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Wound Allocation Shenanigans


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Hello :)


Me and my friend played our first game the other day. My Necrons versus his Dark Angels. I had 5 Wraiths in combat with 2 terminators with hammers & shields. I struck first causing 6 wounds in total, 2 with rending, 4 normal wounds. He chose to take the two rending attacks on the storm shields and failed one of them - one dead Terminator. He then picked up 2 dice (rather than 4) for his armour saves, saying something like "because of the wound allocation I can allocate 2 of these wounds/armour saves to the already dead Terminator", he then rolled the two dice and passed both armour saves. Logically, this made sense to me so I allowed him to do it, but is that the correct way of doing it?


One other thing that cropped up that we weren't sure how to work out. How do you do the 'wound allocation' thing against a target with multiple armour saves? We just went with the 'whichever model was closest', but would it be fair to take 4+ saves for, say, a necron warrior, only to have a necron lord with a 3+ save fail as well if he was standing right behind him? We both queried it and looked in the rulebook but we couldn't find a definitive answer.


Neither of us liked the change to the Night fighting rules, but that can wait for another time...


Hopefully you can provide me (us) with some answers!


Thank you!



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No that's total bull. Reread both the shooting wound allocation and close combat wound allocation. They're slightly different. If you're shooting and the models with different saves are equidistant you're supposed to randomise (see rules for details). In close combat, the player controlling the models being attacked gets to choose allocate as he wishes between models in base contact with your guys. If those all die, wounds go to the next closest model (ties means he chooses). HE CANNOT ALLOCATE WOUNDS TO GUYS WHICH ARE ALREADY DEAD.
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This is true that he cheated on you.


One thing is that you make wound pulls and choose which happens first the rending wounds or the normal wounds. Then you roll for them per pull. So with him failing the rending wound, the rest of the wounds would all be on the remaining terminator.

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Page 15, right, thank you! Bit clearer now!


So, he should have taken all 4 armour saves instead of 2. Cool. Didn't affect the outcome of the game, I still tabled him. The way I understand it is, CC wound allocation is the same as against shooting, only the defender gets to allocate the wounds (to base to base models first) instead of them just going on the nearest model?


One more question, if a model has a higher armour save than the majority of his squad does he take his saves on his better save, or the majority save?


"Ties means he chooses", not sure what you mean by that, can you elaborate?


I'll be sure to show my friend this thread so he can learn the error of his ways!


Thank you all for your help :lol:



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what you cant do is take the better save and then use look out sir on unsaved wounds.. in a unit of mixed saves look out sir must be called before saves are taken.


theres no such thing as lost wounds now, you cant allocateto dead guys.. you have a wound pool and each wound must be saved or inflict a casualty now

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