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New chaos and you


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Did anyone else notice that there are new terminators? I could be wrong, but the chaos terminators they show, don't have the god awful chainmail taberds and stuff of the old ones. It looks like they took the old kit, and just gave them new torsos and legs.....but again I could be wrong...


Seriously? Where?

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So all is dissapoint and you want your plastic models for reasonable prices.

No, we want models that reflect in quality the prices that are being asked for them. New models that cost more money while being noticeably less good that other recent releases are disappointing. What do you expect to be the reaction when freaking amazing and surprisingly affordable (for GW) models like the dark vengeance kit or the ork and necron fliers, are immediately followed up by a lackluster release like this?


- You could move your lazy ass and convert something decent.

We pay GW money, a lot of money, to make models that are better than what we could have come up with on our own.


So you base your opinion on pictures only, while not having seen the model in it's true form on table top or out of the box? Interesting.

To me that is the most short sighted thing you can do. Why? Because the white background you see on those pictures is never seen again in any game.

Nor do you get a good idea what it's size is and thus how detailed it is overall.

What I do get is the model compliments the chaos stuff that has been given by GW. If you really want even more details on the drake it would not come over like a realistic flyer nor would it look cool with a hell talon or dead claw. I like it for what it is.


Bar that I expect you see the starter kit for what it is, a starter kit, ment to appeal to new players and thus is extremely low priced but also extremely static. The details on a static model are always better but not my personal cup of soup.


If you only see this hobby as putting models together GW supplies and not changing a single bit, or expect to change a single bit.

I think you are only lacking in artistic talent/ideas this hobby supports so well. I am not a fan of the Forgefiend/Maulerfiend, as a result I won't use it.

Same pretty much goes for a lot of Chaos models like the characters. I am also not a huge fan of finecast but if I where to rage on that I think it would be smarter to just stop with the hobby.


For me the reason I started playing Chaos Space Marines is because they are a converters ultimate dream, you can add a whole lot of stuff and not end up in WYSIWYG troubles. The new line still supports this very well so is true to the chaos style.

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My advice: Do not order finecast Abaddon. That abaddon is a very old model, dating back to 2nd edition when terminators were about the size of tactical marines today. not counting his trophy racks, he stands about a head shorter than the plastic terminators you're buying. It will be very disappointing, even more so with one of the new terminator heads, which will look too big on him and only make him seem shorter.


Instead, I'd wait for a new Abaddon model. It's rumored to be in development anyway, though the codex shows old abby then it may be some time before it sees the light of day. In the mean time, I'd get the plastic terminator lord, which is a nice model (if not up to dark vengeance standards), and just proxy it as abby if you want while you wait.


Thanks for your advice. I noticed the Abaddon model is a little odd compared with the other models. The only problem with the TDA Chaos Lord is that if you put it on the stone base you offer your opponent a at least 1 inch taller target and if you don't use the rock the legs have a strange position.

I suppose the increased height won't be a huge tactical disadvantage, after all. The plastic TDA Lord is a nice model , I have one equiped with "modified modular" chainfist/ lightning claws (I hope new Codex will allow us to equip the lord with both chainfist and a lightning claw so we get +1 attack and we can choose the weapon to use :P )


So you suggest to use the lightning claw to represent the Talon of Horus and the Axe daemon weapon to represent Drach'nyen. I think it is an acceptable "count as".

Thanks again for the info on the TDA helmet, it saved me from wasting money on a conversion that wouldn't work properly.


Otherwise, the terminators, cultists, chaos marines, and raptors should serve you well, and will give you a decent foundation to work from. You may want to shy away from the daemon engines unless you plan to add multiples of them. Most players field a mix of anti-tank and anti-infantry weaponry, so if you take just one tank it's going to eat a lot of fire and crumple, even if it does have "it will not die" and a daemon save. If you take several vehicles, say a couple rhinos and two to three other assorted vehicles (whether you go with fiends, brutes, defilers, drakes, or other tanks), you'll get more mileage out of them. The hades cannon forgefiend looks pretty decent in terms of points efficiency, and the drake should be a pain to take down for enemies not well equipped to deal with fliers. Hard to offer any more detailed advice than that given that we've only got vague rumors to go on.


