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Hey everyone, I recently got my hands on the new plastic Plaguebearers and painted one up to match my current demon scheme. Four years have passed since I started my demons so my painting skills have improved a bit. I still consider this guy gaming quality. I would have pushed him a lot more for a display piece. Although it does serve as a study for a Golden Demon idea I have in mind.












Here's a picture of some of my older demons to compare.




And the Deathguard, also mostly from 4ish years ago, that they go with.






Comments and crit welcome and you can vote for him on CMoN here.


(also, anyone have any good tips for removing static grass? I want to make my armies bases look like the new guy's)

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That plaguebearer makes want to pick up a box of new plaguebearers. Great job!

And yes, if there is any special technique you used on those extra smooth highlights and shades, please share!

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