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2nd Stormraven weapon load?


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Since 6th arrived I've been enjoying the novelty of a Stormraven that doesn't get instantly destroyed, so I'm thinking of investing in another one!


The first one is used as a DC/DC Dread transport and has the TL Multi-Melta, the TL Assault Cannons and Hurricane Bolter sponsons, and works pretty well (in 6th - it never lived in 5th), able to take out two tanks in one pass if I get lucky, and put out some serious anti-infantry firepower as well... in the last game where I used it I particularly enjoyed zooming up to some Long Fangs in a ruin and wiping them out, before switching to hover on the following turn and sending my DC and DC Dread after two separate Grey Hunter squads... but anyway.


I'm thinking of configuring the second one as a dedicated long range vehicle/flyer killer with the Lascannon turret and the Typhoon Missile Launcher, leaving off the HB sponsons.


Does this sound reasonable? How have you been configuring your Stormravens in 6th?



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if your going to go with a pair of Ravens, I think it would be good to take a Twl MM on both (so much better then a Twl Hvy Bolter)


and then dedicate one as anti-armor with the Twl Las Can, and the other as a lawn mower (anti-infantry) Twl Assault Cannons, Hurricane Bolters, and maybe Twl Hvy Bolters but only if you are very confident in your other low AP shots, you run it like that and you are looking at 7 twin linked high strength shots, and 12 twin linked bolter shots, that will put a hurting on alot of stuff... I personnally love the MM so much that I would always take it since it gives both Ravens an anti-AV threat and the ability to double out charactors possibly.

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I'd run 'em both TLAC/TLMM/HB.


I only run a single Raven, but even there have almost never needed the extra range a TLLC or Typhoon would provide, and I'd much rather 1 Twin-Linked MM shot with superpen than 2 non-TL Krak shots. With two Ravens for board coverage you're almost guaranteed to be able to reach out and touch whatever you need to.

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I'd run 'em both TLAC/TLMM/HB.


I only run a single Raven, but even there have almost never needed the extra range a TLLC or Typhoon would provide, and I'd much rather 1 Twin-Linked MM shot with superpen than 2 non-TL Krak shots. With two Ravens for board coverage you're almost guaranteed to be able to reach out and touch whatever you need to.

Agree with this. I've playtested Ravens and originally thought TLLC was superior. However, I found while the Bloodstrikes pair best with the Lascannon, the fact that once their gone means that your fancy 200pt model only has two shots.


The TLMM pairs with the Bloodstrikes upon arrival for AP1 antitank (or for dogfighting too). By Turn 4, most targets requiring a Lascannon are handled-- which is why you have the TLAC and Hurricanes for end-game squad killing. A pair of these may even inflict more wounds than a pair of Baal Preds (more points, but Flyers). Or play all 4 and make any light Infantry-list cry.

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Was considering hurricane bolters but i just don't think i need them, they would be nice, but i would prefer to bulk my main force.

If they were side heavy bolters, i might have gone for it, but can't think of much av ten that could survive asscannons and melta.

Heavy bolters bring more flyers into the line of fire

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All outfits of the Stormraven have their uses.


The question you should be asking yourself is what your list lacks atm. If it lacks anti armour equip a raven with just that.

If you could use more anti horde (because your army is heavy mech) just go that route.



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Don't forget the meta is switching to horde again. Guard being the most common allies and now cultist squads. Hell, even the nova invitational was won by a foot list. Keeping all that in mind, I'd say stay away from the las cannons and go for assualt cannons or plasma cannons. The multi melta up front and being able to nove 36" if need be is plenty of anti tank IMHO.


I run two ravens with mult melta/plasma/hurricane and they work amazingly well. Btw, plasma cannons are a personal preference since they can open up terminators and paladins like they're wearing t-shirts. If you have another answer for av2 and prefer the assualt cannon, by all means use the assualt cannon. Otherwise, give it a try and see what happens :D

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I have been using both Asscan and Plasma, and both are very good. I agree with that you have to think about what you are fielding elsewhere when you are equipping the raven. One annoying thing about the plasmacannon is that you cant shot it if you are shaken/stunned. No blastweapon snapshots allowed. BUT an asscan can fire 4 snapshots with rerolls...that will give you some 6's.
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Was considering hurricane bolters but i just don't think i need them, they would be nice, but i would prefer to bulk my main force.

If they were side heavy bolters, i might have gone for it, but can't think of much av ten that could survive asscannons and melta.

Heavy bolters bring more flyers into the line of fire


Hurricanes cost less than 2 additional tac marines (or ~1.5 ASM), and provide the firepower of 6 prescience'd Bolter Marines. Even

if the marines could rapid fire shots and charge into combat, and survived both rounds, the Hurricanes still come out on top with damage potential.

(4 Bolter shots, 4 atks on the charge, 2 atks on opponents turn = 4x S4 AP5 + 6x S4 AP- for the marines vs 12x S4 AP5). Plus the HBs

offer 2 additional weapons to be destroyed, protecting both the TLMM and TLAC.


Fielding the raven as just a tank-hunter means you're spending 200pts on a vehicle with one role. What happens if your opponent

doesn't bring any vehicles? For just 30pts/ea your ravens become able to handle or help with virtually any role on the battlefield, from

heavy tanks to flyers to hordes of light infantry.

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