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Outrageous Codex Price

Crystal Geyser

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Is there anywhere I can buy the new CSM codex for cheaply (and legally).

We didn't ask for a hardcover, nor did we ask for full color, and we sure as hell did not ask fro the $50 rice tag it comes with.

I refuse to feed into GW's price inflation on this. I'll accept most, but not this.

Does anyone know where we can get it cheaper?

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I'll reiterate a point made in a similar thread.


It's much higher quality, only marginally more expensive than the fantasy army books and wont suffer any binding issues.


I had to buy three copies of the old vampire counts army book due to crappy binding, that'd be a 50 quid investment in total. £30 for a nicely presented, much more durable book is something i'm ok with.

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Wait a bit and then take a chance on Ebay?

Of course on eBay, you're at the mercy of the seller as well as how high the bids go. And you're hoping and praying that the pictures are actually accurate and that you will not purchase a Codex that had a "No Return" policy that showed up to your house missing the back cover and the first half of the book. And of course by the time you pay shipping an handling and the insurance on it, you still migt wind out paying US$50 anyways so it might actually be safer to walk to the LGS, pay the $50 there and have a Codex that has no damage except what you do to it and is right there in your hands immediately after purchase rather than waiting three to four days unless you paid for the premium overnight shipping which is like US$20 IIRC.

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The price really is comparable to any hardbound RPG book out there. Look at FFG's Warhammer 40K books- Deathwatch retails for $60. D&D or Pathfinder core books are all around $50 as well. really, a $50 codex that will last more than 3years isn't a bad deal.


Also, there *are* online retailers that offer 20% off...

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I'm sure someone has put up a torrent for it


That's as cheap as it gets :o

And technically speaking, not legal. Which is exactly what the OP is not looking for.


Ah quite! I did not see the "legally" clause at first glance.


Fair enough hah!

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Yeah, I'm going with the torrent option myself, along with the Forgeworld Book. I'll contrast and compare, but it ain't looking good for the New Chaos Codex for me, I was never about mutations, daemon engines, daemons in general and the like.


Leagally, if I were to buy it it'd be from the Warstore or Spikeybits or the like.

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I think we can agree that it is a nice book with a reasonable price tag for what it is, I can personnaly afford one easy, but I am simply getting fed up with GeeDubs compulsary value added philosophy.

This is a kids game and needs to have RULES books without a craptonne of the other hobby/fluff stuff forced into the purchase price.

Let those who want 100 pages of pretty pictures get them elsewhere and keep the rules(from legal sources) accessible to the MANY young players out there.

They will thank GW by spending their dosh on models anyway.

Nice hard cover BGB, nice FW IAs, nice current SOFTCOVER dexes for every dex until now(not counting 'Ere We Go back in the day), it's a good model GW, please stick with it!


I really hope my new DA dex will be SOFT, pleeeeeeeese GW stop encouraging pirating :geek: Heaps of PLAYERS just want access to RULES, we know the fluff already--- we read your BL books too!


Rant over, out :)

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I'm sure someone has put up a torrent for it


That's as cheap as it gets :)

And technically speaking, not legal. Which is exactly what the OP is not looking for.


Technically speaking... That depends where in the world you happen to be at the time. For example... One of the countries I visit now and again has laws that allow you to do pretty much anything you want with someone else's IP as long as you are not making a profit from it or causing them the owner to lose any profit. So uploading is generally illegal but downloading is all good.

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I'm sure someone has put up a torrent for it


That's as cheap as it gets :D

And technically speaking, not legal. Which is exactly what the OP is not looking for.


[...] as long as you are not making a profit from it or causing them the owner to lose any profit. So uploading is generally illegal but downloading is all good.


Well, you are causing the owner to lose profit buy downloading and not buying. So it is not legal there either.


- Nat

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Dont count on softcovers from here on, they stick to hard covers and wont give us an option like PP does.


And frankly speaking, its our own fault gw acts like this by refusing to try other wargames and make them bigger and able to compete with gw.


Either suck up what GW does or make a change yourself, but dont complain pointlessly.

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I'm sure someone has put up a torrent for it


That's as cheap as it gets :)

And technically speaking, not legal. Which is exactly what the OP is not looking for.


[...] as long as you are not making a profit from it or causing them the owner to lose any profit. So uploading is generally illegal but downloading is all good.


Well, you are causing the owner to lose profit buy downloading and not buying. So it is not legal there either.


- Nat


And then you have people like me who will buy the book, but also like to have the digital version that torrents can give me...

