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Iron Sage

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Can't really make out some of his rules if someone has better eyesight can they tell me how, destroyer hive, plague zombies work plus what special rules he has cheers


Destroyer Hive: Once per game, in the assault phase Typhus can unleash the Destroyer Hive. Place a large blast over Typhus; no scatter. Every model completely or partialy under the template gets an automatic S4 AP2 hit. Typhus is unaffected.

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Can't really make out some of his rules if someone has better eyesight can they tell me how, destroyer hive, plague zombies work plus what special rules he has cheers


Destroyer Hive: Once per game, in the assault phase Typhus can unleash the Destroyer Hive. Place a large blast over Typhus; no scatter. Every model completely or partialy under the template gets an automatic S4 AP2 hit. Typhus is unaffected.




I thought I read something like that, but the letters were so tiny!


That is amazing.

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I guess I'm kinda bummed that the Manreaper is losing the Poison special rule...his Daemon, Force, Poisoned weapon is real nice...


Also, the Destroyer Hive:


"Once per game, in the Assault Phase, Typhus can unleash the Destroyer Hive instead of attacking. At the start of Typhus' Initiative Step, place a large blast marker with the hole centered over Typhus (this does not scatter). All units (friend and foe) suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models from their unit that are at least partially under the large blast marker. These hits are resolved at Strength 4, AP 2 and have the Ignores Cover special rule. Do not count Typhus when working out how many hits are scored. Wounds from this attack cannot be allocated to Typhus."


Soo...he's like Yriel, except Yriel's is S6 AP3. I think this attack is AMAZING for cutting down heavy infantry, regardless of a couple potential friendly kills. Feel No Pain!

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Plague marines/plaguebearers getting killed by the destroyer hive? Stupid. They are already infested by it up to what used to be their ears. Should be like the plague tower's explosion of filth and not harm friendlies marked by Nurgle.
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Step One: Pop Typhus in with a squad of non zombie cultists to kick off the tally.

Step Two: sing "Come mister tallyman, tally my bananas"

That is . . . wicked. I might just have to do this. Who says FnP got nerfed in 6th? :P

Seriously, if that works, you can field a shambling horde of 3++ armor-ignoring undead that wound on a 2+!

What could stand before us?

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Plague Zombies:


"Any Cultist unit in the same army as Typhus can be nominated as Plague Zombies. Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain, and Slow and Purposeful special rules, and cannot purchase options. They are armed with a single close combat weapon - any guns are used strictly for the purpose of clubbing their enemy to death!"


The tactic doesn't work for two reasons. #1: Typhus must be in combat to unleash the Destroyer Hive (it's instead of attacks, which you can only do in combat), and #2: Plague Zombies are not "followers of Nurgle" to benefit from the tallyman because it is clearly defined as "any Daemon of Nurgle or model with the Mark of Nurgle". So, no easy pop'n'boost.

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Plague Zombies:


"Any Cultist unit in the same army as Typhus can be nominated as Plague Zombies. Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain, and Slow and Purposeful special rules, and cannot purchase options. They are armed with a single close combat weapon - any guns are used strictly for the purpose of clubbing their enemy to death!"


The tactic doesn't work for two reasons. #1: Typhus must be in combat to unleash the Destroyer Hive (it's instead of attacks, which you can only do in combat), and #2: Plague Zombies are not "followers of Nurgle" to benefit from the tallyman because it is clearly defined as "any Daemon of Nurgle or model with the Mark of Nurgle". So, no easy pop'n'boost.


Well that still doesn't undermine the tactic of using them as sacrifices. What I'm still wondering is, if I bring 20-30 of them, and get Typhus into combat with those zeds all around me, and pop Destroyer Hive, will that count towards Tally for the rest of my legit nurgle followers? I'd gladly spend what? 80 or so points? ...for a full Tally early in the game? Yes please.

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Plague Zombies:


"Any Cultist unit in the same army as Typhus can be nominated as Plague Zombies. Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain, and Slow and Purposeful special rules, and cannot purchase options. They are armed with a single close combat weapon - any guns are used strictly for the purpose of clubbing their enemy to death!"


The tactic doesn't work for two reasons. #1: Typhus must be in combat to unleash the Destroyer Hive (it's instead of attacks, which you can only do in combat), and #2: Plague Zombies are not "followers of Nurgle" to benefit from the tallyman because it is clearly defined as "any Daemon of Nurgle or model with the Mark of Nurgle". So, no easy pop'n'boost.


But wouldn't they still count towards the tally since they are getting killed by a unit/charachter that has the mark of Nurgle? But you have a point, probably not as good as first glance would suggest.

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True, definitely not as good as 90 fearless plague zombies that wound on a 2+ and have a 3+ FnP save, but... you could still take nurglings as a 13 pt, 3 attack, 3 wound model that wounds on 2+ and ignore armor. Gotta take daemon troops anyhow, if you field the Tallyman. They're a bit more mobile than plaguebearers, as they're not slow&purposeful iirc.
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Such a wondrous tactic!


Thanks guys! Now THIS is what I want to read, not the endless whining over deficiencies of the codex.


Would also work wonders against a blob squad with stubborn/fearless (those blob squads also happen to have T3 mostly, so would really die easilly)

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Another big question: IF you put Typhus with Zombies or cultist, do you put him in the from of the unit (T3 but 2+ armour, can probably save tons of zombies) or in the back (basicly buying him extra wounds for 5p each). I'm leaning towards the later. It might also be an idea to put a small unit of plague marines with typhus just behind the zombies. That way you can just jump Typhus over when you need to. Ideas?
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He got a points bump, but then again PMs a so sick now and his ability to make cultists zombies will be handy since they'll be so hard to shift. He also got an extra WS which is kinda refreshing since he'll be able to turn support hqs into mulch and not be shredded so easy by fighty hqs.


He can also only take spells from nurgle.

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