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Iron Sage

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Lv 2 Nurgle sorcerer in Terminator armour who happens to be one of the toughest nuts in the game to crack. T 5 with FNP. Manreaper: Str x 2 AP 2 Unwieldy, Force, Daemon W.


He also hates all marines now, like the rest of the legion special characters, which is pretty useful against many opponents. And causes Fear which can be useful against some non-marines.


He also unlocks plagues as troops, and gives you the abillity to make zombies out of cultists. Seems like a new rock star was born. I can see Death Guard armies now adding Typhus or Typhus "counts as" instead of the 2 daemon princes with wings.

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I'm so excited to use Typhus more again. I used him in 5th every so often, but he was often too 'meh'.


Beyond the zombies (!), true T5, and his normal goodness, I'm amped about the new Nurgle psyker powers, too. I believe he has to take Nurgle powers only (read his 'Psyker' rule), but I really don't mind that, as Nurgle's Rot got a ton better, and the other powers one can roll for aren't too shabby either.


Nurgle's Rot should be able to kill more than an ork or two per game now, as it's Poison 4+, and Assault D6+1 ... as a Nova! So that's a ton of wounds on a squad if you roll a 6, and plenty if you even roll a 3 or more.


Weapon Virus will murder IG or shooty Orks, Gift of Contagion is pleasant, and Plague Wind is like a better Wind of Chaos (at least for a dude who might be Deep Striking in).


Pretty sure Manreaper is +2 str, not x2. I know what everyone's been repeating online, but a lot of this stuff has been blurry and mistranslated/misread. The +2 fits what they did with it in the FAQs as of late, so ...


I'll be running him with a Termie retinue (of sorts), and Deep Strike them on the table, I think. Still debating their load-out, but I'll have to make sure there's enough shooty, and some good melee backup. I considered a Land Raider on initial rumors, but with the cost of Termies with Marks and possibly a banner, that might get prohibitive. I think a couple Termie champs to take the challenge heat off Typhus is still a good idea--maybe with LCs, or simple Power Swords.


What are other folks thinking at this point?

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Not wanting to interrupt my Nurgle sworn brethren from their grinding work, but I figured maybe some of you might be unsure as to his wounds profile. Its 4. Same as the Despoiler and the Daemon Prince. And therefore 1 more than a chaos lord and 2 more than a sorerer. This guy is going to be difficult to kill...


See for yourself, in case the stat line on the other pic was too blurry as these are the stats on the reference page (look down the thread for picture) : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...261622&st=0

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Yeah, truth be told, I've never found the points for him. If I wanted to play with his model, he'd always be a Lord with TDA and Daemon weapon. I may have to start fielding the real deal now.


I did manage to make out that zombies part, but not much else... Has anyone seen a better res shot of that page?

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Dudesmen, I just got done with beating up Orks with Typhus allied with Daemons.


1500 points, I simply added in 5 Nurgling swarms and...Epidemius!


Got the tally up to 20 by the bottom of the 1st turn. :)



Typhus, with a 2+/5+/3+ did not die. He had two flyers left at the end of the game...

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Typhus sounds like he rocks, chances are I will finally add him with a terminator squad probably try to get some of those new Horus heresy terminators as they would look cool (hopefully the deathshroud guys look just as epic) to my army plus zombies of course because zombie rock I will be able to use my converted space marine zombies as those fantasy ones suck
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Would be very interesting to see the forgeworld model of Typhus when they release him, hopefully forgeworld does both Deathguard during the Horus Heresy before and after they become plague marines as they will do an epic version of Typhus as well as the Deathshroud, and Mortarion of course
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Typhus main thing for me is that he is psychic mastery two. Combined with the nurgle powers that he has access to (being able to cast the 5/6 is a nice one as well) he can be a awesome support unit for a nurgle army. As well as giving us access to probably point for point the best scoring unit in the game.


His warlord trait giving the entire army fear is kind of meh, but it is worth it to have a warlord that is so durable. As long as it isn't strength 10 he is really not worried about it. Him combined with a level 3 sorcerer of Nurgle will be quite a powerhouse. I would probably run all nurgle all the time for powers, just for the debuffing ability and the large AP2 poisoned blast.

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If you take Typhus with that forgeworld character Necrosius would his rule giving plague zombies furious charge work in the new codex if so it would be pretty good would make zombies better, can't wait for new codex my Nurgle army will be unstopable (well in terms of total epicness anyway) though would've been nice to see some new artwork for him instead of the same old picture not that it is not cool just nicer to see something new.

Can't really make out some of his rules if someone has better eyesight can they tell me how, destroyer hive, plague zombies work plus what special rules he has cheers

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I don't think it's x2S, it's more likely to be +2S.


I agree that its blurry and hard to read, but blogs have him at STR X2.


Myself, I cannot categrically say, since I lack a magnifier.


EVERYONE! Is going off the same image.


they know jsut as much as you, personally I think it will likely be +2S

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