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Heldrake conversion log/tutorial thread

Warsmith Aznable

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Breaking off a new thread for this:

I've done some thinking about it, and I might kit-bash a Valkyrie with a Storm Talon. Dark Gods of the Warp help me, I might do it tonight.

EDIT: speaking of the Heldrake, of course.

Please do it. Listen to the voices.

Then post pics.

Did some mock-ups in Photoshop. Kit-bashing with a Valkyrie ends up with one of the same problems that the original model does, which is a large, uninteresting rear-end. Then I thought about the wings from a Storm Raven added to a Storm Talon to make it a Mega Storm Talon:

EDIT:Image removed for space

I think I like this. Which means I will have to bits order the Storm Raven wings, so it won't be completed tonight. But that's OK, because I have actual house chores I should be doing instead of hiding in my Dark Mechanicus Forge laboring over my mad designs. <_<

Household chores notwithstanding, I busted out the hobby saw and the blue-tack and had a go at it, cutting the wings off my "Chaos Storm Raven" I'd been using as a Storm Eagle (I'll fix it later; I hardly ever use it and wanted to rebuild it anyway).

Front oblique:


Front profile:


Rear oblique:


Top profile:


Luckily I cut the smaller Storm Talon tail assembly off just at the right point. The Storm Raven tail assembly matched right up to the edges, and with a little putty and plasticard everything should blend right in nicely.

What do you think so far? I'm already decided that I like this hella better than the Hell Turkey, though I know some of y'all like the new model a lot. But for the few of us who aren't all about daemons and corruption and whatnot, I think this is a very stylish alternative. $45.50 for the Storm Talon, then about $15 or $20 for the Storm Raven wings and engine bits off of eBay, and BOOM! an evil flying machine from the Warsmith's forge that looks nothing like a Thanksgiving roast.

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It looks sick so far, I am looking foward to seeing it painted.

Thanks, so am I! I want to at least have it all assembled by this Saturday to show the guys at the LGS.

I did a rough comparison between the official Heldrake and my WIP counts-as, which people may find interesting. Or not, whatever, it's late.


Dimensions roughly similar, good enough for a counts-as, I think. The GW model has a slim profile, so if anything opponents shouldn't complain because they'll have better LOS. I wish there was a top-down view of the GW model for comparison, but I think it should be good.

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Straight from the GW website.

Thanks KS, I didn't see that.

I eyeballed this based on the wing length comparison from the other picture:


So I think I'm still looking OK. The angle was kind of wonky, so my conversion might actually be larger than shown here based on the large oval base sizes. I guess I'll find out when the model hits the stores locally in a couple of weeks.

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Btw have you check out the "Thunder crow" kit from puppetswar? Here is a link to see if you are interested in kit bashing this for future flyer projects.




Looks quite cool to! But also very small in my opinion unless that base is bigger than it's 40K counterpart.


For now I think building a Heldrake out of plasticard and green stuff isn't a hard thing to do as others have mentioned also it consist out of a lot 2D flat surfaces.

It just depends on what you want to have as a flyer.

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This thread is now a tutorial/conversion log. I appreciate the kind encouragement, also. And no worries BtW, the Iron Hounds remain mutant free and proud of it! This will be the ride of Skull Leader from now on, and I'll give him two wing-mates of Hell Blades eventually.

First up, pictures of me cutting up Storm Raven and Storm Talon bits.

The Storm Raven wings:


The bottom side of the Storm Talon tail-boom:


The side view of the Storm Talon tail-boom:


A comparion of the Storm Talon and Storm Raven tail-booms, to emphasize why I switched out:


I don't know how many pictures you can put in a post in a normal discussion thread, but the bulk uploader in the gallery has four slots, so I'm going with that. More to come shortly.

When I was cutting the under section of the Storm Talon tail-boom, I was trying to match the line of the top part of the boom to the line of the top part of the Storm Talon body to make the final assembly look like it was all one structure, built that way on purpose. It's assuredly a little off, but I think I eyeballed it just about right. More in a mo'...

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Cutting up the Storm Talon...

I had a halfway finished Storm Talon laying about that I wasn't sure what to do with. I originally bought it to convert into a counts-as Blight Drone, but I after 6th edition forced me to drop the homegrown allies scheme I was using for 5th, I had a bunch of Land Speeders I used for that instead. So the Storm Talon was assembled but for the wings and armament when I set out on this adventure early this morning. In a fit of inspiration I walked out onto my porch in the middle of the night and sawed the tail-boom off, taking a wild guess as to where would be a good idea to do it. So anybody else making their own version of this thing doesn't have to do that, here are some pictures of the cuts I made on the Storm Talon body.

