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Ultramarine descendants and the codex

Brother Captain Andrew

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I was wondering how far away Ultramarine successors can/do stray from the codex due to their experiences. We know that even second founding chapters like the mortifactors can change their beliefs and "personality" due to their homeworld and experiences, but has that/could that result in departure from codex organization?


I've been working on a chapter ends up conquering a system and do to an administratum error they are granted exclusive control over a 10planet/moon system and each company recruits from one planet. (They don't become an oversized chapter ala templars, but an issue regarding captured ships results in the adminstratum learning that this chapter has the loyalty of these planets and could theoretically command the equivalent of millions of soldiers in addition to the chapters considerable capabilites. Problems ensue.)

Chapters can vary greatly from those they're descended from, off the top of my head both the Mortifactors and Iron Snakes, both of whom are second founding Ultramarine descendants have wildly diverged from the UM, and obsession with death and ancestor worship for the Mortifactors, and the basing of a chapter at squad level rather than company level for the Iron Snakes.


Chapters running systems/sectors is not that uncommon and theoretically yes a chapter such as this could control millions of troops. However only in the case of an absolutely dire threat would space marines subsume the command structure of the pdf of this. Even then the administratum would commence an investigation to see if they had overstepped their authority, I recall a piece of fluff in which this occurred (I can't remember the name of the chapter involved) and they were the subject of a full inquisitorial/administratum investigation for a number of years before they were acquitted.


I hope this helps and apologise for this rather long winded post <_<

Chapters can vary greatly from those they're descended from, off the top of my head both the Mortifactors and Iron Snakes, both of whom are second founding Ultramarine descendants have wildly diverged from the UM, and obsession with death and ancestor worship for the Mortifactors, and the basing of a chapter at squad level rather than company level for the Iron Snakes.


Chapters running systems/sectors is not that uncommon and theoretically yes a chapter such as this could control millions of troops. However only in the case of an absolutely dire threat would space marines subsume the command structure of the pdf of this. Even then the administratum would commence an investigation to see if they had overstepped their authority, I recall a piece of fluff in which this occurred (I can't remember the name of the chapter involved) and they were the subject of a full inquisitorial/administratum investigation for a number of years before they were acquitted.


I hope this helps and apologise for this rather long winded post :P


Thanks for the info, it really helps with the gene-seed question. The basic idea behind the system control was that the chapter would save the system, and in return the Chapter would be granted recruiting and homeworld rights to the system. However due to an administratum mix-up the system contained 10 populated planets not just one. Eventually when they have a conflict with the region's Imperial Navy and the planets back the chapter the Administratum and Inquisition order the chapter to turn the ships over or else and the chapter (believing in the independence of the Astartes a la Badab War) says no. Eventually the Master of the Ultramarines (and maybe some others) intervene and sort the thing out before an all out war started.

Sounds good perhaps you could even work in a story about how they had to go on a penitent crusade, which could be very cool from a modelling painting prospective :P


Hit the nail on the head. They leave on a penitent crusade with the Ultra's holding the system in trust. (Heard about this in one of the Imperial Armour Badab books and really liked the idea.)


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