and now there getting it these still bitch going that its doesn't look good and has anyone read october's white dwarf and seen the concept art and how the models look so much like them it is amazing


Personal I like what I've seen and can wait to add the heldrake/ warp talons and raptors to my night lords


I know most people will complain about this but its the truth


Warp Talons and the new Raptor models are so superior to every other model in the game barring the fantastic new Chosen in my chaos friendly opinion.


I also agree that some people are focusing very narrowly on doom and gloom that is only theoretical doom and gloom since they have yet to actually test it. Some of the same people also seem to have problems with commenting on the obviously positive aspects of the new codex (example: Bikes and Veterans of the Long War). Particularly the "we are now the new tyranids and will suck more than everyone else" thread was a bit funny.

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I know and no one really talked about the icons and marks as the will give you special rule e.g mark of khrone give you counter attack and icon you can take is icon of wrath give you furies charge and rage which I think is cool if you look in the white dwarf you can see the rest you just need too look hard as the pic is small
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Main changes for me will be the immediate addition of a Heldrake, and a Forgefiend in the near future.


My priority is purely repainting the majority of my army - to ensure a higher standard across the board. There's nothing I need to "add" per se, so it will be making everything nice again!

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New CSM finally motivated me to start my own army and to come back to the gaming aspect of 40k.


Right now I have only DV content but I've already preordered a box of Warp Talons and a Warpsmith.


Out of other new models I'm probably going to buy a Fiend or two.

Aspiring Champion is kinda too expensive for a single plastic model that looks almost exactly like those Chosen from the Dark Vengeance set.

Sorcerer is kinda nice, so maybe, but only maybe.

I actually like the Helldrake but I can't see him in my warband, at least not now, there are other important units to buy and include.

The Dark Apostle is meh for my tastes. I'll convert one.

Mutilators are as ugly as Obliterators, I don't like models, I don't like their fluff. Won't buy them. Won't use them.


Old finecasted models are still old models. I won't comment on them.


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Even got a thread in WIP forum (link in my signature). I'm hoping to get some insight and advices.

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A way to do Mutilators would be to use Chaos Minautors, add weapons on their arms and shoulders, and count them as uber deamons(since Mutilators comes with DS and a 5++), or heavely mutated and cybernetized Ogryns.


Or even the next step to Possesd marines.


But yeah, really need to use other models, causse thoses are really ugly.

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I'll never understand why instead of making a plastic kit that made both oblits and mutilators they decided to make new finecast mutilators which look just as awful as the oblits. It was a perfect opportunity for a plastic kit imo.


Anyway w/r/t the new chaos and me: haven't ordered anything YET but I'll be getting a couple boxes of the new raptors (some to use as raptors/talons and some to kitbash because the heads and weapon arms on those sprues are gorgeous) and i'll definitey be getting one or more fiends at some point. The thing I'm most excited about, though, honestly, is the new sorcerer. He's literally everything I wanted from a new sorc mini and might just be my favourite chaos mini overall. Glad I decided to wait instead of kitbashing one.

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I'll never understand why instead of making a plastic kit that made both oblits and mutilators they decided to make new finecast mutilators which look just as awful as the oblits. It was a perfect opportunity for a plastic kit imo.

It's pretty clearly the intention. There's not much other reason for muts to exist in the first place otherwise. I think the dual kit just got delayed for whatever reason, and it was faster and easier to throw together a couple finecast mutilators so there'd be something ready to represent them on release - note that they went out of their way to make sure every unit in the codex had a model right from release (though some are only available in the starter box).


Mark my words, may be six months, maybe a year or two, but we'll see a plastic dual kit for these guys before too long, and all the people who bought these finecast ones will feel as silly as the people who bought the metal possessed models they released like only six months before the awesome plastic kit.

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I don't know if it's been discussed much, but a lot of the leaked pics show references to a wargear list. So, for example, the Warpsmith can get Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts. Isn't this harking back a bit to the older 4th edition codexes? The recent codices have been taking to big long descriptions of wargear, Necron and Dark Eldar in particular, but it's always been quite restrictively spelled out what a particular character can take.


Whether this is a new direction or not, I think it's a really cool development. The Warpsmith entry isn't huge, but there's no restriction on how many of these items he can pick up so at this point we've got no idea how much customisation he can take. I'm willing to bet that it's a fair amount, either way I like it.

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I don't know if it's been discussed much, but a lot of the leaked pics show references to a wargear list. So, for example, the Warpsmith can get Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts. Isn't this harking back a bit to the older 4th edition codexes? The recent codices have been taking to big long descriptions of wargear, Necron and Dark Eldar in particular, but it's always been quite restrictively spelled out what a particular character can take.