Side view:


Top view:


It wasn't the straightest separation I've ever done in the name of mad science, but certainly not the worst, either. A little putty was going to be needed to make the body and tail assembly work together anyway.

I also trimmed off the hard-points on the nose of the Storm Talon. I think the regular Storm Talon looks kind of busy in the front with the missile pods, and since I'm no longer converting this into a Blight Drone I don't even need the slimmer stripped down hard-point, so off it came:

Side view:


Front view:


The next post, which will be momentarily, will show the gluing of the tail-boom assembly to the body.

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Moving on to the actual assembly.

There's a large gap between the tail assembly and the body, so thinking ahead to the future putty work I added some internal support structure for the green stuff. This way I won't have to stuff a pound of putty into the hole to keep it all from falling out. I may add some more internal bits in there too, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, here is two lengths of popsicle sticks glued into the tail assembly before gluing the tail to the body. Each was slightly over an inch long:


Matching the tail to the body on the bottom:


Matching the tail to the body on the top:


Matching the tail to the body on the side:


See that bloody great open space in there? That's why I added the popsicle sticks.

That's all I have for right now. Later on tonight or maybe tomorrow afternoon I'll be figuring out how to attach the wings to the body, and by Saturday night at the latest I think I'll have the aircraft fully assembled with chaos bling. I'm going to wait on the weapons to verify the load-out options when the codex comes out.

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Didn't get as much done as I'd hoped to have by now. I forgot about Brother Nihm's challenge to paint a bog standard CSM, so put off working on the wings to knock one out right quick.

So anyway, I did do the putty work before I did that:



Unlike the CSM I knocked out really quickly tonight, I can honestly say that this was the best I could do. Putty is not something I am good at yet, but at least it's not full of finger prints, so that's something. I tried to match the contours from the Storm Talon, and I think it's good enough to pass. The puttied areas will be mostly hidden by the large engines.

Oh yeah, and I broke off one of those stupidly fragile antennae things. Will have to fix that. If you do this conversion, put those things on dead last.

I'm going back into the hobby room to puzzle out attaching the wings.

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Got the wings attached; the putty and glue are drying right now so that's it until tomorrow night. Here's what I did tonight:

After trimming the last bits of old Storm Raven off the engines (not shown), I constructed a flat surface on the wing to mount to the side of the Storm Talon body using putty:


That red stuff you see on there is my blood. Blood for the Blood God, it's a proper modeling adventure now.

I drew a line on each engine covering. They ran in the middle of the engine cowling to help me line everything up right later. A number of variations are possible, depending on where you want to put the engines and how wacky you want to get with it, but I went with this rather normal looking set up.


Next I puttied over the holes and whatnot where the old engines and wings would have tilted up and down. If you wanted to be weird about it and had the gumption, I guess you could still make these wings tilt back and forth. Not my thing, I just wanted a flat surface to help mount the wings.


I talked about wing placement, this is how I did it. I matched the lines I drew on the engine cowling to a contour line modeled into the Storm Talon, then tried to get the tops of the cowlings even with the top of that thing on the dorsal side of the fuselage. Roughly, anyway.


It would have likely been better if I had waited for the putty I applied to dry. I remembered this problem from way back when I did another putty intensive project, but I started this before that thought came to me. To keep things from moving around and drying in a weird, gravity influenced position, I constructed supports from Litko bases I had laying about. This way gravity will work with the supports while the putty dries, unless the whole thing falls over in the middle of the night for some reason.


A wider shot of the whole aircraft waiting for the putty to dry so I can add Chaos bling to it:


And that's all I can do until tomorrow. I look to have the whole thing painted by this time next week.

Now I have to go to bed so I won't be sleepy for what will probably be my last game with our current codex later today.

EDIT: fixed image to proper one

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Oh thank the gods. After all the complaining about the image of the new dragon someone else is doing something about it. I personally have nothing against it but thought that something that was more of a vehicle would look better in my Emperor's Children army. Your vehicle looks tops man but I would agree a little demonification would help especially since it's BS3 and "possessed." Here's what I've come up with so far: http://s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/5689871/original.jpg



I designed the layout to somewhat mirror the heldrake so I wouldn't have anyone unhappy with the size/shape.

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Here's what I've come up with so far: http://s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/5689871/original.jpg



That is a boss conversion! Thanks for sharing that, the drop pod fins are inspired. Do you have pictures of the process? I wouldn't mind this thread becoming a tutorial on multiple ways to model a Heldrake.

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Do you have pictures of the process? I wouldn't mind this thread becoming a tutorial on multiple ways to model a Heldrake.

Sure do. I started with one of the doors of the drop pod as the base and then added the valk wings. From there I added the engines, gun and then the secondary wings. After that I added the tubing and cut plasticard for the top (though it looks a little plain still so I need to figure out something for that).





Here's the underside:


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