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Dark Mechanicus Love

Kol Saresk

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Warpsmiths are the masters of the machine. Most can trace their origins back to the priesthood of Mars, whether through the schisms of the Magi or the rigid doctrine of the Techmarines. However, where the Adeptus Mechanics regard technology as sacrosanct, the Warpsmiths seek to subjugate and control it.


If you go to the GW website and look at the Warpsmith model, this is the description you'll find. And just as everyone was saying, the Dark mechanicus really are getting some love this time around. Through perverted, mutated and corrupted Techmarines. Although if I went by this description alone, i'm sure one could fashion a Mechanicus priest and use it as a suitable count-as with no problems whatsoever, even from fluff nazis.

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Warpsmiths are the masters of the machine. Most can trace their origins back to the priesthood of Mars, whether through the schisms of the Magi or the rigid doctrine of the Techmarines. However, where the Adeptus Mechanics regard technology as sacrosanct, the Warpsmiths seek to subjugate and control it.


If you go to the GW website and look at the Warpsmith model, this is the description you'll find. And just as everyone was saying, the Dark mechanicus really are getting some love this time around. Through perverted, mutated and corrupted Techmarines. Although if I went by this description alone, i'm sure one could fashion a Mechanicus priest and use it as a suitable count-as with no problems whatsoever, even from fluff nazis.


Yes, I agree of course, but why should Mechanicum elements loyal to Mars help renegades and traitors? I am pointing to your point regarding mechanicus priest and puritan nazis of course. You may have a 100% totally non-mutated legionary force, but it would still be very much more fluffy if that force had Dark Mechanicum aid compared to "loyal" machine priests.

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Warpsmiths are the masters of the machine. Most can trace their origins back to the priesthood of Mars, whether through the schisms of the Magi or the rigid doctrine of the Techmarines. However, where the Adeptus Mechanics regard technology as sacrosanct, the Warpsmiths seek to subjugate and control it.


If you go to the GW website and look at the Warpsmith model, this is the description you'll find. And just as everyone was saying, the Dark mechanicus really are getting some love this time around. Through perverted, mutated and corrupted Techmarines. Although if I went by this description alone, i'm sure one could fashion a Mechanicus priest and use it as a suitable count-as with no problems whatsoever, even from fluff nazis.


Yes, I agree of course, but why should Mechanicum elements loyal to Mars help renegades and traitors? I am pointing to your point regarding mechanicus priest and puritan nazis of course. You may have a 100% totally non-mutated legionary force, but it would still be very much more fluffy if that force had Dark Mechanicum aid compared to "loyal" machine priests.


I'm assuming Kol meant a Dark Mech priest, rather than a renegade/traitor techmarine, as opposed to a loyalist mechanics priest.

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i'm liking the new mini but i prefer my own fallen angel techmarine/lord. will be interesting, as it looks as if he can be used as i envisaged him in the beginning as opposed to a counts-as lord. hmm, looks like i may have to just get me a lord after all, even if just for modelling ideas. but warpsmiths are a good way forward - maybe cyborg cultists anyone?
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Yeah I was mostly referring to the fact that I have never heard of something like Techmarine slot for Chaos. Now not only do we have a Techmarine slot, but the description for the slot also allows it to be a Dark Mechanicus priest or any new Renegade equivalents that fall in a similar category. By fluff nazis, I was referring to players that are of the opinion that an army has to fully reflect it's background. Like for instance if someone had made a Chaos Lord that fluffwise was a Dark Mech Priest(Are these guys called Hereteks or are those the "newer" ones? Dark Mech Priest just seems to long.), the fluff Nazi could go [buttclench]"Ooh! He can't be a fallen Techmarine/Techpriest! You guys don't have an FOC slot for it!"[/buttclench] Now, they can't say crap because the description allows for anything from a Fallen Techpriest to a Traitor/Renegade Techmarine. To me, those guys just instantly kill any enthusiasm for the game right then and there.


To clarify, by "Mechanicus Priest", I did mean a Dark Mechanicus Priest. Although I guess a Renegade one could fit in if he/she/it fell to Chaos.

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I'm loving that we finally have a model for them as I was trying to figure out how to do/convert a Darioq-Grend'hal from the Word Bearers Trilogy for my version of the 34th Host. With just some very minor conversion work the new model will be awesomely perfect. I wonder if they'll be allowed servitors, or if I'll be modelling some Skitarii counts-as Cultists.....or both, hehe. Do we know yet which FoC slot they will be taking up?



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Yeah, in the WD battle report they mention that they almost took a Warpsmith and a Dark Apostle as their HQ choices, so I guess both of them are 'proper' HQs.


It's a small thing but I quite like that the mechadendrites have a melta gun as opposed to a plasma pistol (gun?).

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I for one, will not be using him because I really feel it doens't make any sence.


It's cool for some fans to include it, but then again GW could have kept it easy and claim all techyboys turned into obli's.


The propper HQ is offcourse a Daemon Prince.



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The proper HQ is a Demon Prince for the 4th Edition Codex. We won't know how it will be for thise one. And actually, an Engineer-type unit does make since because it is a support unit to fix our vehicles if I saw one of the rules right. It may only wind up being use in larger games and Apocalypse, but even then, it would still be useful.
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Personally, I'm really happy about this development. I won't be buying the Warp Smith model but I made a Heretek model out of some bitz and the Corpse Cart driver a few months ago just for fun but now I can actually use him.


This is something that's really cool to me. The new chaos codex, going hand in hand with the 6th edition rule book, is extremely awesome. We can play out our chaos armies any way we want, ranging from Dark Mechanicum, Cultists, Chaos Space Marines, and Daemons to a mix of all of them put together. What's not to love about this? :huh:

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I'm appalled by the lack of love for the warp smith in this thread. Where are all my evil half-brothers, the iron warriors? Surely all of them are excited by this development. Especially with the new daemon engines. As a general fan of robots, i'm excited for you guys! You won't see me turn though, unless tzeentch blesses me with tons of cash to finish my Iron hand clan and mechanicus allies...
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