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daemon weapons


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Daemon weapon is a special rule. at the start of each fight phase, you roll a d6. If you roll a 1, then you take a wound with no armor save and are Ws1 for that phase (but can still fight). On any other result, you gain that many attacks for that phase.


Supposedly there are a variety of daemon weapons available that have this rule in addition to other properties, and the white dwarf battle report implies that chaos lords have access to at least one variety of AP2 daemon weapon. There have been rumors of specific weapons, but I don't exactly trust them, and I haven't seen any scans.


Except for Abaddon's daemon weapon, Drachnyen, which is melee, +1 strength, AP2, daemon weapon, specialist weapon. Which is a pretty darn good weapon these days, if not exactly one that lives up to Drachnyen's reputation (it's not a sword to shatter meter thick adamantine doors no matter many attacks it gives you to beat on them, let alone in a single blow).

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Daemon weapon is a special rule. at the start of each fight phase, you roll a d6. If you roll a 1, then you take a wound with no armor save and are Ws1 for that phase (but can still fight). On any other result, you gain that many attacks for that phase.


Supposedly there are a variety of daemon weapons available that have this rule in addition to other properties, and the white dwarf battle report implies that chaos lords have access to at least one variety of AP2 daemon weapon. There have been rumors of specific weapons, but I don't exactly trust them, and I haven't seen any scans.


Except for Abaddon's daemon weapon, Drachnyen, which is melee, +1 strength, AP2, daemon weapon, specialist weapon. Which is a pretty darn good weapon these days, if not exactly one that lives up to Drachnyen's reputation (it's not a sword to shatter meter thick adamantine doors no matter many attacks it gives you to beat on them, let alone in a single blow).



I haven`t seen anything concrete either, although Tasty taste has been correct in all of his rumours so far, so must be considered a quality source, and he posted the following bits a long time ago (remember, he has been spot on about the rest):


–Unique Items–


Demon Weapons: All Demon Weapons on a roll of 1 will attack user, but no longer will you lose the rest of your attacks.


Unique Chaos Power Axe: +2 str Ap2, Blinds Opponents, Gives Rage, Demon Weapon.


Unique Chaos Power Maul: AP4, Fleshbane, Demon Weapon, Any unsaved wounds causes instant death after toughness test is failed, in addition at the end of the assault phase any model with in 3″ must make another toughness test or take an AP1 wound.


Unique Chaos Power Sword: Ap3 Marked for Death, select any character get str x2 AP1 instant death when engaged with that character


Unique Chaos Flamer: Str 5 Ap3 Torrent, Soulblaze





Regardless, new rules making you WS 1 and therefore feeble instead of just outright losing all of your attacks, is a huge, huge change for the betterand will make them a lot more viable!

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If those rumors are accurate, they sound pretty alignment specific to me. Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch respectively. Wouldn't shock me if they're restricted to those marks, in which case I hope there's at least one undivided daemon weapon worth taking.
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If those rumors are accurate, they sound pretty alignment specific to me. Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch respectively. Wouldn't shock me if they're restricted to those marks, in which case I hope there's at least one undivided daemon weapon worth taking.


I know. Thats what struck me as well, that they seemed mark aligned that is. I share your hopes and worries! Still, whatever happens I think it is pretty clear that Daemon weapons are now better than before.


I guess we just have to try to be patient until we get a good leak on the chaos armoury.

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...


So you think that's nonsense ?

Well, can't agree more.

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Short answer, yes.




Long answer, I can see how S+2 and AP2 needs something to balance it out unless the points on it are high-end. But for characters that absolutely must accept challenges, giving them an I1 weapon could end up extremely badly. Now if this thing is I1 and is for Khorne-marked peeps only, I'll never take it; if anyone can take it, I'll try it with a Tzeentch-marked Lord to get the better Invulnerable save -- and hope I don't run afoul of Darnath Lysander.

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...


So you think that's nonsense ?

Well, can't agree more.


I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls :lol:

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...


So you think that's nonsense ?

Well, can't agree more.


I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls ;)


I like you. . .

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...


So you think that's nonsense ?

Well, can't agree more.


I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls ;)


I like you. . .


*Bows* And likewise. I tend to find myself agreeing with what you write in most of your posts to be honest.

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I don't see how it wouldn't.

There's mauls, swords, axes. They most likely follow the same pattern as standard power weapons.



Well, the AP values follow by type, at least. But if the big bad daemon axe hits at I1, you'd better hope you're either not fighting a power fist opponent, or that you're good at rolling Invulnerable saves beause otherwise you likely won't live to get your Boon roll...


