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chaos release thoughts


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So, the advance orders are up, we know what we're getting and the internet is pretty down on it. We're getting figures for all the new stuff and no updates on the old stuff just yet, while this doesn't compare to the dark eldar or neccron releases, compare it to the last tyranid release, the best new unit was not released for ages. Would people really have preferred a redone csm sprue that's not that old? Just cult troops? No models at all for the new units? Even no new units at all? The internet damns games workshop for doing as much as it damns them for not.
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It's all in the business. Tervigon wasn't released until it was known to sell. Dual kits sell pretty well (I'll bet). Recall the Bloodcrushers? $30 each, then it sold enough at the expensive price to get a plastic kit that reduced cost by 50% (Release was around $45). So, if you want something new, buy the crap out of the old stuff :P


Plus, there's always a second wave (only a few exceptions out there, GK). So before we toss all the judgements out there, everyone should chill out a minute and wait. But I do agree this is a somewhat lackluster release, but you also have Dark Vengeance (epic cheapness for units) so I think in total Chaos made out pretty well.

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So, the advance orders are up, we know what we're getting and the internet is pretty down on it. We're getting figures for all the new stuff and no updates on the old stuff just yet, while this doesn't compare to the dark eldar or neccron releases, compare it to the last tyranid release, the best new unit was not released for ages. Would people really have preferred a redone csm sprue that's not that old? Just cult troops? No models at all for the new units? Even no new units at all? The internet damns games workshop for doing as much as it damns them for not.


Some people, including me, would have certainly prefered to get new csm/ cult sprues ( especialy since said troops make up the majority of one's army and therefore influence it's visual style more than anything else )instead of halfassed daemon engines, a lolbad dragon and a bunch of mediocre characters.

The internet damns GW for being highly inconsistent when it comes to the quality of their releases, the constant pricehikes, the at times obvious lack of playtesting and not necessarily for releasing the "wrong" miniatures ( which is a disapointing but not necessarly damning ).

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To be fair though to GW the plastic Chaos marines aren't a bad kit yes they might be old but they still look good, ye its a shame you have'nt got cultists yet but they have just released dark vengeance i imagine they will be making alot of money from people buying that and trying to sell the DA stuff.

but hell the dragon/turkey thing isn't as bad as it initially appeared, though i was part of the crowd the hated the storm raven when it came out.... now i love it. i think the sculpts for the new ICs are great. I think i am alone in loving the Dark apostle though. hopefully you get a good second wave which im sure you will.

it could be worse.... yes dark eldar got an update on their troops but damn........... they needed it.

One thing i would be peaved about...... Abaddon he really needs a new sculpt the one he has is so out of date now, especially when you look at the awsomeness that can be done with the forgeworld one!


And if GW's previous three 40k releases are anything to go by your second wave should be soon!

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