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Demons and Spawns


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Well, it seems that according new rules everybody of us - chaos postive guys - will need one Demon Prince and One Chaos Spawn.

The problem is, in both cases I dont like the standard GW modely. Any idea where to get some pretty cool Chaos Prince or Chaos Spawn?


I am thinking about Rackham Molochs...

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Forgeworld has some decent ones as well as Models you could easily substitute for either.


FW daemons are larger than standard ones. That means you will put yourself in disadvantage, giving your opponent a clearer line of sight; for example.


GW Daemon Princes are not that bad.

For the Spawns I think you could use any "monster/beast" on the proper base with a moderate amount of "mutations" (you can always look at your "bits box" :) )

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Forgeworld has some decent ones as well as Models you could easily substitute for either.


FW daemons are larger than standard ones. That means you will put yourself in disadvantage, giving your opponent a clearer line of sight; for example.


GW Daemon Princes are not that bad.

For the Spawns I think you could use any "monster/beast" on the proper base with a moderate amount of "mutations" (you can always look at your "bits box" :) )

I don't paly a whole lot and I was unaware of the size difference. But conversion work could fix the height difference couldn't it?

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Forgeworld has some decent ones as well as Models you could easily substitute for either.


FW daemons are larger than standard ones. That means you will put yourself in disadvantage, giving your opponent a clearer line of sight; for example.


GW Daemon Princes are not that bad.

For the Spawns I think you could use any "monster/beast" on the proper base with a moderate amount of "mutations" (you can always look at your "bits box" :) )

I don't paly a whole lot and I was unaware of the size difference. But conversion work could fix the height difference couldn't it?


Well it seems it's the body of the FW daemons to be much larger than standard ones. I suspect you will not find a easy way to make them smaller.

If you don't care about the tactical disadvantage FW daemons are very nice models...

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I've got an old WHFB minotaur that I set aside for my first spawn. It goes right on a 30mm base and stands a bit taller than a Terminator. The other day I picked up one of Reaper Miniatures new Bones line, a minotaur with two hand axes, for US$3.50. They're a bit rubbery, but have the detail of Finecast without the casting flaws, and take superglue and regular hobby paint well. In fact, I tested their claim that you can paint them right out of the box without priming, and it works as advertised.


But the point is, I've got two hulking minotaurs that I'm using for spawn models, one a found mini and the other dirt cheap.

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If you care about the gameplay aspects more than the models, than just use the GW ones. After all, they're the 'correct' size.


If you want to use other models because they look cooler, you might have to accept that looking cooler may include being larger, and thus granting easier line of sight.


Anyway, here's some options. Oddly enough, I found fewer cool daemon & mutated monster minis than I would have expected. GW links always go to the front page instead of the linked page, so for those I'll link to a picture instead, and include a description of where you'll find it on their site. Note for any non-GW minis that I cannot vouch for the scale.


Alternative daemon princes:

- Nurgle Prince (forgeworld)

- Khorne Prince (forgeworld)

- Finecast prince (the old 3.5 prince - currently in 40k advance orders)

- Nurgle Daemon Prince (40k, Chaos Marines, HQ)

- Be'Lakor (GW WHFB, collectors, warriors of chaos)

- Gulavhar (GW, LotR, forces, Angmar)

- Balrog (GW, LotR, forces, Moria)

- Dweller in the Dark (GW, LotR, forces, Moria)

- Nephilim Protector (Privateer Press)

- Gnarlhorn Satyr (Privateer Press)

- Warpwolf Stalker (Privateer Press)

- Spellscar Griffon (Privateer Press)

- Pureblood Warpfolf (Privateer Press)



Alternative Chaos Spawn

- Nightmaw (FW, mentioned by JT below*)

- Beast of Nurgle (GW, 40k, Daemons, Elites)

- Swamp Horror (Privateer Press)

- Thrullg (Privateer Press)

- Typhon (Privateer Press)

- Agonizer (Privateer Press)

- Swamp Troll (Privateer Press)

- Netherhound (Avatars of War)


* EDIT: I can't believe I forgot that model, it's fantastic, and the sorcerer's pretty boss, too.

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So does that table only apply to Chaos Lords and sorcerers, or can you potentially have numerous Daemon Princes running around the table? Do they keep their weapons and all, and what entails Pokevolving into a Daemon Prince?
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It can apply to anyone with the Champion of Chaos rules - Aspiring Champions and Lords certainly, presumably the other independent characters as well, though maybe not princes?


It's not clear at the moment what, if anything, is kept from the original model (mark, weapons, whatever) when it becomes a prince, or if you just replace it with the default prince without any upgrades or options.

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Just recently I got FW's Nightmaw for a spawn. He's an awesome model that fits perfectly well on a terminator-sized base, which is the right size I believe. He's coming with Sayl the Faithless for painful £22. But I'm planning to 40k Sayl and make a Chaos Sorcerer from him, so I keep telling myself that it's not that much of a bad deal.


Cheers, JT

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It can apply to anyone with the Champion of Chaos rules - Aspiring Champions and Lords certainly, presumably the other independent characters as well, though maybe not princes?


It's not clear at the moment what, if anything, is kept from the original model (mark, weapons, whatever) when it becomes a prince, or if you just replace it with the default prince without any upgrades or options.


So wait...our Aspiring Champions can become Princes in the midst of battle???


If this is true, I'm debating using TrueScale marines maybe on top of some scenery or something to look like daemon possessed champions :D

For anyone who has read the Word Bearers novels, I'm getting a Burias-Drak'shal feel here with our champs being able to just mutate like this, plus maybe it would make more sense in case it's for a league/campaign or something

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It can apply to anyone with the Champion of Chaos rules - Aspiring Champions and Lords certainly, presumably the other independent characters as well, though maybe not princes?


It's not clear at the moment what, if anything, is kept from the original model (mark, weapons, whatever) when it becomes a prince, or if you just replace it with the default prince without any upgrades or options.


So wait...our Aspiring Champions can become Princes in the midst of battle???


If this is true, I'm debating using TrueScale marines maybe on top of some scenery or something to look like daemon possessed champions :)

For anyone who has read the Word Bearers novels, I'm getting a Burias-Drak'shal feel here with our champs being able to just mutate like this, plus maybe it would make more sense in case it's for a league/campaign or something


Lol, so the Mushroom kingdom is in the Eye of Terror, and on the right roll, your Aspriring champion downs one of the mushrooms ones that makes you bigger?


On that note, you could just use the DV chosen. In comparison to normal CSMs, they're big bastards.

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It can apply to anyone with the Champion of Chaos rules - Aspiring Champions and Lords certainly, presumably the other independent characters as well, though maybe not princes?


It's not clear at the moment what, if anything, is kept from the original model (mark, weapons, whatever) when it becomes a prince, or if you just replace it with the default prince without any upgrades or options.


So wait...our Aspiring Champions can become Princes in the midst of battle???



Every time you defeat a character in a challange you roll on a table and "boom" your Aspiring Champion can become a Prince or a Spawn or gain other upgrades.

There is also a wargear that gives you a free roll on the table before you start the match. A part from the two extremes (spawn and DP) there are very interesting upgrades.

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