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I am quite sure all the Chaos Space Marines dropped a bit in price and thus in power but making it all the more playable.



I dunno, I haven't seen too much of them but I haven't seen too much of a drop in the power of the Cults. In general they all seem to have improved a little in fact, to account for their move to Elites.


Bezerkers can buy AP4 Chainaxes; Plague marines get Poisoned 4+ weapons; Noise marines get a lot cheaper, and Sonic weaponry is better focused. The only one I'm not sure of is 1K Sons who get Soul Fire, which isn't great but is better than nothing.

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Last I heard it was 150pts for an Aspiring sorcerer and 4 rubrics with any extra being 23pts each, hoping that's not true, but that and the fact our aspiring sorcerers may have to take the lore of Tzeentch which does not look as versitile as any of the rulebook lores, I've started expecting the worst for the sons of Prospero.
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Last I heard it was 150pts for an Aspiring sorcerer and 4 rubrics with any extra being 23pts each, hoping that's not true, but that and the fact our aspiring sorcerers may have to take the lore of Tzeentch which does not look as versitile as any of the rulebook lores, I've started expecting the worst for the sons of Prospero.

I'm surprised, I've generally only heard good things about the Tzeentch Lore. It's got an interesting anti-Horde blast, Doombolt which has gotten an extra little rule (also looks like AP1, not sure if it always was), Breath of Chaos which is cool as always (although 2 Warp Charge is a shame), and Boon of Mutation which is the only odd one here but could be an interesting buffing tool.


So lots of ways of damaging things, and one utility.


Sorry, I'm really not trying to be annoying, constantly positive guy, but I just seem to have a different view of these things.


4 Rubrics = 92 then Sorcerer = 68. So not much change, but you're also not paying for spells.

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Thousand Sons have "Aura of Dark Glory". Isn't that the 4++ save gift? If so, wouldn't that give them a 3++ save with their MoTz, one better than they previously had? If I'm right, that's something at least. If not, then yeah, they don't look to to be too meaningfully changed.


Yeah, no, apparently not. So... yeah. No reason to bother with the sons.

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Thousand Sons have "Aura of Dark Glory". Isn't that the 4++ save gift? If so, wouldn't that give them a 3++ save with their MoTz, one better than they previously had? If I'm right, that's something at least. If not, then yeah, they don't look to to be too meaningfully changed.

Aura is the 5++, the 4++ is a piece of wargear, some tainted sigil or somesuch.

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I've got a feeling that GW have overestimated the utility of Soul Burn, or that they've worded it differently to how they meant it to be used and not noticed. It's the only way I can explain it popping up everywhere.


3++ 1k Sons would be nice, but a little bit crazy.

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And loyalists with it arn't?

I know I shouldn't be so negative, it's just whilst shooty powers are great and all, it's the mind tricks, the buff/debuff/deceptive powers that really catch my attention and seem to fit into the Tzeentchian style just as much as giant balls of fire. Giant balls of fire are still fun though :D

I am mainly worried how are any of our psykers going to last longer then a hamster between loss of wounds, perils and challenges.

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Yeah, sons is 150 for sorcerer +4 rubrics. Imo too expensive I agree. Sorcerer can take a boon roll on the table of fun for 10 points,


Its worth mentioning that it would be tactically different for the sons if they had infiltrate to set themselves up closer to the enemy, and Ahriman can do that.


But yes. The cost for the sons is some what strange imo. true, the +4 invul save if very powerful, but they are slow and purposeful after all.

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Yeah, sons is 150 for sorcerer +4 rubrics. Imo too expensive I agree. Sorcerer can take a boon roll on the table of fun for 10 points,


Its worth mentioning that it would be tactically different for the sons if they had infiltrate to set themselves up closer to the enemy, and Ahriman can do that.


But yes. The cost for the sons is some what strange imo. true, the +4 invul save if very powerful, but they are slow and purposeful after all.

Having never been anything other than overpriced I must say that I am not surprised to see them costed so high. :D
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I also feel as if its worth mentioning that Bikes are now 70 points for 2 and 1 champion, and 20 points per extra biker. I believe this is a rather...vast...change, or dont you agree?


