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I will serve the Dark Gods!

Cptn. Palladorus

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Brothers, I've finally bit the bullet and started on the Chaos army I always knew was coming one day. But I can't quite decide which one. I've got the Dark Vengeance box and the new C:CSM is on the way, and I'm trying to decide between a three-way tie - maybe you can help me choose:


Iron Warriors with a strong Dark Mechanicus theme

- all sorts of weird and wonderful mechanical and biomechanical conversions

- would eventually build up to an allied Dark Mechanicus detachment

- DV models could work with Kranon as a sorcerer, chosen and Helbrute as chosen and Helbrute


Flawless Host

- I like how they're a Slaaneshi warband that focuses on something other than noise marines, although of course I'd have a few

- heavy use of combat drugs plays into the rumored FNP from the Slaaneshi icon

- Once again, Kranon as a sorcerer and chosen and Helbrute as chosen and Helbrute


A Death Guard splinter warband

- heavy use of a fly/maggot motif

- including this guy as a sorcerer, at least one of the Maxmini fly heads, and a few Blight Drones

- would eventually work up to a scratchbuilt/sculpted giant maggot as a GUO

- DV models would be harder to work in but with conversion work should fit


I like Thousand Sons fluff too but there don't seem to be any splinter warbands and my core army is Ultramarines so I don't really want to paint any more blue. Anybody know of any alternate color schemes?

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I think Iron Warriors or DG would be your best bet competively, though I am hoping Noise marines become effective, and Slaaneshi CSM do look good.


Personal inclination wants me to try to turn you to the One True Faith and embrace the will of Lorgar. Would allow for all the dark mechanicus stuff very well. And depending on how you wanted to write your host's fluff you could incorporate the other 2 ideas.

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There are no TSon splinter Warbands, however there are at least two confirmed Tzeentch warbands(well really it's just one, the other is just really hard to be anything else.) Those are the Scourged and the Oracles of Change. Both are found in the 4th Edition Codex and the Oracles are also supposed to be in the Treacheries of the Space Marines anthology somewhere. I do not know which story however. But since it was a contest story, I'd bet whichever story is written by an unknown author.


EDIT: Personally, I'd say go for Iron Warriors as it seems they'll have most of the spotlight this time around with the prevalence of the Warp Smith and Daemon Engines.

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There are no TSon splinter Warbands

I'm not sure that's accurate. I'm pretty sure I've read of them somewhere. Either way there's the schism between Magnus and those loyal to him and Ahriman's Cabal. And it's been fluff since at least 4th that both sides' sorcs and aspiring sorcs go out and play mercenary with their magic and rubric marines. So they can fit in a lot of armies.


Edit: The 1k sons pre-heresy colors are red and gold. Might actually do merc rubrics that way one of these days so that they fit in visually with my WB

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I'd say Flawless Host. They are essentially Emperor's Children which are one of the more interesting legions, and I agree that the color scheme is really unique and striking. Iron Warriors are also a good choice (they are actually my favorite legion overall) but I really don't feel like the new stuff fits them at all. Yeah I know that there is a lot of dinobots and whatnot now but that just seems like such a hackneyed theme for IW. If you were to go that route, I'd suggest a dirty and grimy but not mutated breaching force with maybe some light Khorne flavor, Iron Warriors work best with a really disused jaded noir kind of theme rather than "robots, robots everywhere!" but that's just my opinion.
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Now that I put my thoughts down in text I'm really leaning towards the Flawless Host or the Death Guard. I like Iron Warriors for their bitterness and big guns and the prospect of Dark Mechanicus allies but I'm not 100% sold on the painting or modeling.


CC, I used to be way into the Word Bearers and I still really enjoy the Marduk books but lately I'm just not into them as an actual army on the tabletop. Maybe if the new Codex actually allows 12 marines in a transport I'd reconsider.


Would an allied force of Death Guard and Flawless Host be fluffy? I know it's technically possible since the gods aren't opposed, but how likely would it be to actually happen? And how would it play on the table?

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Fair enough. I guess a better way to put as there are no recorded TSon splinters that bear any change in iconography or colors that I am aware of. This does not mean that you cannot create your own however.


Would an alliance be fluffy? Yes. And no. And there is the maybe so. Basically, as long as you can make a plausible reasoning for it, the answer will be yes. Right now, I'm going through the short story The Carrion Anthem. (There be Spoilers ahead)

Basically, it starts out with a conductor who has his eyelids peeled back with some sort crown begin an orchestra on an Imperial held world. Everyone becomes hypnotized by the music. But here's the catch, the somg os actually a plague that is transmitted through sound.

You can use something like this or come up with something on your own. You can even find a way to mix and match the parts you want with the parts you don't. Like maybe having some sort of virus that turns people into vegetables that respond to psychic commands that are embedded into a song that blairs from Doom Sirens and Discords.

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The Death Guard wouldn't mind, but Slaanesh followers find Nurgle followers disgusting and would probably see it as beneath them to ally with a warhost that knows nothing of--aesthetics. Not saying that it can't happen, it would just be a little odd. Honestly though I'm not sure why you'd want to, plague marines are pretty boring units. Their purpose is mostly objective denial which is fine gameplay-wise but just not very exciting, and given that it looks like Slaanesh is getting FnP now and gets better guns via sonics I just don't see the point of plague marines even gamewise. Yeah you're T5 and going to be getting poison but you're also I3 and still die just as easily to anti-marine weapons as a bog standard trooper without bringing any significant offensive punch to the table. Slaanesh just seems to me to be a more dynamic cult though admittedly I've never played EC (I have played Death Guard though and although you can win with it, it's very boring).
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I am hoping Noise marines become effective, and Slaaneshi CSM do look good.


