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Outrageous Codex Price

Crystal Geyser

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I really, really can't understand what's the problem with Codex price. You're buying it once in 5-6 years, you need only 1 copy of it, and for 30 pounds you're getting strong hardcover that will last virtually forever, unlike floppy softcovers, wearing off in just a year or 2 of constant use. Why don't you whine about their Rhino prices? To get a new army you need at lest 3-4 of them, 22 pounds + FW doors for 11 pounds, that's crazy! Or even better example, basic troops. 3 squads full plasma will cost you 138 pounds, because greedy GW put only one special weapon in each box! Now THAT'S crazy! Why couldn't they make Chosen box, similar to SM Devastators but with specials? And Marines are our bread and butter, you need LOTS of them, for almost all types of infantry.


Really, I would gladly pay 70 pounds for HH for it's quality, and I would gladly pay 50 pounds for codex if they made it even better, with more fluff and arts!

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I really, really can't understand what's the problem with Codex price. You're buying it once in 5-6 years, you need only 1 copy of it, and for 30 pounds you're getting strong hardcover that will last virtually forever, unlike floppy softcovers, wearing off in just a year or 2 of constant use. Why don't you whine about their Rhino prices? To get a new army you need at lest 3-4 of them, 22 pounds + FW doors for 11 pounds, that's crazy! Or even better example, basic troops. 3 squads full plasma will cost you 138 pounds, because greedy GW put only one special weapon in each box! Now THAT'S crazy! Why couldn't they make Chosen box, similar to SM Devastators but with specials? And Marines are our bread and butter, you need LOTS of them, for almost all types of infantry.


Really, I would gladly pay 70 pounds for HH for it's quality, and I would gladly pay 50 pounds for codex if they made it even better, with more fluff and arts!


To be fair to them, newer boxes do tend to have most of the options available to them. They're also rumoured to be making a Chosen box, for a second wave later in October. This wave seems to be about making sure every option has a model when the Codex drops.

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I really, really can't understand what's the problem with Codex price. You're buying it once in 5-6 years, you need only 1 copy of it, and for 30 pounds you're getting strong hardcover that will last virtually forever, unlike floppy softcovers, wearing off in just a year or 2 of constant use. Why don't you whine about their Rhino prices? To get a new army you need at lest 3-4 of them, 22 pounds + FW doors for 11 pounds, that's crazy! Or even better example, basic troops. 3 squads full plasma will cost you 138 pounds, because greedy GW put only one special weapon in each box! Now THAT'S crazy! Why couldn't they make Chosen box, similar to SM Devastators but with specials? And Marines are our bread and butter, you need LOTS of them, for almost all types of infantry.


Really, I would gladly pay 70 pounds for HH for it's quality, and I would gladly pay 50 pounds for codex if they made it even better, with more fluff and arts!


Cool... but if I want to know all the rules for the game (Not counting FW) I actually need a stack of books and sometimes they are replaced pretty quickly. I also think rhinos cost more than they used to and considering I have 15-20K of marines and only 4 rhinos... I think you can get away without them. I consider the models to be the main product, the rules are just a suggestion of how you can play with them. For the amount of effort they put into the codices... I think they are pretty expensive.


FW on the other hand... I love... Although I do get annoyed by errors editors should have caught. I can't say I'm thrilled at the latest book being gold plated and jewel encrusted... I don't feel it adds much and it just makes it more expensive. As for the content inside... That was going to be around £50 like all the big FW books.


As for floppy covers wearing out... I have all the codices from 3rd edition to date + a few from second edition. 3 of them are missing covers! One I ripped (by accident), another got attacked by a dog and the final one fell off by itself. Considering I used to carry these around a lot and wasn't exactly careful with them... That they have lasted longer than some of the people I have played against has been alive shows that their quality isn't that bad. I don't doubt people have had bad copies due to batch errors.

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