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Chosen Terminators?


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I'm pretty excited about the possibility of fielding Abbadon and an army of chosen terminators. I have heard people on other sites who claim to have the codex or have seen it at gamesday both claim that Abbadon unlocks them as troops and that he doesn't. I have also seen the photo of the summary at the back of the codex and chosen terminators are not on it. Can anybody help me out with something a little more concrete than just a "yes they are" or "no they aren't"?


Thanks for the help guys

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I'm pretty excited about the possibility of fielding Abbadon and an army of chosen terminators. I have heard people on other sites who claim to have the codex or have seen it at gamesday both claim that Abbadon unlocks them as troops and that he doesn't. I have also seen the photo of the summary at the back of the codex and chosen terminators are not on it. Can anybody help me out with something a little more concrete than just a "yes they are" or "no they aren't"?


Thanks for the help guys


People who`s seen the terminator load out page says that the option to upgrade to Chosen is not there.

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I really doubt that "Chosen Terminators" are a thing. They were only a thing in 3.5 because there was no "Chaos Terminators" entry, there was just a Chosen entry and Chosen could take terminator armor as an upgrade at which point they also got a power weapon and combi-bolter. So there will be Termies, and you can probably upgrade any arbitrary number to champions it's just that it will still probably be mostly a waste of points as there isn't a way to make them have 2 wounds for more staying power which is why things like Mega-Nobs and Paladins actually work.
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They could have 2 wounds, back in 3.5.


Pretty sure they couldn't? I thought the +1 wound gift was ICs only, so the only two wound terminators were rubric terminators, which were an upgrade for rubric chaos marines, not for chosen (tzeentch chosen terminators were sorcerers instead, iirc).


Anyway, the 'chosen terminators' rule was wishlisting and has been completely debunked.


Abby making chosen troops is still up in the air - though it has been repeated by reliable sources (it's not on abby's page, but people say its in his army list entry). But those chosen won't be upgradable to terminators, nor will terminators be upgradable to chosen. And while Abby looks pretty boss himself, it remains to be seen whether chosen are a worthwhile unit, even if you can field them as troops. They're very expensive compared to basic marines, not all that much killier, and not at all more durable.

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They could have 2 wounds, back in 3.5.


Pretty sure they couldn't? I thought the +1 wound gift was ICs only, so the only two wound terminators were rubric terminators, which were an upgrade for rubric chaos marines, not for chosen (tzeentch chosen terminators were sorcerers instead, iirc).


Anyway, the 'chosen terminators' rule was wishlisting and has been completely debunked.


Abby making chosen troops is still up in the air - though it has been repeated by reliable sources (it's not on abby's page, but people say its in his army list entry). But those chosen won't be upgradable to terminators, nor will terminators be upgradable to chosen. And while Abby looks pretty boss himself, it remains to be seen whether chosen are a worthwhile unit, even if you can field them as troops. They're very expensive compared to basic marines, not all that much killier, and not at all more durable.

Mounting them all on Juggernauts gave them +1W.



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To be honest, I realized something about those pictures. It kind of clicked in my head when I saw Insane Psychopath say that he looked at the Codex at Games Day but he didn't get to see everything. The Codex that was shown at Games Day was a trimmed down, sneak preview version. Should have realized sooner. I noticed because I was looking at two different pictures. One was the army profile I redistributed on the Cypher thread. Another is of the Armoury. In the Armoury page, the only three melee weapons, the chainaxe, the power scourge and the plague knife. But you look on the profile and there are even more. So it is entirely possibly that there are somethings we're not seeing. Unless someone actually has a Codex in front of them, which would be weird since it is not supposed to come out until October 6
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Yep, all in not yet known about the codex. But we do know a lot allready (which makes me really happy honestly).


I also would love to know who can have the Power Sourge or is this only for the Dark Mechanicus?


Man, can't wait till the 6th :)



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Scourge. In the melee weapons. it doesn't really matter what it's for and who can use it since it's mostly speculation, my point is if the army profile list shows about ten melee weapons but the armoury only shows three before it shows ranged weapons, then the armoury is a sneak preview which may or may not mean that the rest of it is a sneak preview. There might actually be more stuff than what is on the profile list that was shown, there might not be. And it just doesn't apply to weapons, it applies to units. There might actually be a Cypher. There might actually be Chosen Terminators. There might be a way to have an Abby-yabby-doo-wing. That's my point.
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Scourge. In the melee weapons. it doesn't really matter what it's for and who can use it since it's mostly speculation, my point is if the army profile list shows about ten melee weapons but the armoury only shows three before it shows ranged weapons, then the armoury is a sneak preview which may or may not mean that the rest of it is a sneak preview. There might actually be more stuff than what is on the profile list that was shown, there might not be. And it just doesn't apply to weapons, it applies to units. There might actually be a Cypher. There might actually be Chosen Terminators. There might be a way to have an Abby-yabby-doo-wing. That's my point.




