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Squad Formations as Viable Tactics


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Hello :)


These are more a collection of musings rather than me saying something definite - only had a single game of 6th so far. More to come, though, many more!


With wounds from shooting now going on the models which are closest to the shooter, squad formations have become something to consider. My friend played 5 squads of Deathwing, Belial, a tactical squad and a combat squaded bike squadron. I played with my Necrons, I made a bit of effort to hide my crypteks at the back of their respective units while he put all his heavy weapons, plasma cannon and assault cannons at the front of his units. In one turn this resulted in the death of 2 of his assault cannons, and another terminator with a CML - you can imagine that he was quite upset about that!


Anyway, I got to thinking about squad formations in various units. Whether they need to protect a character or if a character needs to protect a unit and in what circumstance a certain formation would be the most beneficial for that unit.


For example, I will soon be using a Terminator Libby with Storm Shield and Force Axe accompanied by a 5 man Tactical Terminator squad. So, I thought of a few formations to field them in.



Triangle formation - something like:







The Libby would be at the point in front, with the Sarge behind him in the 2nd line, and the CML (H) at the back in the middle, this ensures that the 'heavy' would be relatively save (from anything bar an AP2 blast weapon, I think) and the Libby can soak up damage for the rest of the squad as he would be positioned closest to whichever threat was shooting them. Anything that runs the risk of Instant Death'ing him can be avoided by a Look Out Sir roll (unless you roll a 1 for that, of course). If it has a S less than 7 but AP2, you can risk it on his SS or attempt a LOS, if S8 but AP3, you can attempt a LOS or risk it on his 2+ armour save and so on.


This formation also provides a measure of protection from shots to the side, again using LOS and protecting the Heavy.


Another formation I considered was the (and my Druchii upbringing might be showing now) was the 'Conga Line' - something like:









This would only really be viable against blasts, large blasts (to minimise touched models) and shots from directly to the front of the unit, again, using the Libby to soak up damage to the rest of the unit.



We can theorise the same sort of formations for our other units as well. Like an Assault squad with an attached Priest, if they assault something and wipe out the enemy, then they might get stranded with enemy units on all sides shooting them to shrapnel (not an ideal situation, to be sure!). For this I imagined a 'circle formation' - something like:







M=marine. S=Sarge. P=Priest. F= flamer or special weapon.


Obviously, you'll want your priest as far away from the enemy as possible (a 2+ LOS roll will only go so far against mass shooting) and you'll want to try and keep the special weapons and the Sarge alive for as long as possible - the regular marines can be sacrificed! - so the guys with the better tools can stay alive to do their thing.


DC with 2 powerfists, put the 2 with the fists out of harms way (at the back or in the middle). Same with heavy weapons in devastator squads and so on and so forth. Endless possibilities :rolleyes:


Just a few examples I was thinking about - haven't done any serious 'theory hammer' or 'mathhammer' (what's that? :P ) or anything like that. Bearing in mind I've yet to get to grips with the new rules and I've only had a single game, these are just musings, really ;)



Is squad formations and the like serious things to consider? Can we employ different formations for different scenarios? Or am I just wasting my time...


Extra examples would be nice ;)



Thanks for reading!



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I would agree that it's certainly something worth considering, and you aren't wasting your time. The one thing I'm wondering is why you've chosen a Librarian to soak up shots. That's a decently expensive model with not a lot more survivability than your Termies have available, especially if they're assault terminators with TH/SS, and a serious reason to stay alive - that's your best man in the unit for fighting challenges with! Unless I missed some awesome psychic power in the main rulebook that lets your Librarian avoid incoming firebetter than a 3++ save, I can't find a reason for the Librarian to be in front.
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Note: at work, so no rules book available, rules paraphrased/from memory.


If you place a marine with a flamer in the middle of the squad, can he still fire?

Doesn't the template rule say you can't place it over friendly models?

I'm not sure whether the 'can always draw LOS through models in your own unit' rules applies for a template weapon.


Cheers, Paul.

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this ensures that the 'heavy' would be relatively save (from anything bar an AP2 blast weapon, I think)


More than valid tactics, it's an integral part of the game.


In the example you mention, wounds from blast weapons are still allocated from the front. It's Barrage weapons that remove from the centre of the template.

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Cool, thanks Xenith!


About the flamer, only worth moving to the back at the end of your phase when you consolidate so they are somewhat protected against enemy fire. When/if they are assaulted the flamer does D3 automatic hits and since you don't actually place the template there's no way of it hitting your own units and can still fire (that's my understanding of it, anyway, I could very well be wrong!). But I was talking about special weapons generally, not flamers specifically. In your turn you would never be silly enough to have your own models in the way of a flamer template prior to assaulting.


The SS Libby in a Tactical Terminator squad would soak up his fair share, I would hope, might need to actually test it out in a few games. Anything with a chance of killing him can potentially be avoided with a 2+ save, a 2+ LOS or a 3++ save, yes there's a risk he might pop but that's always going to be a risk.


As I said, they're just musings really since I am lucky if I manage one game a week!


If this would get a better response in the tactics forum, could someone move it there? Thanks :)

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