I strongly agree on "redundace": if you want to play a unit you should play more than one. My first thought was to field two of the new daemon engines and, if point limit allows, one or two of my DV helbrutes.

If I can offer multiple threats to my opponent those daemon engines may survive for a couple more turns.

I suppose the ranged version is the best. AV 12 in CC may not survive long enough.

The Hades cannon is the 4 S8 AP4 shots weapon the rumors talked about, right?


If the Drake has vector dance it will be very interesting. It enter the field, performs it's sweeping attacks turn up to 90° and engage another target.

I'm very tempting to try what you suggested with vehicles. I always wanted to play a sort of Dark Mechanicum-like mech army. With TDA; PA CSM and all of those cultists I can deploy a infantry heavy army whenever I want... at least I hope ;)


Oh, the warpsmith. If you run into trouble with the finecast tentacles, you can try replacing them with pewter power cables From Dragonforge. They might not look quite as good, but they should be easy to attach (just clip tentacles off, use a pin vice to drill holes in the body and in the weapons that go on the end of the tentacles, glue the power cords into the holes, & bend into place), and it's something that you can do as a repair job later if the finecast tentacles break or bend, it's not something you'd have to commit to before assembly & painting (though, of course, you'd have to paint the cables after attaching them). I plan to use these same cables to convert my old Mojo model into a warpsmith.


I think green stuff could make finecast tentacles assembly a little easier. I always use green stuff when I glue resing models so I don't have to worry about the effect of gravity on them ;)

If green stuff fails I'll follow your suggestion.

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So you base your opinion on pictures only, while not having seen the model in it's true form on table top or out of the box? Interesting. To me that is the most short sighted thing you can do. Why? Because the white background you see on those pictures is never seen again in any game. Nor do you get a good idea what it's size is and thus how detailed it is overall. What I do get is the model compliments the chaos stuff that has been given by GW. If you really want even more details on the drake it would not come over like a realistic flyer nor would it look cool with a hell talon or dead claw. I like it for what it is.


Ah, 'wait until you see the models in person', last gasp of an apologist in denial. Seeing drake or fiend in person won't give them the aesthetic style of the hellbrute, or will it elevate the sorcerer to the standard of the dark vengeance chosen, nor will it correct the apostle's wonky proportions. In my experience, seeing models in person tends to lower rather than raise the impressions of a model, since it doesn't have the advantages of a studio paint job and you get to see it from all angles, not just those that photograph well. I love the concept of the drake, but it's the execution that kills it for me, especially after seeing the hellbrute for an example of what a warped, chaos engine could be. The sticker shock after the surprisingly affordable ork and necron fliers is just icing on the cake.


Bar that I expect you see the starter kit for what it is, a starter kit, meant to appeal to new players and thus is extremely low priced but also extremely static. The details on a static model are always better but not my personal cup of soup.

The hellbrute's pretty much the most dynamically posed dreadnought I've seen, and the cultists and chosen are hardly any more static than, say, the awesome new raptors.


If you only see this hobby as putting models together GW supplies and not changing a single bit, or expect to change a single bit.

I think you are only lacking in artistic talent/ideas this hobby supports so well.









I'm no golden daemon quality painter, nor am I any pro sculptor or serious conversion guru, but I think you got the wrong impression somewhere along the line.


I love converting. It's a big part of what I love about chaos. That doesn't mean I'm willing to pay top dollar for substandard models just so I can have the privilege of spending more money and doing extra work to try and fix them. I convert to personalize models I like, not to fix models I don't. Having better models to start only makes the conversion work better, and yeah, after dark vengeance I expected more from this release, particularly from the daemon engines, and I'm going to voice that in threads that ask what posters' reactions to this release are, which is exactly what this thread is for.


If you just want to hear happy opinions, I've spoken quite fondly of the fantastic new raptor kit, and while the champion and warpsmith are more than I'd pay for them, they're both quite good. There have been largely positive receptions for each of these kits individually.


If you don't want to hear people's opinions of the new models at all, maybe you should find another thread? Though in general, you might need to stay off 40k & chaos discussion forums for a while, anyway. Pretty much the only conversation is going to be how 'awesome' or how 'terrible' this or that rule or model is. That's just the way these things go. Yeah, it gets whiny and nerd ragey, but hey, it's the internet.

