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Iron Warrior Grand Companies

Daemon Smith

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I have an Iron Warrior army, and recently thought about writing down some fluff about them. I want them to represent one of the grand companies, but I don't know the background or organisation behind them. Anyone know anything about them that could help?



- Organisation

- Number

- Already known ones

- known leaders or recorded moments/battles/decisions/locations relating to them


Thanks for any help!


Daemon Smith

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You can find a lot of info on Lexicanum, which I think some of it is from the old Index Astarties articles Games Workshop use to have in the White Dwarf years ago




- Organisation

- Number


The Iron Warriors were organised as a number of Grand Companies each commanded by a Warsmith. Originally each Grand Company would have had a similar organisation, totalling around 1,000 Space Marines. At the time of the Heresy, the Legion had at least twelve Companies, although with the widespread deployment of many small detachments of the Legion at the time it is impossible to be sure if this figure of around 12,000 fighting Astartes was their maximum strength


known leaders or recorded moments/battles/decisions/locations relating to them


Shon'tu from the Black Library story Endeavour of Will where he take on Lysander of the Imperial Fist. It give a good idea on the Obliterators, Forge Chaplains that Iron Warriors have & Possessed.



The Warsmith, Forrix*, Kroeger* from the Black Library novel Storm of Iron

*We should be seeing both of these Iron Warriors Captains in the Heresy novel Angel Exterminatus


Honsou was in - Storm of Iron, Dead Sun Black Sky, few shot stories, Iron Warrior limited ed novel, Chapter Due & then another short story, most of these can be found in the Iron Warriors Omnibus. Berossus & Toramino can be seen in the Dead Sun Black Sky novel


Shadows of Treachery from a Heresy era (just after Istvaan) has a short story of a Imperial Fist force battle against the Iron Warriors in space.


Also if you check out Treacheries of the Space Marines novel there are two short stories deal with the Iron Warriors.


Also Siege of Castellax which is a brand new novel being release in Decemeber from Black Library. I recent pick up a copy when I was down that Games Day & will be starting the novel later today. So I think this will tie in a lot with any new background we may see in the new codex Chaos Space Marines.


Other than that it maybe worth check out old White Dwarfs like 274, 275, 293, 294 & 295


Hope this help out.



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Lexi has a specific entry for Iron Warrior Grand Companies that puts the number at anywhere from 3 to whatever-the-Warsmith-can-manage. Four companies is what I've got written into my fluff right now, but I may be adding more as my mania for adding new units and stories to them soars ever higher...


EDIT: spelling

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Cheers guys, that really helps give me an idea. I did read Storm of Iron, and I loved it, but it really only talked about that particular Warsmith's Grand Company, so I just wanted to find out how different they were.


Do we know which Grand Companies are already in the fluff? (E.g. 1, 2, 3...)

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