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TDA and Reserves


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jeffersonian000 - The only exception from being included in 50% reserve limit while being in reserve is for the units that MUST be in Reserve. Of course you can put any unit in Reserve, but unless it must be put there, it counts against the 50% limit. TDA units MAY be in Reserve, but they may deploy on the table - there is no rule forcing them to be in Reserve. As you have written yourself, you have the choice - and if you have the choice then the "must" condition is not filled.
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In the case of TDA, they have a "May Alway ..." clause that implies choice. Following the Specific over General rule in the BRB that gives permission for Codex special rules to trump BRB general rules, "May Alway ..." can be read as a Specific option to bypass a General limitation. So while Terminators can be deployed on the table, they may always take the option of being reserved regardless of mission limitations. And since the 50% rule is listed as a Mission limitation, TDA have Specific permission to bypass this General limit.


this smacks of someone elses circular arguments.


May always =/= must always. sure TDA may always be put into reserves but fliers and DPs must always start in reserves. the fliers and DPs are both BRB and codex examples for your general to specific argument. if your codex said that TDA must start in reserves then i would agree with you.

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jeffersonian, highlighting the words "can", "must" and "may" actually undermined your argument. Terminators may always go in Reserve, regardless of whether the Reserves rule is in effect. But they don't have the wording "must go into Reserves". With that wording, you're right. But with "may", you're wrong. As you so helpfully pointed out in your own post, units that may go into reserve do count towards the 50% limit. Where the Reserve rule is being used, this is all units, including Terminators. Where it's not being used it's just Terminators (and other may always and musts). But may always is different to must.
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