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I am still at a loss over what to do about the Helldrake, though. I can't stand the turkey-with-a-nozzle-butt look it has, but no conversion or counts-as ideas are coming to me yet...


Buy a Hell Blade from FW for your counts-as. It and the drake both have autoloading ballistic weaponry standard, and the Hell Blade has those nice little barb sections on the front of it to count for the claws for Vector Striking. At least, this is what I considered doing until I decided that corrupting an AGL will just be easy and cheaper.



This is what I shall do too, thoughim sorely tempted to strap auto cannons to a fantasy dragon :)






And this is for TS players;




And if the price is a downer for you(i like to say wrong hobby then...), you can use the Zombie Dragon from battle.

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I like the Helldrake kit, but it doesn't fit entirely with the aesthetics of my army, so I plan on strapping bits of zombie dragon to it :blink: What I'm more pleased about than the kits themselves are the possibilities their army list entries promise; the possibilities for converting daemon engines are endless. I want mine to look a;most like a Haemonculus creation; as though the Warsmiths of my army (which are going to be re-christened as Flesh Singers in a parody of Eldar Bone Singers) have forcibly bound some tormented alien monstrosity with daemonically infused metal and created an eternally pained, twisted torture engine.


The same goes for most of the new entries; the Dark Apostles are going to be Cenobites; those who have taken Slaanesh's credo of transcendence through transgression, the dissolution of all standards of experience to the utmost extreme, and now instruct their brethren in the same means of enlightenment.


As for the Warp Talons, they are going to be heavily converted Sanguinary Guard, their anatomical armour erupting with all manner of phallic tentacles which sprout vile surgical instruments a la Doctor Channard from Hellraiser 2.


From the hints and potentials provided by this month's White Dwarf, it sounds as though Phil Kelly has done his usual trick of attempting to make the character of the Chaos Marines very specific and unique on the battlefield; far more distinct and dynamic than it has been before. I sincerely, sincerely hope that he has succeeded in that; it's high time Chaos Marines stood apart from their Imperial Brethren, as they did back in the days of RoC.

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I am also a fan of the Drake, and also must admit it could have been cooler, but this is something I often have.

I personally think it fits the army overall very well :)


This Photoshopped version is actually the plan I have for them.

Altough with a head!




The longer "tail" will put things in better perspective and also looking like an unfinished zombie-mecha dragon is cool... or something :P


I also want the legion specifics back, let's hope he's done it. I am looking forward to go full World Eaters again!



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The same goes for most of the new entries; the Dark Apostles are going to be Cenobites; those who have taken Slaanesh's credo of transcendence through transgression, the dissolution of all standards of experience to the utmost extreme, and now instruct their brethren in the same means of enlightenment.


As for the Warp Talons, they are going to be heavily converted Sanguinary Guard, their anatomical armour erupting with all manner of phallic tentacles which sprout vile surgical instruments a la Doctor Channard from Hellraiser 2.


I like the Clive Barker theme you've got going. I'm curious as to whether or not that new Sorcerer is worthy of conversion; if he is and the parts fit, there's conceivably potential for a conversion to a Nullianac.

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Where did you find the sword you used for Abaddon's Drach'nyen? Does it come from Abaddon's kit or did you use a completely different weapon?




It's the sword from the Abaddon model. I got it as a gift several years ago, and used pieces of it to convert a bigger Abaddon using the plastic termie lord kit.





If I ever do pick up the model, I'll definitely be giving it a tail like this, though I'll be keeping the claws, and giving it some head. Maybe not the head it comes with. Ooh, I do have a spare fantasy zombie dragon head & neck left over from the absolutely fantastic terrorgheist kit. It's currently attached to a half finished zombie dragon conversion, but those are so bad as to be unusable, and that's not likely to change in the next several years.... Hmm. That's a lot of effort and money, though...


If anyone wants to do something similar to this, Here's a decent source of pewter power cables for the tail.

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In short it is a mediocre yet incredibly expensive model that can be made tolerable with a considerable additional investment of money and time for conversion work, assuming the modeler in question has the necessary skill.
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I was already to late to order an limited edition codex..

Still had too look twice at the price of the codex.. 39€ .. Wow..

I'm not going to buy any of the new models before I've had a decent read in the codex.


Altough I must resist.. that dragon looks nice, that combat fiend and the combat oblits too..

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The same goes for most of the new entries; the Dark Apostles are going to be Cenobites; those who have taken Slaanesh's credo of transcendence through transgression, the dissolution of all standards of experience to the utmost extreme, and now instruct their brethren in the same means of enlightenment.


As for the Warp Talons, they are going to be heavily converted Sanguinary Guard, their anatomical armour erupting with all manner of phallic tentacles which sprout vile surgical instruments a la Doctor Channard from Hellraiser 2.


I like the Clive Barker theme you've got going. I'm curious as to whether or not that new Sorcerer is worthy of conversion; if he is and the parts fit, there's conceivably potential for a conversion to a Nullianac.



