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Is it just me?


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When I was watching the new video GW have put up on Youtube and I was thinking that the new beasties look kinda Transformer-ish to me. Don't get me wrong, they look neat (in fact I think they'd go great in an Iron Warrior army, imho) and have opened up some great avenues for conversions but they, to me, aren't chaos-y enough. Granted there are some spikey bits, some skulls here and there (on the guns) and some fleshy/metallic areas but they seem to be lacking other trademark features, such as any eight pointed stars, teeny-weeny faces on panelling, any sort of maw at an opportune place and trophies (heads/bodies lashed to the fuselage and the like).


Maybe it's just me, but the models look like they could have done with some extra detailing, I think. I'll get off the soapbox, now.


Edit - Typo.

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No, it's not just you. The first time I saw them, I thought Predacons from Beast Wars. Dinobots and Power Zords came after everybody mentioned them. But yes, they do look like neat. And yes, they would make great minis and conversions. And to be honest, it's not just the Forge/Maulerfiends either. The more I look at the Warp Talons, the more I seem to be reminded of Forgeworld's Mk IV Assault Squad. It's easier to see what I mean if you use the picture of the BL Warp Talons. But hey, they're all great looking minis and I like them. That's all that matters to me.
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To me, they look like they were designed along the lines of the Juggernaut. But then again, the Juggernaut does remind me of this guy.


Anyway, I think they look a lot more chaotic than our tanks. Must be all that trimmed armour.

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I can't remember, which Transformer was it that was fuelled by the souls of the damned before firing them at the Autobots :)


I wouldn't be surprised if the flat, plain areas are there to allow you space to modify them. Stick on Legion specific iconography, more tentacles, whatever floats your boat. They could have done a superb Iron Warriors fiend, but then everyone else wouldn't be happy; this way I can stick Oaths of Moment, copies of the Word of Lorgar and extra tentacles.

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The thing is they have all the Star is prevalent on them just gotta l yook around it, hard to do with pictures, the Helldrake for example has it on the shoulder blades and the maulers/fiend have a big one on the top, the pipes on the back of also have enough faces to satisfy my need for screaming face details .


My only problem is the way they look like animals with armour but it also does make me think of what daemons trapped within a robot might manifest as.


They are still more daemony then good ol'defy and put that awesome beast to shame in terms of daemonically possessed warmachines.

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My only problem is the way they look like animals with armour but it also does make me think of what daemons trapped within a robot might manifest as.

I think bestial is what they were going with, so I guess that's an awkward aesthetic issue. If you prefer something more mechanical, you could try kitbashing a defiler, or maybe an Ork Deff Dred.

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Having just read the new WD, the daemon engines look a whole lot better in different colour schemes, especially ones that emphasise a contrasting flesh colour. I'm still not entirely sold on them though.
Same here. :rolleyes:
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They are really static models altough they lend themself well for conversions. Needless to say, I am not a fan of them, then again they are not units you really need just more to choose from.

I think it's just a case of GW badly posing their models as usual. The Dreadknight is a much more dynamic model than you'd expect from all the pictures, but they choose this neutral pose so that they display exactly what the model is. I suspect this is similar.

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They are really static models altough they lend themself well for conversions. Needless to say, I am not a fan of them, then again they are not units you really need just more to choose from.

I think it's just a case of GW badly posing their models as usual. The Dreadknight is a much more dynamic model than you'd expect from all the pictures, but they choose this neutral pose so that they display exactly what the model is. I suspect this is similar.


The sad thing is that they do make wonderfull huge beasts for the ogre armies.

Again I wont use it and it lends itself very well for conversions but the Juggernaut for example is far more dramatic posed than his bigger brothers.

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A thing I just thought of.


It is almost as if the guy(s?) who made the daemon engines were afraid of flat surfaces.


Well the personal problem I had with the previous versions of chaos is that it wasn't that chaotic/mutated.


Preds/Rhino's/Raiders where all exactly the same albeit a bit pimped up.

The Defiler was the first who brought the change. This is almost good enough but would have been so great if they made it more poseable with ball joints somewhere.



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When I was watching the new video GW have put up on Youtube and I was thinking that the new beasties look kinda Transformer-ish to me. Don't get me wrong, they look neat (in fact I think they'd go great in an Iron Warrior army, imho) and have opened up some great avenues for conversions but they, to me, aren't chaos-y enough. Granted there are some spikey bits, some skulls here and there (on the guns) and some fleshy/metallic areas but they seem to be lacking other trademark features, such as any eight pointed stars, teeny-weeny faces on panelling, any sort of maw at an opportune place and trophies (heads/bodies lashed to the fuselage and the like).


Maybe it's just me, but the models look like they could have done with some extra detailing, I think. I'll get off the soapbox, now.


Edit - Typo.


Here's your 8 pointed star:




Maws on the Ectoplasma Cannons and leering faces on the smoke stacks:




I'll give you the lack of trophies, but I've always found trophy spikes to be a cheap Chaos aesthetic so I'm not to bummed that there are none.


I personally feel that they really fit in well with the newer look of Chaos, and I can't wait to paint a couple!

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Yeah your not the only one. I have very mixed feelings with the look of the new demon engines. As of right now I am looking for alternate models for them. I am thinking of converting one of the dust tactics models into a forgefiend. I kinda like this one. http://www.unitforward.com/?attachment_id=289


On the other side, as far as I see it now, Khorne gets all the upsides, the Khorne Blood Slaughterers are perfect for this?




Size seems good:


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I am not sure what I dislike more about those fiends and the helldrake, the fact that their design does not fit the WH40K Chaos aesthetics at all, or the fact that they represent GW's trend to introduce loads of new monster/vehicle model kits for every Codex they put out since 5th Edition. Retconning or cramming them in, army gameplay/fluff integrity be damned. The Tyranids did not need six (!) completely new and never before heard of monstrous creatures. No 40K army needs flyers. Not in a game played on a 72x48" table. And Chaos did not need this.


I know GW is a company and wants to sell model kits. But the way they go about it is just sad. It tastes too much of a disregard for the world and the factions they have created.

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No doubt the slaughter fiends have a perfect design for a hull. It works for the slaughter fiends cause it has more of a mechanical demon look rather than a muscular features. Too bad they didnt make them into a plastic kit haha.


Edit: @ Legatus I totally agree about flyers. It just feels out of place in playing a "regular game". Skimmers and flying monsterous creatures should only be the limit in terms of aerial combat imo. If I was playing apocalypse then I wouldnt mind flyiers at all since they fit perfect into the design of a massive battleground.

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I am also not the biggest fan of how Flyers work in the 6th, however the Drake is great at destroying Flyers, so I am happy.


Yep the Blood Slaughterer is also a trimmed down version of what I hoped for the fiends, nontheless you can still make something very cool out of the normal ones, just be prepared to convert.

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Okay, I'll be the super-uncool-one here. I like them. A lot. I always had issues with "Chaos = Loyalists with spikey bits", and I'm not a great converter or scratch-builder. I like the new mutated direction.


And while I'm not a Finecast fan, I did a happy dance when I saw non-metal Obliterators. The Obliterator kits were the most hateful models I've ever asasembled, and I think that's probably why I only have three of them. Now that will definitely change, much to my opponents' chagrin.


I'm looking forward to about 8 months to a year from now, when we're back to being not the fashionable new army to play, and I can get the new kits from players who are moving on to the next cool army. I will always pray to the Dark Gods, with either my Marines or my Daemons.

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