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I'm on and off with Malisteen's opinion. Yes, the new models aren't the greatest and yes they don't match up to the DV set. The only one that does is the Aspiring Champion. However, in their own light, they models do look somewhat better than the old ones. However, the prices are ridiculous.
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So you base your opinion on pictures only, while not having seen the model in it's true form on table top or out of the box? Interesting. To me that is the most short sighted thing you can do. Why? Because the white background you see on those pictures is never seen again in any game. Nor do you get a good idea what it's size is and thus how detailed it is overall. What I do get is the model compliments the chaos stuff that has been given by GW. If you really want even more details on the drake it would not come over like a realistic flyer nor would it look cool with a hell talon or dead claw. I like it for what it is.


Ah, 'wait until you see the models in person', last gasp of an apologist in denial. Seeing drake or fiend in person won't give them the aesthetic style of the hellbrute, or will it elevate the sorcerer to the standard of the dark vengeance chosen, nor will it correct the apostle's wonky proportions. In my experience, seeing models in person tends to lower rather than raise the impressions of a model, since it doesn't have the advantages of a studio paint job and you get to see it from all angles, not just those that photograph well. I love the concept of the drake, but it's the execution that kills it for me, especially after seeing the hellbrute for an example of what a warped, chaos engine could be. The sticker shock after the surprisingly affordable ork and necron fliers is just icing on the cake.


While I agree with the sentiment here, seeing models in person does sometimes change my opinion of them. Another game I play, anima tactics, has a decent painter to showcase their minis, but his style kills the sculpt and skews proportions (especially the face). Seeing those models in person often changed my opinion of them. Honestly, though, I don't hold the same expectation for our Apostle or the Mutilators.


I'm no golden daemon quality painter, nor am I any pro sculptor or serious conversion guru, but I think you got the wrong impression somewhere along the line.


I love converting. It's a big part of what I love about chaos. That doesn't mean I'm willing to pay top dollar for substandard models just so I can have the privilege of spending more money and doing extra work to try and fix them. I convert to personalize models I like, not to fix models I don't. Having better models to start only makes the conversion work better, and yeah, after dark vengeance I expected more from this release, particularly from the daemon engines, and I'm going to voice that in threads that ask what posters' reactions to this release are, which is exactly what this thread is for.


If you just want to hear happy opinions, I've spoken quite fondly of the fantastic new raptor kit, and while the champion and warpsmith are more than I'd pay for them, they're both quite good. There have been largely positive receptions for each of these kits individually.


If you don't want to hear people's opinions of the new models at all, maybe you should find another thread? Though in general, you might need to stay off 40k & chaos discussion forums for a while, anyway. Pretty much the only conversation is going to be how 'awesome' or how 'terrible' this or that rule or model is. That's just the way these things go. Yeah, it gets whiny and nerd ragey, but hey, it's the internet.


Well said, well said.

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So all is dissapoint and you want your plastic models for reasonable prices.


GJ guys.


- You are playing a game that gets more expensive a year but still are suprised at more expensive stuff.

- You have the option to choose another army, if you don't like it, don't play it. There is ENOUGH power armour to chose from.

- You could move your lazy ass and convert something decent.


I like it so far, I do hope we get some reminders of the legions whom some marines came from. I still like not mixing gods in one list.




Or we don't spend any money until GW finaly releases something worthwhile.

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I love converting. It's a big part of what I love about chaos. That doesn't mean I'm willing to pay top dollar for substandard models just so I can have the privilege of spending more money and doing extra work to try and fix them. I convert to personalize models I like, not to fix models I don't. Having better models to start only makes the conversion work better, and yeah, after dark vengeance I expected more from this release, particularly from the daemon engines, and I'm going to voice that in threads that ask what posters' reactions to this release are, which is exactly what this thread is for.


Then why play the game in the first place, if you get your PC games, your often cheaper. GW prices will continue to rise my friend, if you want it or not, better get out the boat while it's sinking I would say.