Whether this is a new direction or not, I think it's a really cool development. The Warpsmith entry isn't huge, but there's no restriction on how many of these items he can pick up so at this point we've got no idea how much customisation he can take. I'm willing to bet that it's a fair amount, either way I like it.


Oh, believe me, I have certainly noticed! The Warpsmith looks very good without upgrades, haha. I am salviating (alright, exageration there) thinking about the "Unknown" in the Armoury/Gifts/rewards section.

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I am totally stoked for the 6th. My one complaint, and one that I hope short lived, is the disparity in model sweetness between the DV chosen talons/raptors and the old CSM/havoks and what have you. The old stuff looks cartoonish next to the pwness of the new stuff.


That being said Ill be working hard to bring my slannesh army into being. My basic thought is to have a CL and sorc with MoS as HQ. The troops I am thinking 3 units of NM and some cultist body bags. I am not sure what to do with the other choices given the lack of info on the rest of the book. I can definatly see a hellbrute, forgefiend and some other stuff in there. Havoks with flak and a defense line also look appealing. ALready working on my cultists (DE wyches and kabolite warriors for a good MoS look).


With my sorc I am on the fence of keeping it a normal dude or going big and making him a DP. Both can be level 3 but the points are rather different. The sorc entry that we have is blurry as hell and we dont know if that 60 points comes at lvl 1 or not. I am assuming it is bare bones for 60 points or needs power armor upgrade or something weird like that.

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Personally, my one complaint at the moment is possessed. Also, I would like the Sons to be able to take spells from all the common lores, and not just tzeentch (though unlike some, I find it a decent lore).


I do hope that the possessed CC weapons counts as 2 CC and not 1. That would change a lot IMO.

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I really hope possessed get a discounted mark, that would offset their high price and make them a competitive choice for those elite slots.


I am super stoked for the raptors and warp talons. I feel like FA isnt going to be an afterthought again.

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I am totally stoked for the 6th. My one complaint, and one that I hope short lived, is the disparity in model sweetness between the DV chosen talons/raptors and the old CSM/havoks and what have you. The old stuff looks cartoonish next to the pwness of the new stuff.


That being said Ill be working hard to bring my slannesh army into being. My basic thought is to have a CL and sorc with MoS as HQ. The troops I am thinking 3 units of NM and some cultist body bags. I am not sure what to do with the other choices given the lack of info on the rest of the book. I can definatly see a hellbrute, forgefiend and some other stuff in there. Havoks with flak and a defense line also look appealing. ALready working on my cultists (DE wyches and kabolite warriors for a good MoS look).


With my sorc I am on the fence of keeping it a normal dude or going big and making him a DP. Both can be level 3 but the points are rather different. The sorc entry that we have is blurry as hell and we dont know if that 60 points comes at lvl 1 or not. I am assuming it is bare bones for 60 points or needs power armor upgrade or something weird like that.


Depending on just how significant the price difference is, I might be buying the raptor kit just to make basic csms.

Unless someone has heard they plan on redoing the csm box.

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Just made my 2k list with rumored unit costs. I'm thinking it's gonna be easy to get in 60-70 marines in 2k and still have some fun units as well. I'm thinking I'm gonna take some possessed and terminators in my army when I restart my Flawless Host.


Definitely building my "Slaaneshii Raptor Deathstar" TM

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I don't know if it's been discussed much, but a lot of the leaked pics show references to a wargear list. So, for example, the Warpsmith can get Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts. Isn't this harking back a bit to the older 4th edition codexes? The recent codices have been taking to big long descriptions of wargear, Necron and Dark Eldar in particular, but it's always been quite restrictively spelled out what a particular character can take.


Whether this is a new direction or not, I think it's a really cool development. The Warpsmith entry isn't huge, but there's no restriction on how many of these items he can pick up so at this point we've got no idea how much customisation he can take. I'm willing to bet that it's a fair amount, either way I like it.


Oh, believe me, I have certainly noticed! The Warpsmith looks very good without upgrades, haha. I am salviating (alright, exageration there) thinking about the "Unknown" in the Armoury/Gifts/rewards section.

Regarding the Warpsmith I just noticed that he's got Fleshmetal armour listed, so that might actually be an Artificer equivalent. Also, he has access to all the sections of the wargear that a Demon Prince does, and we've been told that Princes can have Daemon Weapons...


Not sure it's a great idea to equip a Warpsmith with a Daemon Weapon, but I love the potential to do so!

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