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New Thousand Sons


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The new White Dwarf shows the new Tzeentch powers and says that taking the Mark of Tzeentch requires you to generate at least one power from the Tzeentch powers list. I am disappointed by this as the new Tzeentch powers seem relatively weak. I am guessing that aspiring sorcerers will only be able to generate one power, so that means they will be stuck with the Tzeentch powers.


Tzeentch's Firestorm seems like an okay option for an aspiring sorcerer hiding at the back of the squad due to its 24" range, although its damage potential, especially against power armor, is pretty meh.


Boon of Mutation, IMO, is terrible for an aspiring sorcerer as he stands a pretty decent chance of killing himself for a minor buff.


Doombolt might be okay considering it is a beam. Although the aspiring sorcerer will be trying to hide in the back, so its 18" range will be limiting. Against vehicles and PA/TA this will probably be the best bet. You will just need to carefully arrange his unit to create little fire corridors when using this power to avoid hitting his own dudes.


Breath of Chaos will be okay really only for a unit taking a Rhino, perhaps joined by a sorcerer who also has this power.


Considering the must take and issue challenges rule, I would have far preferred to take Biomancy powers. Hell, even the Biomancy shooting powers and effects are better than the Tzeentch powers IMO. Oh, of course there was telepathy to mess with your opponent. I guess it will just be for the Sorcerer in charge now. If we are lucky enough for Aspiring Sorcerers to be L2, I will definitely generate one power from Biomancy. But this seems highly unlikely, so most often it will be Tzeentch's Firestorm and perhaps sometimes doom bolt for me.

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Just seen a pic of the summery from the new codex, we have LD10 (rubrics and sorcerers) where as everyone else needs to get a champ just to get 9.

Oh and Ahriman has 5 wounds :D Nice to see one of my favorite models getting a boost, always loved his fluff and model, yet hated the land raider price tag for someone who died as quickly as regular sorcerer.

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The new White Dwarf shows the new Tzeentch powers and says that taking the Mark of Tzeentch requires you to generate at least one power from the Tzeentch powers list. I am disappointed by this as the new Tzeentch powers seem relatively weak. I am guessing that aspiring sorcerers will only be able to generate one power, so that means they will be stuck with the Tzeentch powers.


Actually, if you look closer at the page printed in White Dwarf you will find that the entry is about Daemon Prince upgrades. What applies for other Psykers is still unknown (as far as I know).

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I'll be honest, I can't really see, it looks identical to his Inititave, but that may just be the picture.. I was also hoping they had given some way to survive a battle, especially with the new perils of the warp rules.

Compare it to the wound-number below him, more similar. And I am betting he'll have a familiar or something, making roughly half of his perils never happening...

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Bad news on the Thousand Son front though, appears they ARE 150 for 4+ Sorc and the 23pts for each additional marine. Worse, they have SnP and nothing on their page about the sorc making them relentless while he's alive. :)



CSM Compliation

From the Fang


Ahriman is looking damn nice though, the infiltrate ability is very good. If you're going first infiltrate your Sons and their rhino up the board, open up the enemy metal boxes with a forgefiend and rapid-fire your way to happiness on the dudes spilling out of it. If you're going second you can outflank you box+dudes to bunch the enemy up in the middle for some nice defiler/vindicator blast action.

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Why does GW think Aspiring Sorecers are so powerful? Why? They are nothing more then an over priced sergeant who has no options and blows himself up half the time? If they were two wounds then fair enough, but 150pts for what is essentially 5 standard marines? All the other cults got a price drop? So why us? I know GW like to kick Thousand sons but this is getting ridiculous, I mean seriously? And the fact we have to take the lore of Tzeentch which is as ever, a weak lore only compounds the problem. Please tell me that Rubrics can take special or heavy weapons, or it seems the only good point of this codex is Ahriman and possibly the HQ sorcerers.
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As I pointed out above all we know is that DAEMON PRINCES with the Mark of Tzeentch must select one Power from the lore of Tzeentch. What applies to the other Psykers is unknown.


