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Changing army theme/Legion/warband in new edition

Warsmith Aznable

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I've been developing an idea for a warhost over the last few months, but held off defining unit details in August when I heard about a new dex coming. It's going to be a Space Wolves traitor warband (one of the lost great companies that the 13th grey slab represents) that hounded forces of the Word Bearers perhaps during The Scouring --lots of (then) new, Mk VI armor, with splats of the old stuff but nothing past VI for the models. I haven't worked out the deets, but the Wolves bite off more than they can chew. After being whittled down during the hunt, the Wolves fall to Nurgle seeking to overcome death. With the Wolves falling to Chaos, the Word Bearers do their thing and spin Russ and the All Father as unworthy, and eventually join forces.


I've got a boatload of forge world bits to make up some plague bearer wolves, along with a skin wolf for a daemon prince (I think the whole skin thing could work well into a nurgle look)


For the Word Bearers, I'll be using the chosen from the DV set, along with the Dark Apostle.


Part of me wanted to go nuts with zombie cultists, but I'm thinking that won't fit seamlessly my fluff. Any comments welcome!

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Seriously Max your DIY warband and the fluff behind them is awesome. I loved reading your fluff and batreps during the Arx Rift campaign!


Thank you for those very kind words, BtW, seriously. I always wondered if anybody ever actually read all that stuff I wrote. I was afraid I was being a self absorbed That Guy by doing it...


I probably will keep the Iron Hounds and do a small allied force of Iron Warriors, like you suggest.


Yeah, those were great times and a good read.

And yes, we captured the Arx Rift, for Chaos !

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WELL...The blurb in the new codex about the Night Lords and the ideas ADB's novels have put into my head have really got me turned on to a Night Lords force. I might take a little trip down to the vacation land of terror whilst I wait for the new DA codex.
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Having let my Brazen Warriors gather dust for a few months, the new codex was about to reinvigorate them, with the rumours of Daemon engines fitting my fluff perfectly. Then I saw pictures of the new releases, and didnt like the new daemon engines and I decided to make the Brazen Warriors assault siege specialists with lots of Raptors. Then I saw the daemon engines in different colours, and now all of a sudden I want to put in to practice some ideas ive had for ages for a Death Guard army.
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Seriously Max your DIY warband and the fluff behind them is awesome. I loved reading your fluff and batreps during the Arx Rift campaign!


Thank you for those very kind words, BtW, seriously. I always wondered if anybody ever actually read all that stuff I wrote. I was afraid I was being a self absorbed That Guy by doing it...


I probably will keep the Iron Hounds and do a small allied force of Iron Warriors, like you suggest.


Yeah, those were great times and a good read.

And yes, we captured the Arx Rift, for Chaos !


Hah hah, yes! Glory to Chaos!! Hail Mordred, Warmaster of the Arx Rift!

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Or is anybody super excited about making a change and not having a dilemma at all?


I'm quite happy with most of the changes. My initial plan was to go with a mix of Iron Warriors and Emperor's Children and none of the rumors I've heard tell me that that won't be possible.

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While I'm not planning on changing factions - it's Black Legion all the way for me, I am considering making some significant changes to my overall army structure, in particular replacing the entirety of my current troop base of sixty odd basic chaos marines with some big blocks of cultists organized around a hardened core of chosen (assuming Abaddon does in fact make chosen troops). This will, of course, be somewhat dependent on boxes of chosen and cultists being made available in a later wave of chaos models, and that these models will stand up to the standard set by the dark vengeance models.
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My initial plan was to go with a mix of Iron Warriors and Emperor's Children and none of the rumors I've heard tell me that that won't be possible.

Cult Troops are now Elites, so you can still field them but probably not in as great a quantity - unless you take a Lord, Sorceror or Daemon Prince with the MoS.


Hmmm, Daemon Princes with the MoS, I can't see that catching on... ;) :P :)

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Well, im resurecting my old Slaaneshi army, probably have to buy new models for it though, and mainly because i dont want the same as every one else. So slaanesh all the way this ed. with lots of DE components for the converting :P


My Dark Wolves im basing on the Dornian Heresy article will be Khorne alligned but not necessarily bezerk, ive got 3 boxes and a SW force ready to go when i get some time.The two forces will co-operate as mercenaries and pirates and is detailed in th eIA article im writing.


This, however, leaves my pure World Eater force id been planning since FW released those AMAZING upgrade kits!!!!! They will stand alone and be a very focused force.




SERIOUSLY though -Max- and Nihm you are both iconic!!!! dont change tooo much eh? Also the Rift series was a great read, even if i stayed waaaaay back and read it all. :)

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Most of my stuff was painted when I was a teenager during the 3.0 WD suppliment -3.5 dex. I've had about 5000 points worth of Chaos painted for a long time. But its painted bad. Obviously my painting skills have improved over the last decade.


If the new book is good, I'll be remaking my Chaos marines and aiming for an Apocalypse army.


So far I'm thinking of collecting multiple forces, because of the Allies rules. I'll be getting Word Bearers again, as I've already made a Dark Apostle and a bunch of Chosen. And I'm thinking of having a small force of the other Legions I like, 1 HQ, 2 troops ect. Probably Night Lords, World Eaters, Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion. My main focus will however, be on the Word Bearers.


I am also tinkering with the idea of a custom warband as my first "attach" ally to my Word Bearers. An elite strike force styled, but small Warband, who are supreme Blasphemers to Chaos. They'll worship War and Murder. The Bloody Handed God must be praised! To these warp mutated psychopaths, driven to madness beyond madness, War is not a means to an end, but an end in and of itself. No marks beyond Undivided (which will be counts as), very small strike team styled force. Probably centered around Chosen for the single Elites choice, and Raptors for the Fast attack.


But, who knows. The book needs to satisfy me enough before I go that far.

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After 10,000 years my Alpha Legionnaires are starting to show the drawbacks of consorting with the warp...


...I'm changing the imagery of the legionnaires, but the theme stays the same, lots of 'extra' equipment and tactical gear.

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Is anybody else having army dilemmas with the coming of the new edition? Or is anybody super excited about making a change and not having a dilemma at all?


I've been playing my DIY warband since I started three years ago in 5th edition. At the time I didn't know a lot about the established canon legion or renegade warbands, but went full on to create my own warband. At first they were Khornate, then I moved toward a combined arms approach and about that same time invented my own religion for them. Moving away from World Eaters I came up with a combined Black Legion/Iron Warriors force that went their own way very early on. Shortly after that I realized that the Iron Warriors were much more my thing, and I've been incorporating more and more Iron Warriors themes into my warband.


And here with the new edition coming out I find myself thinking of making the switch entirely from my DIY "descended from Iron Warriors" warband to a full on Iron Warriors warband. And yet I am so torn. The new edition seems the perfect time to do it, but...






Seriously Max your DIY warband and the fluff behind them is awesome. I loved reading your fluff and batreps during the Arx Rift campaign!



Yes, please don't change your fluff too much. Its really inspirational!


As for me, I will be keeping up the work on my Brotherhood of Concord although I will be more open to giving my units marks as being undivided apparently opens you up to the favor of the whole pantheon. :lol:

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Red Corsairs (besides my growing Dark Angel Triwing force) -> focussing heavy on Cultists backed up by some regular Chaos fellows, a good portion of chosen and termies, led by Huron himseld and assisted by the fury of 2 hellbrutes and a Chaos Dread :lol:

Footslogging space pirates all the way! :)

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