If you just want to hear happy opinions, I've spoken quite fondly of the fantastic new raptor kit, and while the champion and warpsmith are more than I'd pay for them, they're both quite good. There have been largely positive receptions for each of these kits individually.


I'm quite happy with reading the opinions, I also quite like the raptors, drake, but am less a fan of the mauler.


If you don't want to hear people's opinions of the new models at all, maybe you should find another thread? Though in general, you might need to stay off 40k & chaos discussion forums for a while, anyway. Pretty much the only conversation is going to be how 'awesome' or how 'terrible' this or that rule or model is. That's just the way these things go. Yeah, it gets whiny and nerd ragey, but hey, it's the internet.


I don't have a problem with rants in general, what I don't get is why the mayority rants and till gets the stuff, while ranting.

But it's okay with me, the only thing is the same rant just continues for every new army.


- Old models are poop

- Finecast is poop

- GW is to expensive

- I imagned it better


Please do continue the discussions and rants, I think they quite funny.

What is even more funny is that it continues with every army and is always about the same topics :D



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Technically Killax, everything gets more expensive. however, in the past GW has done us the courtesy of raising the prices on everything. And yet here we are with brand new minis that are more expensive that comparably-sized minis(that have much more material in them) and the rules are somewhat lackluster. A hardback, hundred page book is US$50. I could find a two-hundred page book with just as many pictures as well as being a hardback, and it only cost $20. It even comes form Britain too! The only difference is that it isn't GW. And it's RPG, not tabletop Turn-Based Strategy.
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Not sure I understand the big deal. Buy what you like, don't buy won't you don't like. For those "veteran" chaos fans I'm sure your army only needs a few tweaks.


For me, I just need the dex to see how I want fit my current stuff. I'm hoping all I need are some rhinos. I already have zerkers, termies, troops2x Defilers. The only thing I've seen that I you'll have to drag me to buy are the melee oblits. But I won't complain about it. Just won't buy it and let my money do my talking.


Too much whineycomplain.

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For me, I just need the dex to see how I want fit my current stuff. I'm hoping all I need are some rhinos. I already have zerkers, termies, troops2x Defilers. The only thing I've seen that I you'll have to drag me to buy are the melee oblits. But I won't complain about it. Just won't buy it and let my money do my talking.


Same here, the backbone is allready gathering dust. Most likely will add some Drakes, if they are worth the effort even some raptors in there.

Characters will be redone, for fun.


Now I am looking forward to some vehicle upgrade costs!

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Oh yeah, I've got to find the way to get those new raptors. I really like them. That is the one thing I will go out of my way to get. I want my old unfinished lord, Khali, to finally have some good buddies to cleave with.



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Looking great allready.


For the Daemon Prince(s), I have some new plans.

Offcourse I could buy the regular ones but also plan to use them for my "perhaps" DoC army.


3 in one go for:



A bit smaller than your regular daemon prince but with a little bit of work can be what you want it to be.


Next stop is FW for some cool WE stuff again.

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Well I'll still be using my old Daemon Prince:




With regards to the new stuff; it's okay, but suffers from following on from DV (which has some truly stunning bits of plastic in it). I'll be hoping that the new codex is a closer match to the Pete Haines' one than the 'less characterful' more recent one*. I do quite like the walking Daemon Engines, though.

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With regards to the new stuff; it's okay, but suffers from following on from DV (which has some truly stunning bits of plastic in it). I'll be hoping that the new codex is a closer match to the Pete Haines' one than the 'less characterful' more recent one*. I do quite like the walking Daemon Engines, though.


Nice artist formerly known as Prince!


As far as the rumours go it is at least a bit more characterfull as the previous incartation.

The hate for normal marines would be a perfect representation in my honest opinion.


Still can't wait and like the approach to the codex. Now I am also really interested if they removed daemons completly from them now or still have some lesser and lesser greater daemons (which just seemed wrong, fluffwise) <_<



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This is what I'm thinking of doing to the Forge Fiend:


I don't like the dino-bot/Hellraiser look, but I love the big guns that come with the models, the body is not bad, and the legs are workable when the head is taken away. So I think I'll give it an armored Sentinel head to fit in with my "evil piloted mecha" theme that my Iron Warriors derivative warband has.

