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I will serve the Dark Gods!

Cptn. Palladorus

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Ha! Of the nine original Traitor Legions, I think the absolute easiest one to paint is the Iron Warriors. Metallic colors are easy to apply, easy to highlight. The only thing that might be difficult for a beginner is the hazard stripes, but even those are not terribly difficult to paint. Black Legion is also a fairly simple scheme, but painting my Iron Hands I've learned that highlighting black and not making it look like poop requires subtlety and a deft hand.
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So let's say, purely as a hypothetical, that I can't paint for :cuss . Which of these is the army for me?


Iron Warriors is easiest to get to a decent standard. Go metallic!


Seriously though, if you are not a good painter (I am not), I would really advice you to not go for Slaneesh. His colours are bright and vivid, freakish and stands out. And thats harder to make look good than many other colour patterns.

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Iron warriors are pretty easy to do a table top quality paint job on. I think death guard can look pretty good with basic techniques as well.


My army is currently orange, and I'm wondering if I could play it as a slaanesh army with the next codex. Or perhaps I will remain undivided with a slaaneshi leaning. I may give it a shot. They look like this: http://i.imgur.com/mhGGR.jpg

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There are slaaneshi colors that work for a beginner painter. I'd shy away from the vibrant pinks, but the new citadel paint range has some pale, muted purples (daemonette hide, slaaneshi grey) that look pretty nice and paint easily enough. They use similar colors on the studio slaaneshi daemons, and something like that could be used for a decent looking Slaaneshi marine warband.
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As someone that's painted a lot of schemes, I strongly disagree that Iron Warriors are relatively easy to paint. I mean yes I guess they are if you just go "drybrush and done" but that looks like crap and anything can be made to look like crap easily. When you really get into trying to make things look good, doing metallic without it looking thick or flat is actually quite tough. Luckily for Slaanesh, painting (at least dark) purple is actually really easy. My Dark Eldar were all dark purple and it was much easier to pull off than Iron Warriors. Just prime black, do two coats of watered down dark purple paint (leviathan I think it was called) and then highlight with bright purple or even pink along the edges. Looks pretty good and not much room for error. I imagine a considerably brighter and more Slaaneshi tone could be pulled off simply by priming white, but I haven't tried it so can't tell you. Death Guard are also quite easy to do, honestly the only hard schemes are in my opinion weathered metallics, reds, yellows, and whites.
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My army is currently orange, and I'm wondering if I could play it as a slaanesh army with the next codex.


The orange just makes me think Khorne. If you were running them as slaaneshii, I'd want to see a lot of symbols and icons and such to make it clear.

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Dry brushed Iron Warriors as easy enough; as are inked Death Guard.


Obviously these can be as difficult as you want, NMM Iron Warriors anyone?


Proper TMM Iron Warriors are the real challenge ( they also look good from all directions instead of just from one ). Still, i wouldn't yet rule out the Flawless Host for the op. While painting pink isn't easy, it is also not that difficult.

There is a nice little tutorial for painting pink: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.de/2012/09/the...paint-pink.html

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Dry brushed Iron Warriors as easy enough; as are inked Death Guard.


Obviously these can be as difficult as you want, NMM Iron Warriors anyone?


Proper TMM Iron Warriors are the real challenge ( they also look good from all directions instead of just from one ). Still, i wouldn't yet rule out the Flawless Host for the op. While painting pink isn't easy, it is also not that difficult.

There is a nice little tutorial for painting pink: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.de/2012/09/the...paint-pink.html


We will have to agree to disagree on difficulty , although in most cases I'm not a fan of NMM and I think IWs would most likely look better in TMM.

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My Ultramarines actually come out halfway decent, they're just cartoonish and flat. I'm a fairly precise painter, I just don't shade or highlight because every attempt so far has met with unmitigated disaster so I blackline instead. I haven't tried using inks or washes yet though so that may change things.

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My Ultramarines actually come out halfway decent, they're just cartoonish and flat. I'm a fairly precise painter, I just don't shade or highlight because every attempt so far has met with unmitigated disaster so I blackline instead. I haven't tried using inks or washes yet though so that may change things.


TMM is an abreviation for true metalic metals. It is rather difficult to do well but if it is done very well, it blows most non metalic metal attempts right out of the water ( which does not mean that well done nmm is in any way bad or produces bad results, quite on the contrary. ).

Check out the Iron Warrior termie for example: http://www.coolminiornot.com/282307

Or this Warsmith: http://www.coolminiornot.com/155653?browseid=2876427


They key to achieve a reasonably good shading/ highlighting is to make sure that the colours blend into each other. This can be achieved trough layering ( several layers of gradualy lighter/darker colours ) or some form of blending ( wet blending, feathering, glazing and whatever else exists ). Ultramarines are a great way to practice because blue is a relatively forgiving colour.

Of course, sometimes a simple but well applied wash with some edge highlights can create a good result too.

For relatively easy to paint Ultramarines i strongly recomend Les Bursley's Ultramarine tutorial:


If you want some realy stunning looking Ultramarines then this one http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/all-new-ste...painting-guide/ is good too.

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Any colour scheme can be as easy or as hard as you like. The consensus is that DG and IWs are generally easier than Slaaneshi warbands. Having said that, I found it harder to get results that I was happy with for my IWs than I did for most other armies.


Ps. 'black linning' is a really good technique and I use it on nearly all of my minis. If you add just one subtle highlight and an appropriate wash you might be happily surprised by the results. Black linning is great for adding a bit of depth but with a highlight it looks so much better. If you have trouble highlighting start off with minimalist and subtle highlights. Even a subtle change in colour will really improve the mini.

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Iron warriors are pretty easy to do a table top quality paint job on. I think death guard can look pretty good with basic techniques as well.


My army is currently orange, and I'm wondering if I could play it as a slaanesh army with the next codex. Or perhaps I will remain undivided with a slaaneshi leaning. I may give it a shot. They look like this: http://i.imgur.com/mhGGR.jpg


Aww, the Pyre looks so awesome.

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Thanks, I've been trying to think up some fluff for using them with the new codex but I'm not very good at it. I was thinking something along the lines of Pyromaniacs that became renegades earlier in M41 but more recently were recruited by Abaddon during the 13th crusade for special missions requiring their explosives expertise.
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Thanks, I've been trying to think up some fluff for using them with the new codex but I'm not very good at it. I was thinking something along the lines of Pyromaniacs that became renegades earlier in M41 but more recently were recruited by Abaddon during the 13th crusade for special missions requiring their explosives expertise.


Sounds like a cool idea to me! That parton fits numberous gods, so you might as well keep most of it undivided/undicided.


Then again Tzeentch is known for their flames of change as a specific "weapon".

If you like psykers you could go that route to and simply be less extreme as the Thousand Sons following Tzeentch.



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