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Going Chaos

Verythrax Draconis

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The new Chaos releases finally made me turn renegade - the stars are right! I'm planning to get the Dark Vengeance minis and the Chaos bundle with the codex - I believe it will be a solid base to build an army, for cheap. So, I'm here to ask: where should I go after that? I already have a Chaos Land Raider, and some marines I plan to convert after I get some extra bits. My idea is to get some berserkers and/plague marines, from what I know about them from the 5th edition. What you guys think?


The other thing is the choice of legion/chapter/warband. Any news if there will be god-specific lists this time? I'm considering Iron Warriors (since silver/gold is easy to paint, I'm a really bad painter, and it would match nicely with the new mech-things) or Astral Claws - so here is my question, reading the Lexicanum, I understood that the AC turned renegade, but only went to Chaos after changing their name to Red Corsairs. Is that correct? If that's the case, AC is a no go.


Other idea is to create my own warband, but I'm seeking for a color scheme that would suit undivided/khorne/nurgle squads at the same time. Maybe bleached bone, with brass trim, or Alpha Legion (but I have no idea on how to achieve that blueish purple tone in a easy way). Word Bearers seems like a no-brainer, but painting that dark red must be a pain. Suggestions?

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Firstly. Welcome to Chaos.


Second. Only go with the bundle if you want everything in it. It's not cheaper, it's the same price as if you'd ordered each individually. It exists for convenience and probably hoping you think it's cheaper and won't check the math.


3rd. As someone who has only ever painted marines dark red. Is not that hard. The old scab red needed a few coats, but wasn't hard. And the new Khorne red only needs one or two coats. But yeah. I suggest Word Bearers all the way.

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Firstly. Welcome to Chaos.


Second. Only go with the bundle if you want everything in it. It's not cheaper, it's the same price as if you'd ordered each individually. It exists for convenience and probably hoping you think it's cheaper and won't check the math.

Thanks for the advice - but all the contents are interesting to me (considering the rumours, anyway) and I'm getting it for a better price than the GW site, fortunately.


3rd. As someone who has only ever painted marines dark red. Is not that hard. The old scab red needed a few coats, but wasn't hard. And the new Khorne red only needs one or two coats. But yeah. I suggest Word Bearers all the way.

Well... I'll consider it, since WB fits nicely the contents (maybe not the mechs, but maybe I can paint then differently, with that Warpsmith with the same color to match, like a Dark Mechanicum allied attachment. Do you (or anyone else) what's the best wash color to give that "burnt" look to dark red?

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Welcome into the chaosy bunch


1) as stated above, the chaos pack isn't cheaper, and you probably won't need all the new stuff at the start, so i'd suggest to pick the units you like most, and expand a little later


2) The full rules for the zerkers and plaguies haven't been leaked yet, so we don't know if they remain as useful in this edition. The plaguies will probably lose FNP, since that's a slaanesh icon thingy now, and both are elites ( unless you pick a Khorne/ Nurgle lord), so i'd wait out for them as well. If you want to start right away, the DV box seems abour right, and you could be quite happy about the chaos battlefource ( 10 marines, 5 possessed, 3 bikes and a rhino, which would allow you to have a fair number of models, i don't know how well they will fare on the battlefield however.) I'd wait to see the rules before investing in a load of models.


3) The Astral claws have indeed become the red corsairs, the Word bearer paintscheme works really well, and isn't that hard, red with silver trims, some parchments or scriptures, and you're good to go!

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Welcome to Chaos bud. Wait for the codex and read everything before you decide what to get, the options may even help you make up your mind on a legion/warband. Either way, start with your HQ of choice and the troops, get those out of the way and work up from there.


Word Bearers are sorta the do-all of Chaos, so they are good for anyone to pick up and start with. Astral Claws are nifty as well and have a long tradition with chaos (Huron was a second edition character that was removed in 3.0 and 3.5). You can look up all the legions and find the one that suits you best, they all add something different to the table fluff wise.


The plaguies will probably lose FNP, since that's a slaanesh icon thingy now, and both are elites


Everyone who has seen the codex is saying that the plaguemarines still have FnP, but ONLY plaguemarines still have it base.

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Like smurfalypse said. WB are the do-all(well besides black legion, but BL does it to be strong, WB does it to be all-inclusive to revere chaos as fully as possible) and they love Daemon engines, so no trouble w/ the mech, however they are less likely to have a warpsmith(Darioq-Grendall of course being an obvious count-as exception), but each host is different and yours could well have one allied or true WB.


But yeah, I'd still wait for the codex.

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Other idea is to create my own warband, but I'm seeking for a color scheme that would suit undivided/khorne/nurgle squads at the same time. Maybe bleached bone, with brass trim, or Alpha Legion (but I have no idea on how to achieve that blueish purple tone in a easy way). Word Bearers seems like a no-brainer, but painting that dark red must be a pain. Suggestions?


There's a couple of warbands on Lexicanum that could be good for this:


Company of Misery:



Their red colour matches with Khorne, while the misery and despair theme is synonymous with Nurgle.


Alternatively, going with your bone and bronze suggestion earlier, there are the Punishers.



Bones are a common theme with both Khorne (skulls) and Nurgle (death and decay).


There is also the Reborn. Noted for having corroded armour, yet in a colour that suits Khorne just as well as Nurgle, or, just like all the above, an undivided warband, meaning you could go anywhere with any of these.