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I'm sure someone has put up a torrent for it


That's as cheap as it gets :pinch:

And technically speaking, not legal. Which is exactly what the OP is not looking for.


[...] as long as you are not making a profit from it or causing them the owner to lose any profit. So uploading is generally illegal but downloading is all good.


Well, you are causing the owner to lose profit buy downloading and not buying. So it is not legal there either.


- Nat


Yeah a company tried that argument and the court said that they could not prove that they would buy it anyway. Likely this would only hold if it was for a product that was deemed necessary, anything that someone doesn't need is very tough to prove that they WOULD have bought it. While they are happy to throw the book at uploaders because someone almost certainly has downloaded it who would have bought it otherwise.


Someone like me has downloaded many codices/IA books but I also own hard copies of them all as well, so again just downloading it doesn't prove loss of profits.

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It's much higher quality, only marginally more expensive than the fantasy army books and wont suffer any binding issues.


I had to buy three copies of the old vampire counts army book due to crappy binding, that'd be a 50 quid investment in total. £30 for a nicely presented, much more durable book is something i'm ok with.


I second this impression. I would much rather pay £30 for a hardbound, full colour book than £20 for what is essentially a glorified magazine.

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That is true Hellios. It's actually a loss of potential profit which is something that cannot be regulated. And as anyone who ever took High School Economics knows that the economy works off the potential as well as factual events. But that conversation is neither here nor there on this thread. Let's suffice to say that the OP will either have to try a 3rd Party buyer since we do not know which country he is in and that is the safest way to go.
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It's much higher quality, only marginally more expensive than the fantasy army books and wont suffer any binding issues.


I had to buy three copies of the old vampire counts army book due to crappy binding, that'd be a 50 quid investment in total. £30 for a nicely presented, much more durable book is something i'm ok with.


I second this impression. I would much rather pay £30 for a hardbound, full colour book than £20 for what is essentially a glorified magazine.


My problem is not so much the price or the quality (Although I wouldn't mind cheaper.), it is the size... The hardback books are just bigger (Even if they didn't have more pages in them as well.), although not as insanely big as the hardback BBB. I often have a few armies with me and so need multiple codices, it is also good to have other codices because you never know when you will bump into 'THAT GUY'. I can't be bothered to lug around a load of hardbacks... I guess it is a matter of bringing on the e-books now...

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Maybe that's the whole point, GW is trying to push everyone into buying the e-books for convenience's sake. I mean, surely the e-book would have to be cheaper and as I am typing this, I realize that GW would come up with some excuse as to why it should be the same price but then again that super-flippin'-huge SM Codex e-book was only around US$12 wasn't it?
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...or allowing limited photocopying for "personal use only", ie. of the rules section of the codex for actual gaming.


I have to say I'm eager for the arrival of my codex, and didn't mind paying the £30, based on the fact that it will be a decent sized publication with good content.


I reaaallly want the forge world book "Heresy" - but £70?! ooof.

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Just a few years ago you could get a codex for $20. I bought every one that came out when they were that price, but I haven't bought a single one since the price started jumping by leaps and bounds.


Yes, it's now hardback. But that means heavier and bulkier. I was just fine with softback everything.


Yes, full color. Better pictures, sure, but I don't really need full color borders on every page.


Yes, pages and pages of fluff. But in my opinion the fluff is now actually fluff, in the sense of being just filler. Do you really need a page to talk about how awesome Tactical Marines are? Or how awesomer Sternguard are? The 5E codexes reached a new height in terms of the hyperbole/wordcount ratio. And the fewer words that are written about Kaldor "Heart-Doodler" Draigo the better. In fact, the more I think about it, each additional page past 50 should probably command a price discount.

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Codex: Space Marines is $42 on the Apple App Store. If you've got an iPad that is slightly cheaper.


I'd also completely disagree with the idea that the background is 'filler'. Without that you might as well just roll dice and declare someone the winner, or play chess. The background section of the books gives me ideas for new armies or cool settings, or campaigns.

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Different tastes I guess, other than Draigo I've liked everything so far. The Dark Eldar in particularly were a beautiful reinvention. Necrons with personality were cool, it was a slightly different way to what I'd have preferred, but it works well.


Even Draigo is salvageable, and the key is remembering that Codices are 'official' Imperium propaganda. So Draigo: he's a guy, walking through the Warp forever, burning down Forest, carving names on hearts generally being a badass. Really? Doing all this in a land where the Gods' whims are made manifest? Nah. They're playing with him having fun at his expense, and all that makes him one of the pitiful guys around.

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