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Transport Questions


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So I have a question as to the finer points of transporting units. I would like to transport my terminator Chaplain and 2 separate (5) man teams in the same Land Raider Crusaider. So the end question is can Termi units and reg units ride in the same LRC?


I'm working out of the black Templars codex which reads;


"An LRC can carry up to 15 SM or 8 Terminators"


I realize it says 'or', but I'm wondering if that is in reference to the unit cap of that particular unit type or the limit to one unit type period.


Thanks for your responses

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dswanick and Grotsmasha, you may be wrong there, and it all depends on what 5 man teams the OP wants in the LRC. If it's both halves of a combat squadded unit, then he's fine to do that, they can go in the same transport. If not, then of course you guys are right.


As for capacity, pyroknight gives the best analogy. I believe that sort of wording is used in latter Codices, and certainly is in the rulebook with Bulky etc, so expect to see that used soon.

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dswanick and Grotsmasha, you may be wrong there, and it all depends on what 5 man teams the OP wants in the LRC. If it's both halves of a combat squadded unit, then he's fine to do that, they can go in the same transport. If not, then of course you guys are right.


As for capacity, pyroknight gives the best analogy. I believe that sort of wording is used in latter Codices, and certainly is in the rulebook with Bulky etc, so expect to see that used soon.

I would like to transport my terminator Chaplain and 2 separate (5) man teams in the same Land Raider Crusaider. So the end question is can Termi units and reg units ride in the same LRC?

"2 seperate (5) man teams" "Termis units and reg units" - the only unit I'm aware of which can mix TDA and PA in the same unit is Space Wolves Wolf Guard, and they can't Combat Squad. :lol:

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First off thanks again, you've all cleared up some confusion, and to clarify a little more here was my thought.


The plan was to try and make a multiple LR army comprised of a handfull of terminators and the minimum force org requirements in a 2000 pt list. The main issue comes down to point distrobution obviously, so to try an cut down on points, I wanted to run a termi Chap as the HQ and put him in an LRC with the two troop choice 5 man Crusaider squads. If the case is that I cannot put multiple unit slots in the same LRC, with transport capacity limits in mind, then I need to put them into separate transports, which takes necessary points away from the rest of the list.


If you guys have any suggestions that would be great. I'll try and finish a potential list and throw it up here sometime soon.



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If your running 2k points, you need a minimum of 2HQ and 4 Troops.


However, as the force organisation is doubled you can pick up 6 Land raiders from heavy support, and another one from the terminators (if im right in thinking the wording is something like " 1 terminator unit may take a landraider as a dedicated trasnport")


No idea of points costs, but after buying your 2 HQ's (and an Emperors champion) and 4 troops, you can probably only field 4 landraiders.


If you went for blood angels though, you could fill your boots as even their troop choice can take land raiders, and whilst you still need the 2 HQ's at 2k, you dont need the champion...

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If your running 2k points, you need a minimum of 2HQ and 4 Troops.

No, you do not need them. The second FOC is optional - if you don't want to take it, you do not have to.


Indeed you only need them if you want the 6 Elites/FA/HS.

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Well that shows my inexperience with the rules. I had no clue that taking 2 HQ gave you 6 elite etc. I've thought about making a BA army, but I really like the capability of customizing my chappi thru Templars. That's not the only reason, however an important one.


As it stands, I think I will only be able to run 3 LR. I've thought of putting the two crusader squads in las plas/ las backs but that's pretty expensive. I want to have at least 2 5 man cc termi teams in reg LRs, and at least one reg termi squad with assault cannons, but I don't know how to spread the points right. I obviously want my chappi in one of the cc teams, so perhaps I need to run him and a larger cc team in an LRC, put the reg termis in reg LRs. So 2 reg termi squads w/ACs, and a 7 man cc team w/chappi in an LRC? Have the EC walk across the board alone? Hah.


505 pts for a 5 termi squad w/2 ACs and tank hunters in a LR. (x2)

That leaves 990pts for troops, the LRC, the cc squad, the chappie, and the EC.


So here is the list. I don't know if it would even be effective, however I think it would be quite fun to play.


HQ: (165pts) Master of sanctity w/ term armor and lit claws

(140pts) EC w/accept any challenge

Troop: (200pts) 2x Crusader squads (5 man) with a melta, multi melta

Elite: (215pts) Terminator CC squad (5 man) w/furious charge

(255pts) Terminator squad (5 man) w/2x AC and Tank Hunter

(255pts) Terminator squad (5 man) w/2x AC and Tank Hunter

Heavy: (265pts) LRC

(250pts) LR

(250pts) LR

Total pts: 1995



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Well that shows my inexperience with the rules. I had no clue that taking 2 HQ gave you 6 elite etc.

Just to be clear, it is not taking 2 HQ that gives you 6 elite; it is the point limit of the game.


At 2000 points and above, you may take 2 primary detachments.

A primary detachment is your normal Force Orginization Chart (FOC).

One FOC is:

1-2 HQ

2-6 Troop

0-3 Elite

0-3 Fast Attack

0-3 Heavy Support

0-1 Fortification


For each Primary detachment you have you must take at least 1 HQ and 2 Troop choices.

For each Primary detachment you have, you may take 1 Allied Detachment

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  • 1 month later...

At the risk of being branded a troll, im looking for some advice on transport usage.

specifically drop pods.

you disembark from the pod in the movement phase once it lands and because its "open topped" you can also assualt in the assualt phase of same turn...is this right?


again apologies if this is been discussed elsewhere, im more at home on a bike :)

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you disembark from the pod in the movement phase once it lands and because its "open topped" you can also assualt in the assualt phase of same turn...is this right?

No, for two reasons :

1. The BRB forbids units from assaulting the turn they arrive from reserves. And Open-topped doesn't override this.

2. The Drop Pod special rules specifically state that a unit disembarking from a Drop Pod may not assault the turn they do so.

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2 seperate (5) man teams" "Termis units and reg units" - the only unit I'm aware of which can mix TDA and PA in the same unit is Space Wolves Wolf Guard, and they can't Combat Squad


Could you not run a combated squadded GK Strike Squad with a GK IC in TDA attached to one of the Combat Squads in a LRR/C?


1 x 5 PAGK and 1 x 5 PAGK + 1 x TDAGK


Doesn't the attached IC count as part of the squad for all intents and purposes, so should be ok to ride in the transport as part of a combat squad, as long as thier is room, of course.

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