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Nurgle in 6th?


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Hey guys, I have a cute little nurgle force and I'm hoping to expand on it. Now I LOVE the new chaos models and I'm hoping the rules are just as good, but how am I going to make them nurgle-riffic? I'm mostly a hobbiest, I don't really play all that much. But when I do I love having a fully painted/converted force. But with these new models I can't figure out how I can make them... nurgle. Like the dragon, do I make all his cables into organic tentacles? Should I make :) grow out of him? I just DON'T KNOW. I've never had this kind of artistic block yet, maybe it'll come to me once I get the models.. any ideas from nurgles favored here in B&C?
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I have to say i'm having the same problem, none of the new models scream nurgle to me.


For my plague marines i like to have the armour as plain and undecorated as possible as i think this fits with the death guard fluff. the new models while nice have far too much decoration to fit with my current force to the point that im actually starting a new undivided army black legion or word bearers as i think these new models fit perfectly.


I could see the new forgefiend being easily converted to nurgle though just make it obese like dragging its stomach across the floor maybe take off the arrows and other undivided stuff on it.


As for the dragon i cant see it i think its far to sleek and dynamic looking, i'm probably going to get one of those plague drones from forge world and just 'counts as' it.

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I don't honestly think you need to do too much - you can go very much over the top in a manner that just looks too much like you've got and converted it en masse. Subtle conversions and GS work, imho, are more suitable for such minis.
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What sort of Nurgle-aligned warband are you scraping together? Straight-up Death Guard veterans? 'Fresh faced' Renegades of your own design? The Cleaved? The Purge? The choice is yours!

All of these offer terrific modelling options, but anything can be turned to Grandfather Nurgle's purposes. Carve 'em up, add some distended green stuff or fantasy zombie guts, and go to town!

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I plan on using a Jabberslythe converted for my Hell Drake in my Nurgle force...


I was thinking a zombie dragon would make a nice nurgley hell-turkey, but I'm not going to spend the money on it to find out. I have been eye-balling some paper models for a hell-blade. Lots of flat areas = hard to screw up.

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I plan on using a Jabberslythe converted for my Hell Drake in my Nurgle force...


I was thinking a zombie dragon would make a nice nurgley hell-turkey, but I'm not going to spend the money on it to find out. I have been eye-balling some paper models for a hell-blade. Lots of flat areas = hard to screw up.


Potentially, combined with the old Zombie Dragon - but given the ball joints it's probably more effort that it's worth.

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