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Chaos Army List


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I'd wait for the Codex to hit the shelves. If I was to start a new army, I wouldn't pull out a few hundred bucks without knowing what crunch I'm paying for. If you're after pretty models, or models you find pretty, you can go for anything, any time.

If you can't wait to start something off: Grab a Chaos Space Marine box or two. You'll need Troop choices anyway, and only the DV cultists won't get you far. You can't do anything wrong with Marines.


Cheers, JT

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Is this mostly display, or do you mean it to be a competitive army? If the former, then the raptors and the warpsmith are very nice models, and the aspiring champion will look great in your chosen squad.


If the latter, well, details are starting to come in, but it's going to be a few months before the internet comes to any sort of concensus on what's most effective in the new book.


If you haven't started painting your dark vengeance models, I'd start considering what faction you're going to go with. Read up on the main traitor legions and the red corsairs to see if any of them speak to you. If not, come up with a history and color scheme for your own personal warband. Chaos really lends itself to the narrative aspect of the hobby, revolving around individual characters with strong personalities and bitter rivalries.


Once you've picked your faction, if you haven't already, focus on painting up your Dark Vengeance stuff if you haven't finished it already. The book may be in your hands by then, making it easier to select your next purchase.


If you are already done painting your dark vengeance stuff, then you're a lot faster than I. In that case, look to ebay to see if you can pick up another 20 starter box cultists second hand, pumping you up to one squad of 20 with pistols, and two squads of 10 with rifles and heavy stubbers. If you're gonna run cultists, might as well run a lot, and a separate box isn't showing up in the first wave. I'd also pre-order the new aspiring champion, as it looks great and will fit right in with your chosen, potentially freeing up the power maul champion they come with to serve as a dark apostle in your pistol armed cultist squad. After that, you'll want at least one box of chaos spawn and a daemon prince, just in case one of your characters gets especially lucky, or unlucky, on the gifts of chaos chart after a challenge.


From there, I'd grab a vehicle or two to run alongside your dreadnought. Maybe a forgefiend, defiler, or heldrake, for a daemonic touch? Or a predator or vindicator if you want something more traditional? Maybe even a land raider for your lord & chosen?


After that, more core would be in order. If you're running a marked lord, he'll make the appropriate cult marines troops and whichever they are would make a great next squad. If not, basic chaos marines should provide some heavier troops to compliment your cultists. And from there, well, whatever you think is cool. Maybe some possessed, or some terminators, or obliterators, or the pretty new raptors or warp talons? Or maybe some fortifications, or look to Imperial Guard or Chaos Daemons for some allied options?


Your choice of sub faction will likely dictate a most obvious course of action at this point. Ie, word bearers and the aligned cults should probably be grabbing some daemons now, and maybe a dark apostle if you aren't already using your power maul chosen champ as one; Iron Warriors should be picking up a warpsmith and another tank or daemon engine, while considering some oblits, havoks, or maybe a bastion or fortress; Black Legion should be grabbing some possessed and a sorcerer, or maybe some terminators and a terminator lord; night lords should definitely be going for raptors, talons, or a heldrake; alpha legion might want to think about using their cultist agents to subvert a detachment of imperial guard; etc).



Anyway, that's the way I'd be going about it if I were collecting a chaos army from scratch at this point.

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thanks for the help

it is more of a competitive army list


In that case, you're going to need to wait until you have the codex in hand to pour over it yourself - nobody can give solid competitive advice for the book yet - details are coming in, but that kind of assessment requires the full picture to form theories and experience to test them out. At the very least, you'll probably want to try out a few different builds using proxy models before committing to any further purchases.

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