Also, the units Ahriman can give Infiltrate to must be Infantry... so no Rhinos.

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As I pointed out above all we know is that DAEMON PRINCES with the Mark of Tzeentch must select one Power from the lore of Tzeentch. What applies to the other Psykers is unknown.


Also, the units Ahriman can give Infiltrate to must be Infantry... so no Rhinos.


BRB page 38: "If a unit with Infiltarte is deployed inside a dedicated transport, they may infiltrate or outflank along with their transport, but if they do, they must deploy/move onto the table embarked within it"


So, I give infiltrate to my infantry unit of thousand sons, they infiltrate along with their dedicated transport. No problem.

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Well the Tzeentch Lore as I read it is


Primaris Power: Firestorm, which is a 24" range and it's useful to hit regular marines or scouts to a certain point, the second effect of this power is devastating to anything with power armor or lesser armor. its also a Blast marker.


Boon of Mutation is meh! (IMHO)

You have 50% to make one or two models in your Thousand Sons unit have a Boon.


Doombolt Great assassination spell, TAQ equivalents bane and basically hits almost as hard as a lascannon (it hurts Vehicles nicely). With a rather "medium" range of 18". This has an added effect against destroyed vehicles.


Breath of Chaos: Dangerous to use but good spell.

Typical flamer like psychic spell that can kill terminators, poison and glances vehicles 50% of the time.


Chaos Warlord traits are ALL good, there isnt a single bad Warlord trait for Chaos players, this are the the new traits for Chaos:

1 - Friendly units within 12" of Warlord have Preferred Enemy (Space Marines)

2 - Melee weapons belonging to the Warlord and his unit have Soul Blaze

3 - D3 infantry units may infiltrate

4 - Warlord and unit have hatred (everything!)

5 - Warlord causes Fear

6 - Warlord may re-roll Chaos Boons


Icon of Tzeentch: Added bonus to Thousand Sons unit, their bolters have Soul Blaze and the usual Inferno Bolts. This benefit is for any type of bolter weapon.


They also added new familiar types:

Battle familiars that gives 2 S4 attacks with no AP.

Wizard familiars that gives you re-roll on failed psychic test.


Disk of Tzeentch: Model changes it's unit type to Jetbike and gains +1 Attack


Mark of Tzeentch: Invulnerable Saves improved by 1



Psychic Schools: Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy and Tzeentch

Champion of Chaos: Must Issue and accept challenges; If you kill an enemy character, roll on the rewards table.

Vet of the Long War:+1 Ld and Hatred:SM

has a regular load out like a Thousands Son trooper, 4+ Invul save

Inbuilt Warlord Trait that gets D3 Infiltrate units (Infantry units)

Mastery 4

Black Staff: Can cast 3 witchfire power in the same phase. (Including powers that count as shooting).

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Ahriman's ability to grant infiltrate intrigues me - I wonder what the fluff will be for that. I had planned to take a sorcerer in term armor, but perhaps Ahriman will be worth it.


So no further word on aspiring sorcerers mitigating snp?

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Ahriman's ability to grant infiltrate intrigues me - I wonder what the fluff will be for that.


He managed to get into the Black Library which is shrouded in the most advanced psychic defences in the galaxy and buried in the most hard to find corner of the most elabourate galaxy-spanning labyrinth dimension known to exist. By comparison, infiltrating the Emperor's thrown room would be like climbing over your neighbour's fence.

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:D Oh, Ahri, why so awesome?


It would be really cool if he'd actually managed to FIND the black library now. The eternal quest thing is pretty cool, but it gets old after a while. :D


But it's probably going to be more along the lines of him using his precognition (because, you know, that's his specialism) to find gaps in the enemy surveillance and filter units forward through them.

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Ahriman, the one SC I've always wanted to use due to his fluff and model but only done so occasionally due to the land raider price tag.

Whilst are basic unit may be not as strong as others, we have one of the most awesome charecters, fluffwise and now it seems possibly ruleswise, two out of three ain't bad. I have a feeling we are all going to be using Ahirman aren't we?

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