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Free Assault Weapons

IK Viper

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I have not seen many players using this rule alot but it is worth rememebering that each squad that has Frag and Krak Grangades is allowed to throw one per unit per shooting phase. I don't see many ppl at my local store and even in local tournaments using these. also, since SM units can combat squad we can effectively double the number of granades a unit is allowed to use per shooting phase.


Simply by rememebering about this rule and combat sqauding (if you feel good about not giving up first blood) you can get the option to use an 8" S6 AP4 shot or an 8" Blast S3 AP6 twice bufore you assault, not a bad thing specially in assault squads, between this an Hammer of Wrath hits you can realy have a fighting chance in Assault even with Overwatch.


I say all that to say that IMHO 6th Ed. has made the option to combat sqaud more useful, giving a slight increase in fire power in addition to all the previous benefits of arranging weapon placement and providing more scoring units.

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I was aware you could throw the frags for the blast but the S6 assault krak grenade I did not :) good to know though! Alot harder hit then another bolt pistol shot :rolleyes: can that one person in the squad that uses the grenade also be an HQ with higher BS but no better ranged weapon? ;)
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I think so, as far as I know its just limited to one granade per squad, thats all. I like to throw with my Missile Launcher in my tac. sqauds if they move or are about to assault. might as well make the most of a high BS in my opinion and use the IC to throw stuff when you can.


BTW the blast being only S 3 is kinda bad vs. MEQ but its pretty good vs IG, DE, Eldar, etc. basically vs Tough 3 stuff :-)


At the same time if the target is Tough 3 and multiple wound or if your throwing with a Charactor/IC use the S6 AP4 and hope for a Precision Shot that caused Instant Death... :-) granades are alot more important vs non-MEQ stuff IMO

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Of the one quick pickup game of 6th that I played I made an Ork player curse the heavens. A 20ish boy squad versus the two remaining combat squadded Tactical squads of 3 and 4 marines respectively holding ground near an objective, far from any other help. Both squads threw frags, annihilated the boys in droves, and the rest unleashed with bolt pistols. Ended up dropping 14 or 15 of the boys, it was glorious.


Then proceeded to assault and wipe them out, then consolidate back onto the objective.

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