Now I'll agree some of these are probably pretty tough depending on your painting level, but details like the flames and skeleton aren't stricktly necessary. With practice they could be a good way of helping your HQ's and Champions stand out. These are just fun, more personal alternatives to the Legions, who are alot more 'mainstream'. Just ideas, hope it helped. :)

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As a note: Plague Marines and Berzerkers are both elite choices, as are the hell brute and chosen from the dark vengeance box. If you take a lord with the mark of Khorne or Nurgle, then you can get 'zerkers or plagues as troops respectively, but that still may be more elites than you want so early on, especially if you plan on picking up some terminators some day.


So you may want to pick up more cultists or basic chaos marines instead of those cult marines you're looking at. Or, alternatively, just pick one primary alignment for your force, take a lord with that mark, and get a couple of just those cult units.

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Now I'll agree some of these are probably pretty tough depending on your painting level, but details like the flames and skeleton aren't stricktly necessary. With practice they could be a good way of helping your HQ's and Champions stand out. These are just fun, more personal alternatives to the Legions, who are alot more 'mainstream'. Just ideas, hope it helped. :)


Thanks a lot, those suggestions are great. I was thinking on something pompous and shiny, and using a rusty version of if for the plaguemarines. The Reborn seems nice, but dunno which colors to use to reach that effect. I was thinking about a golden armor with silver or black trim, but I want a "orange gold" tone (like this, maybe), so suggestions are welcome :)


And thanks to you all for the input so far, I wasn't aware that those types of units are elite, and can be only used as troops depending on the mark of the lord ;)


Please keep it coming!

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For the reborn, I'd try black primer with screaming bell as a base coat, layerd with Hashut Copper or Gehenna Gold before a wash of maybe Reikland Flesh or Seraphim Sepia? I don't know for sure, I would have used Ogryn Flesh under the old range, and haven't tried the new equivalents yet. Then layer again with copper or gold before maybe an optional highlight on just the most prominent edges of more important models with Auric Armor Gold.


For the corroded effect, water down a nice turquoise color - maybe Kabalite, Temple Guard, or Sotek - to an almost washy consistency, and paint it just around the recesses, around the trim, and bits where two pieces of armor meet. If you've got a local GW store, the store manager should be able to help you pull off the effect.

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If the new metalic 'base' paints cover anything like as well as the old foundations, then you might want to consider picking up screaming bell as a base coat anyway. Otherwise, the process is the same, you just have to find similar paints. Orangey copper/gold type colors, reddish brown wash, watered down turquoise into the recesses on corroded models.
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Welcome to Chaos!

As it seems, you are putting obstacles to yourself. I did it as well when I started Chaos. I mean like Warpsmith is too IW to be in my WB and so on. That's why I have made my own warband. I have chosen the dark brown color scheme.


However, I would wait for codex before obtaining Plague Marines and Berzerkers. As far as I know, I think there will be much of customization possible for regular Chaos Space Marines. From the point where I have seen it, I will maybe drop some berzerkers from my regular list (I usually play at least 3 squads) and put in some more regulars.


For the official legions. If I started again, I would go for Black Legion. Colour Scheme is simple and you can do practically whatever you want. It's like doing DIY official.

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Thanks Jiron.


I'm getting more and more inclined to do my own warband/minor undivided chapter, cause I can't get comfortable on having nurgle and khorne marines under IW, as example.


In fact I'm not even sure if they will be good options in the new codex, but I prefer to keep my options open - I don't want to start a second chaos army just to field some unit.

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Hi folks!


Please, I am going to build an army of chaos marines allies to my orks 40k, and I am looking at the new models. I have the new starter set, and I would like to know about the best minis do you think now, if the raptors are okay, or the claws guys.


I know the codex is going to launch yet, but it would be good to have some bets in order to get them with the discount! ;)


Like Verytrax, I was going to build Iron Warriors, but I think now an independent army would be better to me, so I have freedom of choice between my units, hehe!


Thanks a lot!

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There are alot of changes that people havnt taken in account yet. The reason that Nurgle was so popular was that he gave FNP and Tough boost, now the FNP goes to Slannesh.


Plagues were popular because they had T5 and FNP. The rest of nurgle didn't in the 4e book. That's still the case now - plagues stil lhave T5 and FNP, and the rest of nurgle still can't get it. Slaanesh stuff can get FNP via a banner, but it's expensive and can be shot out from under them, and noise marines as a cult unit still probably aren't as good as plague marines, though without seeing the full rules of either I can't say that definitively.

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I've spent the night thinkering, and I'm almost set in doing a Khorne-aligned warband... I can't feel confortable doing an warband that have Berzerkers, Chosen, Sonic Marines ans plague marines - I knoiw I wouldn't have slot for all of these, but they are all something I wanted to have at my disposal for lists.


But I can't see it working, fluffwise, under a single banner. So I will go with Khorne, since the chosen will look better with all those mutations (better than IW or AL at least) and allow me to use berzerkers - that way I can maximize my choices - even expanding to the FW Khorne daemon engines in the future, if I wish.


I want to have at least some Nurgle units in the future, but I will use them as an allied warband, with proper Nurgle/DG theme - otherwise, if I want all my army to be nurgle-themed, I would need to convert the hell out of it - and I don't think the maulerfiend and the helldrake would look good in nurgle drab :)

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