Massive price drop and therefore greater customization(easier to choose if you want a shooty or assaulty unit) surely helps ? :huh:


"Noise Marines are 95pts for 4 plus champ then 17pts each.

Fabius has FNP, Rod inflicts Instant Death, Needler is Ass 5 poisoned 2+. Think he's 165pts

Sonic Blaster: 24" S4 AP5 Salvo 2/3, Ignore Cover


Blastmaster: Same as before but adds Ignore Cover"


I copy pasted that from faet, but I can add that sonic blasters are still 5 points.

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On the Flawless Host side there's also that the Icon Of Slaanesh now grants FNP. And also more subtle things like the high Initiative will really help them in challenges. Some of their Psychic abilities are pretty crazy, I think one hits every model in a unit with it's own str value.
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Some of their Psychic abilities are pretty crazy, I think one hits every model in a unit with it's own str value.

That's the 5-6 result.


Even the basic power is getting better the more I think of it - while the Damage may not be that good (S/AP/Assault 4) the extra debuffs are class. Blind, Concussive and Pinning? Nice.


Slaanesh for the win btw. Only Slaaneshi can get away with having loyalist dogs (and I stress the term 'dogs') on leashes and get away with it.


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Has anyone made a Slaanesh following army that isn't pink? If you are going for EC then sure, but if you just want a warband that is devoted to Slaanesh I assume you could use other bright colors if you wanted as well. Just food for thought.
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Has anyone made a Slaanesh following army that isn't pink? If you are going for EC then sure, but if you just want a warband that is devoted to Slaanesh I assume you could use other bright colors if you wanted as well. Just food for thought.


I've seen purple ones, and pastel blue ones (there was a nice example on the GW log ages ago).

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Has anyone made a Slaanesh following army that isn't pink? If you are going for EC then sure, but if you just want a warband that is devoted to Slaanesh I assume you could use other bright colors if you wanted as well. Just food for thought.


This is my plan. I think my chaos army(ies) will use lore and wargear from any god during their career but I want to give to several models a "slaaneshi touch" without going to pink.


I think the color is not so important if you manage to give your minis that "slaaneshi touch". I'm still thinking about the various possibilities (if any of you have suggestions feel free to post them <_< ) but I want a badass look for my models and I'm not a fan of "pink on the battlefield".

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I'm still thinking about the various possibilities (if any of you have suggestions feel free to post them ;) ) but I want a badass look for my models and I'm not a fan of "pink on the battlefield".


I'd go for bits from the sanguinary guard set. Those chest torsos with the sculpted muscles scream vanity. Shave off the left boob and you're golden. Paint whatever color you'd like. Something interesting could be done with death masks too; they remind me of the drama 'happy' and 'sad' white masks, but that's going into harlequin territory.

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I'm still thinking about the various possibilities (if any of you have suggestions feel free to post them ;) ) but I want a badass look for my models and I'm not a fan of "pink on the battlefield".


I'd go for bits from the sanguinary guard set. Those chest torsos with the sculpted muscles scream vanity. Shave off the left boob and you're golden. Paint whatever color you'd like. Something interesting could be done with death masks too; they remind me of the drama 'happy' and 'sad' white masks, but that's going into harlequin territory.


That can be interesting....

I was also thinking about adding slaaneshi "trophy-like" things (I use that word because it's still a conceptual talk) to the minis or as vehicles' decorations/additions, objective markers etc...

Everything but not pink Space Marines.. please ;)


Note: I have nothing against pink but, as I said, I want a badass look for badass warriros ;)

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I would suggest the Flawless Host. You can't get much cooler than a well painted Slaaneshi warband. While pink and purple might be hard to paint, the same can be said for well made metalics and Deathguard armies which look better than a green ball of melted plastic.
Are they pink? I could have sworn they were more of a bone- or cream-white.


Has anyone made a Slaanesh following army that isn't pink? If you are going for EC then sure, but if you just want a warband that is devoted to Slaanesh I assume you could use other bright colors if you wanted as well. Just food for thought.
Old fluff (Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness, 1988) says Slaaneshi colors are pastels, neons, and white. I've not seen a white Slaaneshi warband but it could be interesting.


If you're going for a fly motif for the Death Guard, have you looked at the new Plaguebearers set? Some fitting parts there.
I saw the little piles of maggots, those are pretty neat, and of course I loves me some nurglings. As long as we're on the subject though, I'm not sold on the new plaguebearers. It might just be the paint job but they seem too clean. The most recent metal models were much more grody.
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It's an extremely light, pastel pink, but it's still pink.




In my humble opinion, its one of the more stunning of colour schemes. I would never touch it myself, since I would not master (painting it) it well enough to turn them into decent table top quality.

Many,and some here on B and C, do have those skills though, and I can all I can say is that I find it admirable.

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I would kill(not literally. Maybe) to have even a little of the skill some of these people had. Just take a little of Dan the Daemon, Subtle Discord, Biohazard, DarkVen and a few others so I have like 0.05% of the total mixture, and I'd be a happy camper.
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