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Thinking about starting over...

Captain Artemis

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So, I have been thinking about starting over with my Crimson Knights (Blood Angels).

I came up with a 500+ points list.

1 captain

20 tactical marines

1 Razorback


I want to start out small and build it up slowly, so I don't have to stress through it when it comes to painting. (I like taking my precious time when it comes to painting.)


Is this a good starting point?


Also, Mods, feel free to move this to the right forum. :)

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Great starting point Erik.


But offcourse you have to thake into consideration what your bigger plan is.

Mech BA is quite good so are our Assault squads, be sure to get pieces from both of those lists.


You allready have your Razorback which is a fantastic starting point.

My best advice for you now is to convert some (5) of those tacticals into Assault Marines.

One of our best features in the book is that our Assault Marines get a discount on the car if they return their Jump Packs.

Las/Plas seems to be the favourite weapon on them so I would also go for that.


Next up, what is your 1500 and 1750 army plan?



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Well, personally I would not use a captain but go for a Libby. We have quite the usefull spells.


Another option is to use one of the named characters or keep-it-cheap captain Cheapass, equiped with pritty much nothing :P.


No in all honesty our Captains are not that good because we have way to less stuff to equip them with :)

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With the new rules for vehicles, razorspam is probably not the ideal way to kit your BAs - you can't get out after moving more than 6", you can't assault at all out of a vehicle(unless it says so in the unit entry) and the hull points get ripped off really fast by glancing hits.


20 Tacticals is a good base for your army, however an Assault squad with JPs wouldn't hurt. Their improved range, assault capacity and special weapons can really make a difference. I'd say add a 10 men squad to get both special weapons. :)



Captains are very versatile, and after the new weapon rules, they have a lot of options no matter what situation comes up. I've heard that some people use double lightning claws, some use powerweapons and pistols, and some go with bulky weapons such as thunderhammers or powerfists.

I use a JP Captain with powerweapon(it's an axe, however I use different rules from game to game) and an Infernus pistol for melta goodness. Not a perfect loadout, but quite versatile and a good mix between shooting and close combat effectiveness.




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