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Force Axe/Storm Shield TDA Librarian


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Any ideas for a modeling a Force Axe/Storm Shield TDA Librarian ? There's a few options as far as I can see :-


- The old metal TDA Librarian with force axe. I do quite like this figure, but unfortunately the axe is in his left hand - the same hand that Storm Shields use. I don't fancy doing metal conversion work (shifting the axe to his right hand), so are there any right handed storm shields out there ?

- Plastic TDA kit, using a frost axe from the Wolf Guard box. Any idea which hand the axe sits in ?


Any other options (trying to stay away from using a GK Halberd) ?

get the new termie lib and an older PA librarian with an axe, cut off the axe, add to terminator. If you're careful with the cut you could pu tthe force staff onto the PA guy as well (and still have 2 complete librarians).


Storm shield can be from the assault termie box or Space Hulk, or a certain IF First Captain......

you could also take the Librarian TDA model and arm him with a right handed shield from this guy. and model him with one of the chaos axe arms for a right handed axe. ( you may need to bless, and re-bless the right arm thou) And the old school librarian TDA model/ Rune Priest also have a right handed axes.
Another option would be to cut off the Hammer head and the Axe head, then pin the Axe head to the shaft of the TH.


Why didn't I think of that ? Probably the easiest option, and I have a fair few Power Axes lying around from Assault Marine boxes


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