Well, wat is known is the list of all the units in the Codex. As far as my memory goes there was no Cypher in that list. (Will have to re-check that) So I am quite sure he isn't in the 'dex.


The Power Scourge is indeed the doc oc weapon.

The Warp Smith seems to have it to:




Then again, as Kol mentioned, much is still speculation as we sure don't have the CSM codex :). Then again I like this kind of speculation.

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The Power Scourge is indeed the doc oc weapon.

The Warp Smith seems to have it to:

No it's not. The Warpsmith have something else I can't remember the name of just now...mechatendrils? They include a meltagun and flamer.


A Power Scourge is an old 2nd ed weapon option for the dreadnought, and according to pictures it will have a chance of decreasing the Ws by D3 in CC in the new codex.

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And yes, that is what the Power Scourge was in the old dex. It is in the new Dex though. The only reason I brought the thing up was to show that the leaked pictures of the Dex are leaked pictures of a, well let's call it the "Preview Dex" for brevity's sake and obvious reasons. The point being that if not even all of the weapons are shown, there is a very good chance that either not all of the units are shown, or their options are shown.

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Well the PS(for short) have the special rule "flail" in the summary, and in the bit with the nice pictures of weapons, the "Flail" rule is explained as -d3 Ws in btb contact or something. I can't remember and cba finding the pic atm. On my laptop and in a hurry! :blush:
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They could have 2 wounds, back in 3.5.


Pretty sure they couldn't? I thought the +1 wound gift was ICs only, so the only two wound terminators were rubric terminators, which were an upgrade for rubric chaos marines, not for chosen (tzeentch chosen terminators were sorcerers instead, iirc).


Anyway, the 'chosen terminators' rule was wishlisting and has been completely debunked.


Abby making chosen troops is still up in the air - though it has been repeated by reliable sources (it's not on abby's page, but people say its in his army list entry). But those chosen won't be upgradable to terminators, nor will terminators be upgradable to chosen. And while Abby looks pretty boss himself, it remains to be seen whether chosen are a worthwhile unit, even if you can field them as troops. They're very expensive compared to basic marines, not all that much killier, and not at all more durable.

Mounting them all on Juggernauts gave them +1W.





Not if they had their termy armour on, it stopped them riding steeds, probably couldn't get up into the saddle.

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The point being that if not even all of the weapons are shown, there is a very good chance that either not all of the units are shown, or their options are shown.



I hate to be a pessimist, but I have to disagree here. Given GW's track record, I think all the units that are in the Codex, we know about at this point. Several people claim to have seen the codex and say there are NO chosen terminators. Nor is there a way to make them so. Honestly I don't really see what the big deal is. I never really liked the 3.5 dex anyway, 2.0 was much better... ;) But that's a personal opinion, and people are allowed to like what they like. But I highly doubt chosen terminators will in fact exist.

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The point being that if not even all of the weapons are shown, there is a very good chance that either not all of the units are shown, or their options are shown.



I hate to be a pessimist, but I have to disagree here. Given GW's track record, I think all the units that are in the Codex, we know about at this point. Several people claim to have seen the codex and say there are NO chosen terminators. Nor is there a way to make them so. Honestly I don't really see what the big deal is. I never really liked the 3.5 dex anyway, 2.0 was much better... :) But that's a personal opinion, and people are allowed to like what they like. But I highly doubt chosen terminators will in fact exist.


But a warpsmith costing less than 120 points, armed with power axe, flamer, melta gun, +2 armour, abillity to decrease enemy cover save (GOLD!), repair vehicles on 4+ and curse enemy vehicles, will be there! From his profile he can take even more stuff from the chaos armory and also a mark of the gods.

Hehehehe, my I have an excuse now to convert my old Warsmith model with servo arm ^^


Edit: ps. I wonder if "Shatter defences" will stack...I.e. will it be possible to field 2 warpsmiths and completly demolish a +5 cover save to nothing? Would be very interesting if that would be the case, and in particular in large 2000 points battles where it makes more sense to field 2 of them ;)

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