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Heldrake conversion log/tutorial thread

Warsmith Aznable

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  • 4 months later...

Just an update on the Heldrake conversion.

I took off the spikey bits, put the missiles on it to represent Meteoric Descent strikes, and started painting:


The scheme is based off Roy Fokker's VF-1J from the Macross/Robotech anime. The stripes were perpetrated with popsicle sticks for guides...

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Cheers buddy, any more updates on yours? Love your conversion, very tidy looking


Thanks (and to everyone else who liked it)


I probably won't do any more on it until next weekend. I expect to have it done by this time next week, and will post several angles of the finished paint job.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saw your Stormtalon and Forgefiend in the Tau thread and followed it back here. Great stuff! Can't believe how simple yet effective that Stormtalon conversion is with the raven wings. Looks incredible! And loving the paintjob too :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally just massed the parts I'll need to build myself a drake, so I'll be sure to take some photos and stop by this thread. My ideas are unlike the rest of the sweet stuff I've been seeing here, but I know somone already thought of what I'm going to do.


GW boss: So.. we need a gimmiky flier to sell with the new chaos codex. Ideas?

GW employee: Let's make a rhino conversion kit. Those never get old.

GW boss: We can sell it for 30 quid and the rhino seprate. Genious.

(all the yes men nod their approval with a resounding "hurumph")


Seriously.. I'm uber suprised if this didn't happen at some point.

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I've been delinquent in posting up the finished conversion. I wanted to wait until I replaced the white cardboard backdrop so I could get decent photos.

Gentlemen, the "Hell Storm attack fighter" in all its painted glory:






I am no good at painting the Skull & Crossbones device...

I've got everything I need for his wingman, and soon the squadron will be flying without proxies! Definitely making a third, but not sure when I'll have the Mechanicus resources for it.

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