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6th Ed Question

The Crimson Cartel

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Hello Brothers! It's been an awful long time since i've posted on the boards (pretty sure I failed a challenge, so if I need a failure banner, please let me Know) and even longer since i've rolled the dice. Some background then: Perhaps a month or so before 6th dropped, life hit in a big way and kept me from devoting much if any time to my favorite hobby. Fast forward up to now, and i haven't played a single game of 6th. In fact me and a groups of buds have at most, played 3 or so games of "retro" 5th. And to be honest, I can't say that i'm too keen on learning 6th. Especially if I "need" to re-convert models, based on some of what i've heard/read. So, to my question (which probably belongs in the general discussion, but i'm BA at heart.) Does "counts as" still exist in 6th? Because in all honesty, there is no way i'm tearing down my stuff, especially all my conversions, custom jobs, etc. ANY feedback is most welcome. And by the way, feels good to be back amongst the B&C community again! Cheers



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No, PWs aren't generic anymore. But most of the special characters rules are very specific what their weapons are (at least since the fAQ) so its not an issue.


My Tycho and Dante are homemade figures.



As for HG/VV you just have to worry about whether the weapon is a sword, maul, axe or spear. They all cost the same just work a little differntly.

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You'll be fine! Counts-as is no problem, especially for homemade Specials (my Astorath is custom from the Sanguinary Guard box).


And welcome back! No need to shy away from 6th edition, I'd encourage you to dive on in! In my opinion these are the funnest rules GW has published yet. I'm loving it, especially since GW has been johnny-on-the-spot with publishing FAQs, and the vast majority of kinks are already worked out.

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Counts as was never a rule.


But you friends can do as you wish.


The idea is, the other player should be able to look at your army a know what everything is.

Allies has made that harder.


I used to use empire knights with skull heads as weight cavalry, easy to understand.

Using harpies as ork boar boys, less so.



Could fire warriors be sniper scouts, I'd argue no, not in pick up play.

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Man up and learn 6th. It's a much better game and you can counts as all you like.


Some models have been FAQ'd so thay have to be armed with whatever the GW model is (Dante, Astorath) in the game But as long as your opponent knows what model it is, then they should know what rules their weapon uses, even if it looks like a sword, etc.

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Man up and learn 6th. It's a much better game and you can counts as all you like.


Some models have been FAQ'd so thay have to be armed with whatever the GW model is (Dante, Astorath) in the game But as long as your opponent knows what model it is, then they should know what rules their weapon uses, even if it looks like a sword, etc.

Using Astorath as an example, his weapon has specific rules. So whether its modeled as a sword/axe/spear/broken pencil tip who care. The rules don't change, my Astorath is swinging a two handed sword, in game play its all the same.

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Man up and learn 6th. It's a much better game and you can counts as all you like.


Some models have been FAQ'd so thay have to be armed with whatever the GW model is (Dante, Astorath) in the game But as long as your opponent knows what model it is, then they should know what rules their weapon uses, even if it looks like a sword, etc.

Using Astorath as an example, his weapon has specific rules. So whether its modeled as a sword/axe/spear/broken pencil tip who care. The rules don't change, my Astorath is swinging a two handed sword, in game play its all the same.


Thanks JamesI, this was the response my question was aimed at. I kept reading all the new threads about weapon specific stuff, and the "look at the model" threads as well. I've built my own models for near all the Characters so far, so I was a bit anxious about it. Thanks to all for clearing it up



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