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Is it just me?


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I am not sure what I dislike more about those fiends and the helldrake, the fact that their design does not fit the WH40K Chaos aesthetics at all [...]

The one thing I liked most of the Helldrake is its look which I think fits the Chaos aesthetics perfectly. That is, it fits others of its class. The shape of the wings seems to have been inspired by ForgeWorld's Hell Talon and Hell Blade and thus validates the Hell Drake's postion in the Chaos flyers arsenal.

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I am not sure what I dislike more about those fiends and the helldrake, the fact that their design does not fit the WH40K Chaos aesthetics at all [...]
The one thing I liked most of the Helldrake is its look which I think fits the Chaos aesthetics perfectly. That is, it fits others of its class. The shape of the wings seems to have been inspired by ForgeWorld's Hell Talon and Hell Blade and thus validates the Hell Drake's postion in the Chaos flyers arsenal.

That is only because the Forgeworld Chaos vehicles share the recent additions' odd design. I said the same about the Forgeworld Brass Scorpion and the Blood Slaughterers when they were released, and I think the Chaos flyers were completely new designs at the time as well. But the wings are only half of the helldrake's problems. The stylised WHFB dragon head is the other half. Dragons are just so "fantasy". And now suddenly WH40K Chaos Marines have a carricature dragon machine.

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Okay, I'll be the super-uncool-one here. I like them. A lot. I always had issues with "Chaos = Loyalists with spikey bits", and I'm not a great converter or scratch-builder. I like the new mutated direction.


Dont consider yourself the "super-uncool-one". Remeber this is Chaos everyone has a different path to follow. The current situation of the chaos models right now reminds me of a scene in First Heretic.



It is when Argal-Tal first showed his possesed form infront of other legions. Legions like the Luna Wolves were at awe at his new form but Legions like the Iron Warriors were in disgust.


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Okay am I the only guy who got upset when I realized WHFB Chaos got Dragons and we didn't? When I heard about the daemon engine dragon months ago I got hopeful, then rumors led me to imagine a horrible dragon head for a chassis with jet wings and thrusters flyer. Then the first Helldrake pic was leaked and my jaw dropped and stayed dropped for at least 30 seconds, and my mind was in shock b/c it couldn't decide what it should do to expressy feelings. Personally I love it's look, like Rodan and a Hell Talon/Blade got together and had the sexiest baby they could. I'm already envisioning mine in WB colors.
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