So you think that's nonsense ?

Well, can't agree more.


I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls ;)


I like you. . .


*Bows* And likewise. I tend to find myself agreeing with what you write in most of your posts to be honest.


**Blush** <3

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I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls

I know chaos is the faction of madmen, but that is just crazy. Being bitten in the badonkadonk by my magic sword and then having a slap-fight with a fully-kitted out SW lord or BA commander is not my idea of fun. Paying a premium for that privilege is something I refuse to do.

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I think its amusing nonsense in that its a wild gamble and since that appeals to me, I will certainly pay 40 or so points for some fun rolls

I know chaos is the faction of madmen, but that is just crazy. Being bitten in the badonkadonk by my magic sword and then having a slap-fight with a fully-kitted out SW lord or BA commander is not my idea of fun. Paying a premium for that privilege is something I refuse to do.


Edit:Misunderstanding as I spoke about boons, but at the same time, yes I think daemon weapons will be nice and also worth it.


Fair enough. I play friendlies, so for me its a game, and so that gamble will add to the fun. Unless you haven`t noticed, some of those upgrades found on the random table could be potentially very useful, while some are not so useful. Its all calculated into the gamble. The entire game is in any case about rolls, and often either you, or your opponent will be statistically less "lucky" due to the nature of chance. If you end up going second, you may certainly be unlucky and have more than what is statistically normative, as losses to enemy fire. The chance of a champion, lord or sorcerer turning into a spawn will be there, but just like losing half your force to first turn shooting is very unlucky, rolling a pre game spawndom on your character will be very low. Again, calculated risk. And the overall sacrifice of points will not be that great. One is talking about 30-40 points. I fail to see how I am especially deranged but then again it is said that crazy people can`t themselves recognice their debillity. :)

If I was taking a list to a tournament, I would obviously not take such an upgrade since it can potentially break your game plan.

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I sorta get it because the whole point of Daemon Weapons is that you are constantly fighting the Daemon to maintain control. Sometimes, it is to maintain control of not just the weapon, but yourself as well. And since losing to a daemon is supposed to be a costly experience, taking one wound is pretty generous. They could just make it instant death.
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I sorta get it because the whole point of Daemon Weapons is that you are constantly fighting the Daemon to maintain control. Sometimes, it is to maintain control of not just the weapon, but yourself as well. And since losing to a daemon is supposed to be a costly experience, taking one wound is pretty generous. They could just make it instant death.


And then everybody would take 2 sorcerers, or a Sorcerer and a Warpsmith/Dark Apostle. 60 points gets you a force weapon and a free power, though I don't think they have their invulnerable save, so the only thing keeping us from being loyalists are the spikes, the pokemon and the lack of And they shall know no fear.

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Since you still get to attack (unlike now) and get your invulnerable save, I'll take a daemon weapon and run the risk of rolling a 1 on my mastery-attacks-mishmash-roll. My worry is the things about the daemon weapon stats we've already seen that we don't know about -- ergo, me and Vesper's earlier conversation about Unwieldy on the axe, or whether each of those weapons can only be taken by characters with a certain mark (since each one is obviously geared towards each of the Big Four), or whether they still count as two-handed. Once I see the minutiae of the rules concerning the daemon weapons, then I'll start making predictions about which one's better than another or worth the risk of wounding from a botched mastery roll.
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Short answer, yes.




Long answer, I can see how S+2 and AP2 needs something to balance it out unless the points on it are high-end. But for characters that absolutely must accept challenges, giving them an I1 weapon could end up extremely badly. Now if this thing is I1 and is for Khorne-marked peeps only, I'll never take it; if anyone can take it, I'll try it with a Tzeentch-marked Lord to get the better Invulnerable save -- and hope I don't run afoul of Darnath Lysander.



Im predicting a mass of new interest in Astoroth, reroll sucesful invulerable saves plus the extra strength of a 2 handed power axe.


Cant wait to get my Slaaneshis into combat now ;)

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Slaanesh is looking to be better and better. I5, Feel No Pain on banners, much more economical noise weapons, and a nice fun character killer daemon weapon. Khorne on the other hand is shaping up to be complete garbage. Nothing to compensate for the lost initiative on the 6th edition version of furious charge, a CC weapon upgrade that lets us beat guard, eldar, and tau armor (woohoo!), and our demon weapon is an axe which gets splatted by forced challenges nevermind having to do something about all of our existing fistichamp models which used to be the best option in 5th. Oh and then there's having to spend a turn standing around like a tool before charging into overwatch. I hate you GW. I really hate you.
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