Getting the arcing energy between the raised antlers might be tricky, but it'd be great if it can be pulled off, and very fitting for a Chaos Sorcerer. The only real problem I'm having with the army at the moment is that some of the conversions are very Clive Barker, in the sense that they'd likely get me banned from most gaming stores.


I'm currently working on a Sorcerer who'll be the effective leader of the army based on Doctor Channard; essentially, it's the FB Steed of Slaanesh model with its rider removed and head entirely remodelled to resemble the tendril that clamps to Channard's head. Rather than riding the steed, it's going to be carrying him across the battlefield :)


With regards to the codex, from what we've seen thus far, Slaanesh has some pretty good tunes when it comes to psychic powers. Now I only hope that Noise Marines are given the necessary buff to make them workable (mine are going to be represented by "Pain Marines;" warriors who have various weapons and instruments of pure torment grafted into their bodies by the Haemonculi they serve and revere as the Fathers of Slaanesh).

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If I ever do pick up the model, I'll definitely be giving it a tail like this, though I'll be keeping the claws, and giving it some head. Maybe not the head it comes with. Ooh, I do have a spare fantasy zombie dragon head & neck left over from the absolutely fantastic terrorgheist kit. It's currently attached to a half finished zombie dragon conversion, but those are so bad as to be unusable, and that's not likely to change in the next several years.... Hmm.


Super terrible photoshop mashup concept image go!



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If I ever do pick up the model, I'll definitely be giving it a tail like this, though I'll be keeping the claws, and giving it some head. Maybe not the head it comes with. Ooh, I do have a spare fantasy zombie dragon head & neck left over from the absolutely fantastic terrorgheist kit. It's currently attached to a half finished zombie dragon conversion, but those are so bad as to be unusable, and that's not likely to change in the next several years.... Hmm.


Super terrible photoshop mashup concept image go!




I'll take the stock helldrake over that haha!

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yeah, the side engines & fantasy dragon head don't work as well as I'd have hoped.


Much like most of your comments malisteen.


But then again, mash something up, do it for the lulz and get this?


An easy and short conversion:


Remove the neck, switch the claws for guns, you'll be using him for shooting anyway.



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Well I guess Grey Knight players don't have to worry about having the stupidest looking model in 40K anymore.... Hellturkey trumps Dreadknight any day.

I disagree. I'd buy 5 drakes over 1 dread knight. The baby carriage is way more horrid.

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Well I guess Grey Knight players don't have to worry about having the stupidest looking model in 40K anymore.... Hellturkey trumps Dreadknight any day.

I disagree. I'd buy 5 drakes over 1 dread knight. The baby carriage is way more horrid.


You asked for it guys:


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yeah, the side engines & fantasy dragon head don't work as well as I'd have hoped.


I prefer your concept of engines for it, and I think it could be accomplished with Valkyrie engines (or from a more standard model aircraft kit). The dragon head is not much of an improvement, though, and I like the wings reversed idea that's been put out.

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Grr, argh, how dare that wretched malisteen post opinions that are different from mine own! I know, I'll launch an arbitrary spiteful little comment at him! That'll show him!"

Indeed, Killax, your scorn cuts deep. Everyone excuse me, for I must now retreat to my corner of shame, to worry at this dagger in my heart, ;)




Also, if you want pistol, CCW & bolter on the new CSM's they will be the same price as they currently are... with one less leadership. So far im kind of bummed out.

Yeah, I noticed that, and was pretty unhappy about it. Apparently CSMs were too good as a troops choice, and desperately needed to be nerfed? That's really discouraging. Not even any USR on that, you have to pay extra to hate on space marines or pick up a mark.


Also, now apparently if you want to be wysiwyg, you have to take note of each individual CSM model, as bolt pistol & close combat weapon, Bolter, and everything are now three distinct equipment options in the codex? And if warseer is to be believed, units don't even need to all have the same weapon, so each individual model needs to be examined individually?





Alright, Killax, I've been thinking it over, and I think it's time we put all our cards on the table here. Is this just a spiteful little fliration, or are you making some genuine caliginous overtures, here? Because I've got a lot of hate on my plate right now, a lot of irons in the fire, and I think it's only fair to tell you that I'm not sure I'm ready to settle down with just one bitter rival at this point in my posting career. I hope you understand.


And also, that you die in a fire, and/or marry that roboturkey you love so much.



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Yeah, I noticed that, and was pretty unhappy about it. Apparently CSMs were too good as a troops choice, and desperately needed to be nerfed? That's really discouraging. Not even any USR on that, you have to pay extra to hate on space marines or pick up a mark.


Also, now apparently if you want to be wysiwyg, you have to take note of each individual CSM model, as bolt pistol & close combat weapon, Bolter, and everything are now three distinct equipment options in the codex? And if warseer is to be believed, units don't even need to all have the same weapon, so each individual model needs to be examined individually?


I've seen some photoed pages of the new codex on another site, and this is apparently true. Any model in a basic CSM squad can buy a CCW or trade his bolter for a CCW for free.

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