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It's just not good against MEq.


Doombolt's about the only worthwhile power against most opponents. It doesn't help that for Aspiring sorcerers, we literally have 3 powers, when most disciplines have a whole 7.

This, what is the point in giving us half a lore?? I would not be so disapointed if we had at least a whole lore rather the then the still born half one we have, it just feels rushed and like an after thought.

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It's just not good against MEq.


Doombolt's about the only worthwhile power against most opponents. It doesn't help that for Aspiring sorcerers, we literally have 3 powers, when most disciplines have a whole 7.

This, what is the point in giving us half a lore?? I would not be so disapointed if we had at least a whole lore rather the then the still born half one we have, it just feels rushed and like an after thought.


At least your lore still beats Khorne's :D

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It's just not good against MEq.


Doombolt's about the only worthwhile power against most opponents. It doesn't help that for Aspiring sorcerers, we literally have 3 powers, when most disciplines have a whole 7.

This, what is the point in giving us half a lore?? I would not be so disapointed if we had at least a whole lore rather the then the still born half one we have, it just feels rushed and like an after thought.


At least your lore still beats Khorne's :)

Least Khorne's mark and banner are actually usefull, and least you get daemon weapons.

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How is flames of Tzeentch even remotly good? Random strength with no ap, that does not scream "marine killer" It struglles to kille guardsmen/guardians for crying out loud.


Its actually quite awesome against Guardsmen/guardians and any sort of T 3 horde :lol:


Goes perfectly hand in hand with the Ap 3 bolters in many ways, since Sons always struggled with hordes.


It is true that its not awesome against marines due to limited penetration and random strenght (though it may still work), but it`s quite ok against many other armies.

My annoyance is with Gift of Change. potentially my favorite spell, however due to the fact that it automatically gives you an str 4 hit, it seems suicidal to use it on anything but a prince, unless you feel like playing roluette badly.

The Beam and the Wind of Change are good spells though.

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How is flames of Tzeentch even remotly good? Random strength with no ap, that does not scream "marine killer" It struglles to kille guardsmen/guardians for crying out loud.


Its actually quite awesome against Guardsmen/guardians and any sort of T 3 horde :lol:


Goes perfectly hand in hand with the Ap 3 bolters in many ways, since Sons always struggled with hordes.


It is true that its not awesome against marines due to limited penetration and random strenght (though it may still work), but it`s quite ok against many other armies.

My annoyance is with Gift of Change. potentially my favorite spell, however due to the fact that it automatically gives you an str 4 hit, it seems suicidal to use it on anything but a prince, unless you feel like playing roluette badly.

The Beam and the Wind of Change are good spells though.


I would be happier if wind of chaos used 1 power point... of is Aspiring sorcerers had a greater mastery level. Beam is OK, but I feel that reduced range and being S8 harm it. The reduced range is obvious... Why I don't like S8 is the fact that I can no longer pop AV14 with S8... Unless you want glance, glance, glance, glance all on 6s. S9 would have made this power more viable. Hell anything that gave it a chance to pen against AV14.


It isn't that all the powers are bad, but that none of the powers are great... Well wind is pretty awesome... If I actually get it on something that can use it. Tzeentch is the god of magic. Tzeentchian sorcerers should be up there with Eldar (Who are also not that great at the moment.) when it comes to top psykers. Then you have the fact that they are random... Not so bad on an IC where you can move him around and put him somewhere his power will be useful... Pretty bad on a character who is stuck with his unit. Secondly Aspiring sorcerers have always been expensive, they still are. However after GKs came out I had hopes that having a FW and a psychic power wouldn't mean we cost loads as GKs do not cost a lot for what they have. However we still have overpriced, underwhelming mandatory aspiring sorcerers.

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How is flames of Tzeentch even remotly good? Random strength with no ap, that does not scream "marine killer" It struglles to kille guardsmen/guardians for crying out loud.


Its actually quite awesome against Guardsmen/guardians and any sort of T 3 horde :)


Goes perfectly hand in hand with the Ap 3 bolters in many ways, since Sons always struggled with hordes.


It is true that its not awesome against marines due to limited penetration and random strenght (though it may still work), but it`s quite ok against many other armies.

My annoyance is with Gift of Change. potentially my favorite spell, however due to the fact that it automatically gives you an str 4 hit, it seems suicidal to use it on anything but a prince, unless you feel like playing roluette badly.

The Beam and the Wind of Change are good spells though.


I would be happier if wind of chaos used 1 power point... of is Aspiring sorcerers had a greater mastery level. Beam is OK, but I feel that reduced range and being S8 harm it. The reduced range is obvious... Why I don't like S8 is the fact that I can no longer pop AV14 with S8... Unless you want glance, glance, glance, glance all on 6s. S9 would have made this power more viable. Hell anything that gave it a chance to pen against AV14.


It isn't that all the powers are bad, but that none of the powers are great... Well wind is pretty awesome... If I actually get it on something that can use it. Tzeentch is the god of magic. Tzeentchian sorcerers should be up there with Eldar (Who are also not that great at the moment.) when it comes to top psykers. Then you have the fact that they are random... Not so bad on an IC where you can move him around and put him somewhere his power will be useful... Pretty bad on a character who is stuck with his unit. Secondly Aspiring sorcerers have always been expensive, they still are. However after GKs came out I had hopes that having a FW and a psychic power wouldn't mean we cost loads as GKs do not cost a lot for what they have. However we still have overpriced, underwhelming mandatory aspiring sorcerers.


All good points. I think that it would have been Warpcharge 2 had it been str 9 though. Remember, beams actually go through models, only with 1 decreased strenght, so maybe str 9 would then be a bit too powerful for a warpcharge 1 power.

I wish we had an option, where we would be allowed to upgrade our characters with 1 wound, including champions. Make this 30 points, and then its so expensive that few would afford spamming it, but it would be gold for armies like the Sons. Would also be very, very nice if we could be allowed to pay hell, 25 points, for ML 2 on Sons champs.

Having the option to have super expensive 2 wounds champs would also play better with our forced challenges, but admttedly now I am in wishlist mode :lol:

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Egh, all the powers are great against MEq armies, that's been my experience. Maybe you face super marines who never die? :D

Personally, I have only used Tzeentch's Firestorm and Doombolt. Both have served me well against other marines.

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