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Actually, that's an interesting question, assuming you're going to start a 30k World Eaters army. Would this be more appropriate than the Throne of Skulls section here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showforum=102 ? I suppose the main question would be if you were doing a loyalist or traitor army. Traitors would go to the link, loyalists... well I'd hate to make a loyalist World Eater hang out with those that betrayed them...
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What do you guys think the Butcher's Nails implants looked like? They're supposed to be based on the ones Angron has, which aren't really visible in his model, but then in a lot of the World Eater's artwork the unhelmed Legionaries have so much tech stuck to the side of their skulls it's a miracle they can wear pauldrons, let alone helmets.

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What do you guys think the Butcher's Nails implants looked like? They're supposed to be based on the ones Angron has, which aren't really visible in his model, but then in a lot of the World Eater's artwork the unhelmed Legionaries have so much tech stuck to the side of their skulls it's a miracle they can wear pauldrons, let alone helmets.


Well, the Forgeworld unhelmed World Eaters champion model has cables punching straight into the back of his skull, which I assume are feeding straight into the Butcher's Nails though they weren't named that when the models were designed.

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Not not really. They actually punch straight into his head. You can see the skin and skull split where they go in, it looks like the ole planet munchers used a nail gun to put them in. Which is probably not far from the truth. Also they connect back into the armor so they probably can't really sway around or anything.
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So Predator Dreadlocks? Sweet!


That makes sense, since they are supposed to be based on Angron's implants and in most of the artwork he has those Rastafarian metal cable thingies flowing majestically in the breeze generated by his axes cutting through a ton of stuff.


It just occurred to me: Those things were originally designed to be implanted into bog standard human beings. Given that they've driven Astartes and (arguably) a Primarch stark raving mad, you have to wonder just how insane Angron's gladiator forces back on wherever were.



Having Angron's implants plug into his armor doesn't make any sense, unless the Space Romans that captured him also had power armor for them to be stuck into. The knock off's used by regular World Eaters might be altered to interface with Astartes Armor machine spirits, but if the nails are so high tech and wedged into A's skull that they can't be removed, I'd assume they're also beyond the ability of the Apocetharies to monkey with in such a manner.

Edited by Wade Garrett
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Yeah, that's how some of the Predator dreads worked. They went from the back of their heads and connected into their masks. I believe the books(which are written by the creator) have each dread being used as a cybernetic implant deal. Different purpose, same concept and helps me build a better image of what it looks like without having to look at pictures.
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It's not the armor per se, it's the gap between the back of the neck guard and the neck area, so they might plug into the black carapace at the base of the neck or something though one definitely appears to plug into that ear guard thing on the side of the osmotic gill. And whether that makes sense or not isn't really up to me, I just looked at the model, I own one. Anyway Angron has a bunch of such cables running from the back of his head I guess into the base of his neck, he always has a kind of metal hood on so it's hard to tell exactly.
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And whether that makes sense or not isn't really up to me, I just looked at the model, I own one. Anyway Angron has a bunch of such cables running from the back of his head I guess into the base of his neck, he always has a kind of metal hood on so it's hard to tell exactly.


It occurs to me that instead of the Nails being built to interface with the armor, Angron's ARMOR is customized to interface with the NAILS. Which makes things a bit clearer for me, anyway.


I'm still wondering what the effect of Butcher's Nails on your basic human is, though.

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  • 1 month later...
with my WE Tac squads iv paid the extra 2Pts per model to give them chain axes. 20 tactical Marines with Bolter, bolt pistol and chain axe + apothacary for that feel no pain, makes quite a flexible and brutal troops choice. especialy as they get to fire bolters twice and get Rage if they fail a moral test and furious charge if they distroy another unit inCC
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