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Is Cypher- in the new chaos codex?


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Was pissed off that he wasn't released in the previous chaos codex. Now crossing my fingers he is finally released in this new chaos codex, and some rules on Fallen Dark Angels. Why sell a model when you have no rules for him? yeah his rules are in the white dwarf but give respect by putting him a codex.
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Would be kinda idiotic. The fallen are in most Chaos codices to date.


Maybe GW has something planned for them, like a stand-alone list.


It is generally accepted that he is a "repentant" Fallen. Being more likely that he would help an Imperial force vs a CSM force, it makes complete sense for him to be in their Codex. Though it would be cool for them to be able to take a "Fallen" commander and actually change up the allies chart and take CSM or Daemons as battle brothers :D

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Would be kinda idiotic. The fallen are in most Chaos codices to date.


Maybe GW has something planned for them, like a stand-alone list.


It is generally accepted that he is a "repentant" Fallen. Being more likely that he would help an Imperial force vs a CSM force, it makes complete sense for him to be in their Codex. Though it would be cool for them to be able to take a "Fallen" commander and actually change up the allies chart and take CSM or Daemons as battle brothers :D


That's quite the opposite of the fluff.


Cypher working for the imperium ? Yeah, so his actions against it during the 13th BC make no sense ?


All pieces of fluff make him a Chaos guy who loves giving the finger to the Dark Angels. So that "repentant" thing just comes out of nowhere, right ?

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Would be kinda idiotic. The fallen are in most Chaos codices to date.


Maybe GW has something planned for them, like a stand-alone list.


It is generally accepted that he is a "repentant" Fallen. Being more likely that he would help an Imperial force vs a CSM force, it makes complete sense for him to be in their Codex. Though it would be cool for them to be able to take a "Fallen" commander and actually change up the allies chart and take CSM or Daemons as battle brothers :D


That's quite the opposite of the fluff.


Cypher working for the imperium ? Yeah, so his actions against it during the 13th BC make no sense ?


All pieces of fluff make him a Chaos guy who loves giving the finger to the Dark Angels. So that "repentant" thing just comes out of nowhere, right ?


Everything he has ever done is left blank, his actions can be taken in multiple ways. It is done like that because you are supposed to not know what his intentions really are. Also if you read the DA books the name "Cypher" is not actually a name, it is a title or position.


Even if he wants nothing than to F-over the DA as best possible, it would still make sense for him to be in their codex. He is their special character, from their legion, that was part of their civil war, that "allegedly" carries around their primarchs sword. He certainly belongs to DA not Chaos from a rules standpoint, even if taking him just unlocks the ability to ally with chaos and daemons and make a full fledged fallen army.

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Nah, doesn't make any sense to me. The whole Voice of the Emperor stuff, his chat with Abaddon... Those aren't blanks. They are clearly acts of war against the Imperium and the dark angels (in fact, Cypher is never portrayed as fighting Chaos).

Then, the fallen were sucked in the warp by the Chaos gods, and as a matter of fact, they appear in most Chaos codices. Even in the gavdex...

And they actually fight more like Chaos marines than DA. They aren't using the codex astartes, they are individuals, or small warbands that stay alive much like Chaos warbands do, some even worship the Chaos gods. They have much more in common with CSM.

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Nah, doesn't make any sense to me. The whole Voice of the Emperor stuff, his chat with Abaddon... Those aren't blanks. They are clearly acts of war against the Imperium and the dark angels (in fact, Cypher is never portrayed as fighting Chaos).


I haven't read about the chat with Abaddon, but I do know for a fact that Cypher has indeed fought against Chaos, with the Imperium.

If you listen to Malediction Cypher actually helps the guardsmen repel a Chaos force.

And every other thing I've read about him leaves his intentions open to interpretation.

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He could be in both Codeci.


He is a DA and Renegade/Chaotic. The main reason I would not put him in C:CSM is because he is not a fanatic supporter of one god or belongs to the Traitor Legions.

That and because of his secrets he is much more a DA than a pure traitor regardless of skype chats with Abby.

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I think it would be best, and also make more sense, if both codices could take him.


I have no need for him. Go play monk-cowboy else where.

Fair enough, I hardly think he is needed either and its certainly no big deal if he will not be, though from a fluff perspective it could fit. "Monk-cowboy?"

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He could be in both Codeci.


He is a DA and Renegade/Chaotic. The main reason I would not put him in C:CSM is because he is not a fanatic supporter of one god or belongs to the Traitor Legions.

That and because of his secrets he is much more a DA than a pure traitor regardless of skype chats with Abby.


Skype chat with Abby = roll on the boon table as far as i am concerned!

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I think it would be best, and also make more sense, if both codices could take him.


I have no need for him. Go play monk-cowboy else where.

Fair enough, I hardly think he is needed either and its certainly no big deal if he will not be, though from a fluff perspective it could fit. "Monk-cowboy?"





Rumour has it he will be in the DA codex and there will be a unit with 2 pistols as standard weaponry with loads of plaspistol options.

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He could be in both Codeci.


He is a DA and Renegade/Chaotic. The main reason I would not put him in C:CSM is because he is not a fanatic supporter of one god or belongs to the Traitor Legions.

That and because of his secrets he is much more a DA than a pure traitor regardless of skype chats with Abby.


Skype chat with Abby = roll on the boon table as far as i am concerned!


Hehe. X ammount corruption points ;P


I think it would be best, and also make more sense, if both codices could take him.


I have no need for him. Go play monk-cowboy else where.

Fair enough, I hardly think he is needed either and its certainly no big deal if he will not be, though from a fluff perspective it could fit. "Monk-cowboy?"





Rumour has it he will be in the DA codex and there will be a unit with 2 pistols as standard weaponry with loads of plaspistol options.


Ah..Sorry I was slow! Monk-cowboy indeed! It`s a nice miniature though, I`ll give the wretched lion cub that.

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Cypher is the true Renegade. There are just as many, if not more, sources that have him committing acts against the Imperium, specifically the Dark Angels as there are him helping the Imperium. The reality is that whatever his motivations towards the Imperium, he does attack the Dark Angels as he was the one who would go around, kill Dark Angels and steal/harvest their gene-seed. He did fight against the Imperium in the 13th Black Crusade. Which was the same Crusade in which the Campaign ended with Chaos actually breaching the Cadian Gate. Which has now been retconned to keep the peace. Essentially, yes he is a "neutral" character in the most extreme sense of the word, but either way it goes, whatever his attitude may be towards the Imperium, he does not get along with the Dark Angels.





And he's not in the Chaos Dex. And I'm betting that unless they make a Fallen Subsection within the DA Dex, we will not see him. At all.

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But a relativly cheap warsmith is! The Iron warrior in me grins with glee. I mostly play guard and necrons so eroding cover in my opponents DZ is pure gold for my tiny micro meta. The fact that he also happens to come with a flamer and a melta gun and has a power axe and lots of attacks (+2 attacks from mechandrites) and a sexy +2 armour save is of course of additional interest. Sad that he only has 2 wounds, but he still gives you a lot for those 110 points in terms of utillity.


Source: http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1348426712843.jpg

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I think it would be best, and also make more sense, if both codices could take him.


I have no need for him. Go play monk-cowboy else where.


The only acceptable (for me) 'over wear' for powered armor is a leather duster, and if I were better at Green stuff work, I'd have some 'Gunzerkers' in leather dusters.

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