I am still at a loss over what to do about the Helldrake, though. I can't stand the turkey-with-a-nozzle-butt look it has, but no conversion or counts-as ideas are coming to me yet...

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I am still at a loss over what to do about the Helldrake, though. I can't stand the turkey-with-a-nozzle-butt look it has, but no conversion or counts-as ideas are coming to me yet...


Buy a Hell Blade from FW for your counts-as. It and the drake both have autoloading ballistic weaponry standard, and the Hell Blade has those nice little barb sections on the front of it to count for the claws for Vector Striking. At least, this is what I considered doing until I decided that corrupting an AGL will just be easy and cheaper.

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Easiest fix to the Helldrake I can see is elongating the tail. That would help give some cover over those engine outlets and make the whole thing look more "complete" than it currently does. How I would proceed with this I'm not 100% sure of yet, but a sort of mecha-Fell Beast thing with a longer, thicker tail seems a better bet to me than this strange Rodan configuration it currently has.
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I am still at a loss over what to do about the Helldrake, though. I can't stand the turkey-with-a-nozzle-butt look it has, but no conversion or counts-as ideas are coming to me yet...


Buy a Hell Blade from FW for your counts-as. It and the drake both have autoloading ballistic weaponry standard, and the Hell Blade has those nice little barb sections on the front of it to count for the claws for Vector Striking. At least, this is what I considered doing until I decided that corrupting an AGL will just be easy and cheaper.



This is what I shall do too, thoughim sorely tempted to strap auto cannons to a fantasy dragon :devil:

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Definitely hold off for the codex before doing that. Mutilators are an expensive slow elite unit with no ranged weaponry at all, and when last rumored couldn't even deep strike. Their weapon morphing rules are ok, but nothing to write home about. I haven't seen their full rules, they could be amazing, but they're not off to a promising start, imo.



Ok, you can see the stats and abilities of the mutilators on the pre-order page for the limited edition codex. Since this is all clear to see on their web page, hopefully posting it shouldn't be an issue:


Ws4, Bs4, S4, T4, W2, I4, A2, Ld8, Sv2+

gear: Fleshmetal (the 2+ armor save)

special rules: bulky, Daemon, Deep Strike, Slow and Purposeful


Mutilator weapons: -

each turn, choose one of the following weapons. Every model in the squad uses the same option, and you can't use the same option twice in two consecutive fight phases


pair chainfists

pair lightning claws

pair power axes

pair power swords

pair power mauls


oblits are the same, but with oblit weapons and power fists instead of mutilator weapons


What we don't see are points costs, options, or unit sizes, but I have to say I'm not particularly thrilled. Not that I had expected to be. At least they can deep strike, but the reduced toughness and weapon use restrictions hurt oblits and leave mutilators a bit suffering. I had hoped to see frenzy or fury or whatever that 'more attacks when outnumbered' rule is, but nope. Two attacks, plus one for pair weapons, is simply nowhere near the offensive output these guys needed to look competitive against terminators, imo, especially not if their points costs and unit sizes are similar to what we've come to expect from obliterators. Rumors are they can take marks now, but that only goes so far (especially since they'd need to take the mark of nurgle just to match the old oblit profile in the first place).



Anyway, still not enough info to say whether they're even worth considering, we'd need points costs for that, but there's certainly nothing in their stats, gear, or special rules that would make them exciting units on the field. It's that lack of 'wow' factor, whether in the models or in the rules we've seen so far, that's kind of sucking the excitement out of this release for me.



So all is dissapoint and you want your plastic models for reasonable prices.

No, we want models that reflect in quality the prices that are being asked for them. New models that cost more money while being noticeably less good that other recent releases are disappointing. What do you expect to be the reaction when freaking amazing and surprisingly affordable (for GW) models like the dark vengeance kit or the ork and necron fliers, are immediately followed up by a lackluster release like this?


- You could move your lazy ass and convert something decent.

We pay GW money, a lot of money, to make models that are better than what we could have come up with on our own.



