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I don't know if it's been discussed much, but a lot of the leaked pics show references to a wargear list. So, for example, the Warpsmith can get Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts. Isn't this harking back a bit to the older 4th edition codexes? The recent codices have been taking to big long descriptions of wargear, Necron and Dark Eldar in particular, but it's always been quite restrictively spelled out what a particular character can take.


Whether this is a new direction or not, I think it's a really cool development. The Warpsmith entry isn't huge, but there's no restriction on how many of these items he can pick up so at this point we've got no idea how much customisation he can take. I'm willing to bet that it's a fair amount, either way I like it.


Oh, believe me, I have certainly noticed! The Warpsmith looks very good without upgrades, haha. I am salviating (alright, exageration there) thinking about the "Unknown" in the Armoury/Gifts/rewards section.

Regarding the Warpsmith I just noticed that he's got Fleshmetal armour listed, so that might actually be an Artificer equivalent. Also, he has access to all the sections of the wargear that a Demon Prince does, and we've been told that Princes can have Daemon Weapons...


Not sure it's a great idea to equip a Warpsmith with a Daemon Weapon, but I love the potential to do so!


Hehe, yeah. A ranged D. Weapon could be awesome on him since he has BS 5 ^^

Hes not a useless in Melee either actually, with his many power axe attacks (though only 2 wounds means that you really dont want him to be there much)

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I am totally stoked for the 6th. My one complaint, and one that I hope short lived, is the disparity in model sweetness between the DV chosen talons/raptors and the old CSM/havoks and what have you. The old stuff looks cartoonish next to the pwness of the new stuff.


That being said Ill be working hard to bring my slannesh army into being. My basic thought is to have a CL and sorc with MoS as HQ. The troops I am thinking 3 units of NM and some cultist body bags. I am not sure what to do with the other choices given the lack of info on the rest of the book. I can definatly see a hellbrute, forgefiend and some other stuff in there. Havoks with flak and a defense line also look appealing. ALready working on my cultists (DE wyches and kabolite warriors for a good MoS look).


With my sorc I am on the fence of keeping it a normal dude or going big and making him a DP. Both can be level 3 but the points are rather different. The sorc entry that we have is blurry as hell and we dont know if that 60 points comes at lvl 1 or not. I am assuming it is bare bones for 60 points or needs power armor upgrade or something weird like that.


I hope you are reading :)





Bolt pistol, Force Weapon, Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades.


Special Rules: Independent Char. Champion of the Gods (must challenge etc.), Psyker mastery lv 1


Options: May choose between a hell of a lot in Armouries etc. +25 points per extra Mastery lv.

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