People...We have a FA choices in this codex! Can\ t remember caring much about fast attack pages in the Thorpe dex, but in this one. Well, hmm, iron warrior bikes modeled with extra "metal" to count as nurgle. *ponders*

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http://natfka.blogspot.no/2012/09/csm-qna-...ation.html#more Lots of info there, and should most everything on abbadon. I dont have access to a decent scan for abby myself, and only saw it once, but it has now been removed.




Chaos Rewards Table:


Aura of the Dark Gods - 5+ Invuln

Combat Familiar - 2 Additional S4, AP - Attacks

Juggernaut of Khorne - +1T, +1W, +1A, Change unit type to Cavalry

Disc of Tzeentch - +1A unit type is Jetbike

Palanquin of Nurgle - +2W, +1A, Very Bulky

Steed of Slaanesh - +1A, +3" to Run Moves, Acute Senses, Outflank, change to Cavalry

Gift of Mutation - Before deployment, roll on Boon table

Ichor Blood - Unit that inflicts unsaved wounds on a model with Ichor Blood immediately takes a S3, Ap4 Hit

Spell Familiar - Reroll failed psychic tests

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Can someone provide me with a picture of the page about Abaddon, please ?


Or rather just type them out for those of us who can't look at those pictures on work computers? :D


Bikes being useable....wow. Looks like I can start working on some Bikers..... Hmm should I have them sleeveless with SoA tattoos??? So many choices!

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No pics, but here are some links to pics that were running rounds on the internet last night:






http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1348423134368.jpg (this one is Abby btw)



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I also feel as if its worth mentioning that Bikes are now 70 points for 2 and 1 champion, and 20 points per extra biker. I believe this is a rather...vast...change, or dont you agree?


People...We have a FA choices in this codex! Can\ t remember caring much about fast attack pages in the Thorpe dex, but in this one. Well, hmm, iron warrior bikes modeled with extra "metal" to count as nurgle. *ponders*

It's not just that bikes are usable. According Faeit, they can have steeds. Outflanking Seeker Marines, Juggermarines. All nice.


Not sure about the Nurgle guys though. That would just be weird. Really, really weird.

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No pics, but here are some links to pics that were running rounds on the internet last night:






http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1348423134368.jpg (this one is Abby btw)




Many thanks! Any more news on the Bezerkers?

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So I can potentially take an army that has feel no pain on all of my troop choices.


HQ Typhus

-cultists turn into zombies with FNP

-plague marines are troops


Space marines

-Mark of Slaanesh + icon of Slaneesh for FNP


This puts a smile on my face.

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For those unable to open links:

Fixed warlord trait: Black Crusader. Eternal warrior, Fearless, IC, Champion of chaos (the must accept challenge and if you win roll on boon table thing), Veteran of the Long War.

Mark of Chaos Ascendant (the one we all know).


Two weapon profiles.


Drac`nyen: +1 str, AP 2, D. Weapon , specialist weapon.


Talon of the big bad late mr. H: s X2, AP3, shred, and Blood angels hate him for bearing the thing.


Makes Chosen troops.


Think thats it.

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No pics, but here are some links to pics that were running rounds on the internet last night:






http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1348423134368.jpg (this one is Abby btw)




Many thanks! Any more news on the Bezerkers?



Berserkers of Khorne.


Before reading the below, note that they are now 1 attack base (but still WS 5), but NOTE the COST!!!! :P


Copied this from faet for you:



Can all take a chain axe for +2pts. Champion can take anything from Melee or Ranged wargear list plus gift of mutation.

Squad can have Veterans of the Long War which is hatred of all marines (including GK, BA, SW, etc)

Fearless, Furious Charge and Mark of Khorne (Counter Attack and Rage)

chain axes are AP4.

2 plasma pistols as before and still 15pts each.



Zerkers desperatly needed a buff in 6ed hostile landscape, and I would say the above mentioned rule changes added to the considerable point drop makes this unit now look good.


Only 15 point for a naked zerker :P

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