That is some seriously epic artwork, shame the models are crap damn you GW you could of at least tried to make them cool they did great with their arm weapons but everything else sucks also if you look in the white dwarf on pg 23 you can just make out how much they cost and options They can take marks, the veterans of thelong war and I believe I can make out that they are 35 or 55 each but I could just have bad eyesight as I do wear glasses after all and I do need to get them checked again soon if Mutilators can take marks then Obliterators have to as well sweet I can have a squad of Nurgle Obliterators laying down some heavy fire and they count towards the tally special rule all us Nurgle players love dearly. Also just saying to me the Helldrake looks like what would happen if Charizard or HO-OH made love to a toaster and had a freaky love child (they are Pokemon for those who don't know)

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The helldrake is so much flat surface, it'd be easy to make a scratch from plasticard (compared to other models). I think we'll see a LOT of those cropping up, and unless I get a surprise gift that I don't want, I will be building my own. I'll need to see the rules on the other engines, but if we end up with oblits being the hands down choice that they were before, it'll be a converted terminator kit for me. I don't like those models either.


The raptor box is great, and I would totally buy it if I didn't have raptors already. Champ and sorc fall in this category, too.


Maulers.. I'm tearing that page out of my codex and using it to clean the litter box. I can't even imagine them as useful if they cost 10 points a model.


Warpsmith: possibly. Once again, I'm looking at this through the eyes of the old codex, but if princes are still just flat out the best, I'll have no inkling to buy Doctor Octopus.

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When i see comments on how dissapointing the Deamon engines are, it makes me chuckle a bit, really its hilarious..., like the guys actually knows how to sculpte a model and how a proper deamon engine must look like...


Its a Machines, with flesh, barroque detailes, and mean looking faces/eyes, what do you want more?...


Something like FW?, please...FW deamon engines arn't much better...,they are much more Mechs then actual Deamon engines...


They look god its true, but really..., a Deamon Engine is something very abstract, and its hard to really put an image to it.


SO yeah i like the Deamon Engines; the Maulerfiend looks really good, swap the head for a Jugger head, rework a bit the legs and arms pose to make him look likes he's leaping or crushing something, and done...


Forgefiend; not that bad, i always wondred why there where no centaurian looking models, now head swap, repositioning of the legs and done.


Heldrake; this one will ask a bit more work, but cut the neck in half and use it to lengthen the tail, and make it look a bit more balanced, rework the positioning of the wings.


Raptors/Warp talon; they are good as they are, nothing much to change, and i'm happy that they used a Pre-heresy type Jumppack design, while i like the previous raptors packs also, those ones are good, love the CC weapons of the Raptors!


Warpsmith; i like the mean looking of the Mechadrites, makes me think of a a 40k version of the Darkness/Spawn tendrils/chains, now the back of the mini is a bit too much overrun with cables, 40% less of them, would have been perfect.


Sorcerer; lets be honest, for a moment i though it was a conversion from a flickr pic taken on the site...


Champion; awesome mini, first plastic clampack for 40k, but 15euro for a Champ...


Mutilators; oh dark gods beards... while the arms looks funny, the rest of the minis are just ugh..., its a given that GW can't make a good looking Oblit model...

Really they should leave out the "Mutated Termie Clone" aspect has a whole and rework the darn thing concept...

More like a huge cyborg with a skeletal fram, overrun with weapons shifthing..., more like Ushabti's but 40k version.


Dark Apostle; while on the front he doesn't look too bad, when i saw the back of the mini, i though the guy was the grocery boy of the Dark Legions...

Like the Warpsmith,60% less of this, and the mini would have been awesome, also why a collar in his hand?, why not the severed head of a GI/SM/Eldar given in offering to the Dark Gods?


Limited Edition Dex; i'm allready not a huge fan of Limited Editions, most of the time you get useless goodies, or simply the extra content is simply not worthy of the extra cost.

Now while the blood stains, are a nice plus for a chaos book, i like this little detail, the rest is just so meaningless that it hurts.


Codex; while i was also surprised with the price hike, like many others pointed out, its hardback, so it will have more resiliency, but at the loss of maniability..., also full color pages, wich is nice, but once you got through the whole dex 5 times, it doesn't matter that much...

Oh i will buy the dex, after all i have 9k points of CSM collecting the dust for the last 9 months, this codex will be a good breeze of fresh air.

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