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Hooded/robed Cultists

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I am thinking, depending on the new book, of trying out some cultists, however I am not keen on the DV ones (They are nice models, just not the sort I'd want in my cult :D) I'd like to use robed/hooded ones rather then a ragtag look.


Forgeworld gives you:





Games workshop gives you:








Mix for maximum profit.



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I did think of starting necromunda with those :P Whilst those are really nice models, they are too expenisve to get in the numbers I suspect cultists will be needed to be usefull. Certainly going to try and pick those guys on ebay to sprinkle through the squads for flavour, anyone know what they cultist options are?
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Personally I will go for the Blood Pact look. Altough I do not plan to field many of them, if it isn't in close combat, it isn't Khornate.


Options from Maxmini:

Evil Meat Shield:


Kinda Blood pact:


Trenchy traitors:







Other options:




Enough picture spam for now :P

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Well least I know where I will get their weapons once I find my cultists (I'm going to go for just shooty ones).


Most will use them like Marines use scouts anway: "Hold still on that objective! Good dog!" :P

If that's what there good for, and our mogrels will beat there pure breds :P That is what I was planning.

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What about the full body covering robed ones? the bottom half of that guy is good, but the top?? The closest image I can think of is the unfortunate Cultists from unspeakable vault (OF DOOM!) who are what I'm thinking of http://www.goominet.com/unspeakable-vault/vault/9/Cultists/ only with hoods.
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One of the Necromunda gangs, the Redemtionists are quite suitable B)





Lol, you`ll have to forgive me, but followers of the Red Redemption maked the Ku Klux Klan look very, very classy in comparison!

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I might even use some Bunny's to complement my Bunny Zerkers.






But in all seriousness, if you want the hooded cultists, go for the Zealots, they are the cheapest and give you enough bodies.



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You could maybe combine empire flagellants with Pig Iron Kolony Feral heads, or just buy Kolony Ferals. There are two main problems with Pig Iron infantry. They are two-piece models, a head and a body, and therefore the weapons are part of the cast. Secondly, I don't know why, but all their models have small feet. Not absurdly small, but when you notice, it sort of annoys you.




I guess it's not what you are locking for though...


There are however models like these out there


found at


but they look hard to weaponize.

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You could maybe combine empire flagellants with Pig Iron Kolony Feral heads, or just buy Kolony Ferals. There are two main problems with Pig Iron infantry. They are two-piece models, a head and a body, and therefore the weapons are part of the cast. Secondly, I don't know why, but all their models have small feet. Not absurdly small, but when you notice, it sort of annoys you.




These are really nice, shame they only come in squads of five for £9, at that price it'd be £54 just to get a full unit! :cuss

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I did mine like this....


Used the FW Renegade enforcer torsos (come with the head attached and WHFB High Elf legs and some added IG and Chaos bits. I too was looking for hooded heads but couldn't find any I was happy with, but I am happy with these. Only 15 1/2 more to paint lol...


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Anvil Industries/Miniatures of the North do some which might be suitable for what you're looking for:



Those loo quite nice, I'd probably lower there weapons a bit, but they seem fairly expensive (9.50 for 6), especially when you think how many would be needed.

Must admit using the High elf archers and greenstuffing hoods onto the does sound like a good idea, so could try that if nothing else turns up.

Models of hooded monks would probably work.

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