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Changing army theme/Legion/warband in new edition

Warsmith Aznable

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Is anybody else having army dilemmas with the coming of the new edition? Or is anybody super excited about making a change and not having a dilemma at all?


I've been playing my DIY warband since I started three years ago in 5th edition. At the time I didn't know a lot about the established canon legion or renegade warbands, but went full on to create my own warband. At first they were Khornate, then I moved toward a combined arms approach and about that same time invented my own religion for them. Moving away from World Eaters I came up with a combined Black Legion/Iron Warriors force that went their own way very early on. Shortly after that I realized that the Iron Warriors were much more my thing, and I've been incorporating more and more Iron Warriors themes into my warband.


And here with the new edition coming out I find myself thinking of making the switch entirely from my DIY "descended from Iron Warriors" warband to a full on Iron Warriors warband. And yet I am so torn. The new edition seems the perfect time to do it, but...

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I gotta say, with the advent of those sweet DV Chaos models, I'm seriously considering rebooting my Thousand Sons warband alongside a fully redone Warlord 2.0. Very seriously considering it.
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I'm pretty torn between my IWs and WBs. I was moving further and further towards the IWs and the last couple of units I've painted have all be IWs. The introduction of Dark Apostles, cultists and the 6th ed rules for Daemon alies has begun to sway me back towards the WBs... plus the new chosen/lord/sorcerer minis would look better as WBs in my opinion... Add to this the FW HH release and I'm completely at a loss...
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Is anybody else having army dilemmas with the coming of the new edition? Or is anybody super excited about making a change and not having a dilemma at all?


I've been playing my DIY warband since I started three years ago in 5th edition. At the time I didn't know a lot about the established canon legion or renegade warbands, but went full on to create my own warband. At first they were Khornate, then I moved toward a combined arms approach and about that same time invented my own religion for them. Moving away from World Eaters I came up with a combined Black Legion/Iron Warriors force that went their own way very early on. Shortly after that I realized that the Iron Warriors were much more my thing, and I've been incorporating more and more Iron Warriors themes into my warband.


And here with the new edition coming out I find myself thinking of making the switch entirely from my DIY "descended from Iron Warriors" warband to a full on Iron Warriors warband. And yet I am so torn. The new edition seems the perfect time to do it, but...






Seriously Max your DIY warband and the fluff behind them is awesome. I loved reading your fluff and batreps during the Arx Rift campaign!


I'd say if you feel the need to do Iron Warriors don't scrap your Warband, just start a second force. Yeah it's not as cost effective, but your DIY is too awesome to go the way of the Dodo...Seriously!


Start small, using them as unofficial allies to your current warband at first and then build them up slowly. It gives you an alternative army to play when you are feeling bored and need a change of pace.


Anyhow, just my thoughts on it! :turned:



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I am feeling the same way. I have been playing an undivided pyre army for a long time but now I'm feeling the call of papa nurgle. However I'm going to wait to have the codex in my hands before I make my choice final. I will still use my old models but I'm going to pick one of the main legions for all my new models. I am really excited to change things up!
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Been conflicted for a while. Do I try and create a DIY? Or do I go with what's established? I've flipped and flopped back and forth, and still don't know. If I'm honest, I don't like Any of the legions, but elements of the various Legions, with the one I like the most being the Alpha Legion. I've thought about maybe painting part of my army as Alpha Legion, and the other half as Red Corsairs, though I don't know how I'd go about dividing them up. There's also the contingent of Beserkers, and my Zhufor conversion. They aren't alpha legion, nor are they Red Corsairs.


I could split them into 3 separate 1 HQ 2 / other slots and have 3 armies (World Eaters/Skull Takers, Alpha Legion and Red Corsairs) where I could mix and match elements (such as my Rhinos) in whatever army I was playing.


I also like the idea of a "Camo painted" Alpha Legion army, where all of the units would have a black, white and grey camo pattern where they specialize in fighting in boarding actions and hulks.


I'm drawn to the Red Corsairs, because I like their background A LOT more than any of the legions, and the whole Badab war kind of parallels some issues from the US Civil War (a family hobby is study of the US Civil War), in many ways the Badab War was fought over the debate of Astartes Rights vs the rights of the Administratum (very much like States rights vs Government's rights) and like back then, the Government won.

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Seriously Max your DIY warband and the fluff behind them is awesome. I loved reading your fluff and batreps during the Arx Rift campaign!


Thank you for those very kind words, BtW, seriously. I always wondered if anybody ever actually read all that stuff I wrote. I was afraid I was being a self absorbed That Guy by doing it...


I probably will keep the Iron Hounds and do a small allied force of Iron Warriors, like you suggest.

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I've been slowly converting to a Word Bearers host for a while now myself. But then I had never settled on any concrete fluff either. Actually started working on my "Brotherhood of Slaughter" Khornate Word Bearers-esque warband after I started converting models to WB. Probably going to keep the Brotherhood as an allied WE-splinter that runs around with my host. It's leaders having made buddy-buddy with mine from joint WE & WB actions back before and during the Heresy.
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Not thinking of a complete reboot. But I am thinking of maybe starting a second force of Thousand Sons simply because Ive never played a force in neither fantasy nor 40k that was heavy on the magiko-magako and that has played on my mind since thinking of starting High Elves alongside my Dwarfs about eight or nine years ago.


In all likelyhood its not happening. At least not in the Thousand Sons way as I can just play my Word Bearers in a sorceror heavy way should I see fit.

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My Chaos lot are going through a lot of changes, codex or not. Although with those Daemon Engines the majority of the force will be Steel Brethren (or just Iron Warriors) with the Angels of Light being changed into the Raptor Cult. Other than that there might be the odd squad or model from another warband or Legion. Hell, my Dark Eldar will be allied quite a bit. It's funny how all of my "bad guys" are mercenaries.
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umm, no and no. One of the perks of still trying to assemble my first army. :D

Same. I'm not even sure how I'm going to fit some of these new models in my Cursed Chapter. The Chosen, Helbrute, Cultists, and Warp Talons are easy. The Fiends and Drake will be the challenge. My Chapter doesn't have a lot of connections to the Dark Mechanicum. Heck, I wasn't even going to field aa Defiler!


I may have to make a Storm Drake or two to pass as Heldrakes, but those Fiends just don't fit in the Warband's fluff well. I may have to reserve them for when I build for a Warpsmith's force (if they are an HQ), but that's a while down the road. Maybe Cultist rides? Hmm, Sentinel Fiends? I must think on this...

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Sort of. I'm thinking about selling my current armies and possibly doing something else entirely.

No! :( When I think Nihm, I think Night Lords. So long as youre staying Chaos I suppose we'll get over it ;) :tu:

umm, no and no. One of the perks of still trying to assemble my first army. :P

Ha! B)


I'm sort of with that. I'm so invested with my Legion of Taurus, not just because I have about 3000 points worth still to paint :P but in terms of the narrative I've been developing for them.


Also, with the new 'dex, I can see how Warp Smiths, Dark Apostles, Forge Fiends and Mauler Fiends are just going to fit in perfectly... ;) ;)

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I'm about to strip and repaint all my original models (if I can be bothered) which is like 40 CSM and 10 termies. My more recent stuff will stay as the Black Legion, and I'll most likely repaint the the Termies BL too, but the CSM... I'm debating throwing in a renegade warband along with my legionnaires, or just redoing them in a nicer black. I'm gunna wait to see what the new dex is like, and whether it has any ripping tales on the achievements of the Black Legion and the Warmaster
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