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Grumbles about the weather


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I'm guessing i should probably get around to doing this bit and seeing as its miserable as sin outside, now seems a good time lol.


I used to be a member on hear a long time ago as i was building a diy chapter by the name 'the fists of dorn' but i eventually realised how impossible a halved black and yellow scheme was and surrendered.


After a long power armoured hiatus to visit a xenos world im back, but i appear to have fallen fowl of the imperium and been swayed by the whispered words of the dark gods.


Or in a more nomal approach.

*stands up*

Hi, my names mark and im a wargamer.

Im 36 years old and have about 25 years wargaming experience. The memories fading but long ago i started our with the 2nd ed space wolf army box (for the grey fuzzy haired ones amongst us it had bjorn, ragnar, ulrik and njal in it).


Since then i have probably visited most races though the wolves were always ascendant. A while back i sold off my wolves and started a diy project (see above) then had a visitation into the realms of the eldar. That didnt really work as their all to frail and fiddly for my rather blunt tactics.


Then a week or so ago i saw the new chaos hell drake and i was sold. Dark vengance boxed set followed on and im now on my way to making a 'Word Bearers' force and taking my first steps down the dark road.


Hope everyones well, good luck and happy gaming.



*edit* i call it typolexia, but in reality my fingers aren't as fast as my brain and typos ensue.

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Im stuck here in the lovely wet n windy blighty and only a few miles in from the coast.


I share your pain brother. Never lived more than 5 miles from the coast and always on a hill... :) Hope you aren't suffering from the floods.


On terms of power armour, best of luck with your filthy, traitorous Word Bearers. Looking forwards to seeing how they look when you complete them, the weather's ensuring plenty of staying in time to paint after all. ;)



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No, fortunately i live far from the floods and misery. In the flattest wettest art of england. Norfolk...and no theres no extra limbs/toes/fingers/eyes etc lol.

This coastal malarky is all knew as i spent about 10 years living in Milton Keynes and grew up wargaming in central london. Can claim to have been one of the original suckers for the original gw store at hammersmith lol.


When theres something worth mentioning i will post up a blog of sorts, but so far i have only managed to get the bellbrute airbrushed and inked. Still lots to do with a real brush.

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